samedi 8 novembre 2014

Sudden map-load time and fps lag issues on first joining


I've been playing Red Orchestra and Rising Storm virtually every day for nearly a year now so I'm fairly confident that whatever is occurring is due to some changes within the last week or two (either locally, on my computer, or due to something external, like a patch).

I typically play on the 2.FJg servers and consistently clock around 20 or 30 second load-times for each map, even on the larger maps. I never experienced any FPS lag (with the exception of the occasional stutter or two per game)... up until around a week ago.

Now my load times for each map have sky-rocketed, I timed the last 3 map-load times:

Myshkova River = 2 minutes, 18 seconds

Der Iwanberg = :30 seconds (small map, I guess that makes sense)

Winterwald = 2 minutes, 02 seconds.

Also, I have been experiencing severe FPS lag for the first 2 minutes or so of gameplay; I would estimate about 1 frame every 2 seconds at the worst.

I suppose the most frustrating part is being confined to rifleman class all the time now, after leveling rifleman weapons to level 50 quite some time ago, this becomes stale very quickly.

I had overheard another player asking if anyone else was experiencing severe initial-load lag after the most recent update, I didn't have any issues immediately after the update but developed them about 2 or 3 days later (which is odd).

-My CPU is an AMD FX8120

-8 gigs ram

-AMD Radeon HD 7850

If anyone has any ideas what the primary issue is (my guess is that it is related to the update), or how to fix it, please let me know. I'm happy to provide any other relevant info that is necessary.

Thanks for any and all help!

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