vendredi 21 novembre 2014

[XMAS]KF-Wiehnachtsmarkt (Pre-release)

Pre-release screenshots of my heavily work in progress christmas map, KF-Wiehnachtsmarkt (which is German for "christmas market". You should Google it to get a better idea of what i'm creating.)

I still have to create a ton of custom models, decorate more of the buildings to look authentically German, and then finally add zombie spawns and paths. After that's all done, I'm releasing the beta, which I am aiming to be on December 1st. I'll use this thread to post all updates as well as answer any questions and gather ideas. I accept all criticism and recommendations, as long as it helps me improve the quality of the map.

Note: Even though I am including a lot of custom content, I am also very careful about optimizing this map, I will do everything I can to keep the map looking good,playing good, and under 80mb. So no need to worry about that. And lastly, even though there isn't any visible in the screenshots, trust me, there is snow falling in the map. and it looks gorgeous.

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