vendredi 21 novembre 2014

ScrnBalance - Issues!

Hey, TWI forums. Recently, I've been having some issues with ScrnBalance / ServerPerks. It seems to work fine in solo or on a listen server, but never on a dedicated server. I have two problems:

1.) When deselecting a custom weapon, I'm unable to select it again although the weight still shows in my inventory.

I checked the log, and I get this message:

Warning: Glock18Pickup KF-WestLondon.Glock18Pickup (Function KFmod.KFWeaponPickup.Destroyed:0019) Accessed None 'Inventory'

I've tried this with stock KF weapons in a solo game using no mutators whatsoever, and I still get the message.

2.) ScrnBalance is not wanting to acknowledge the presence of ServerPerks.ini at all.

I've tried running ServerPerks before Scrn in the command line and leaving it out, neither work. Even if I set my minimum perk to something like 1, they all show up as N/A. Nothing I put in the TraderInventory shows up in the trader.

Any ideas? I've tried deleting my KillingFloor.ini, verifying my game cache, and reinstalling my entire server. Nothing has changed.

UCC.log (Cut off, but it has the basics)


I don't know if this should go in the ScrnBalance thread or here, but I'm posting it here. Thank you, either way. :)

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