dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Equipment with unique mechanics!

I want to see weapons and tools with unique mechanics in KF2! While KF1 had a plethora of guns, very few items have any unique mechanic or functionality beyond "point and shoot".

Some ideas presented below talk about opening new pathways, which give map makers and players a new twist in possible map designs.


  • mortar launcher you have to crouch down, deploy, aim, drop a mortar in then *PHOOMP*...*KABOOM*; damage concurrent with its difficult use

  • heavy machine guns that are absolutely lethal, but very difficult to control unless you plant their tripod on something steady like the ground or a low wall.

  • throwing weapons such as javelins, tomahawks, throwing axes/knives; hefty damage and momentum, but limited ammo unless you recover what you throw

  • reach weapons like spears, tridents, glaives, etc that offer the advantage of striking targets at a distance, but are cumbersome if targets get too close

  • let's get serious: you aren't firing the awesome power of an anti-tank rifle from the hip - you have to crouch or go prone; it one-shots damn near anything, but it has serious drawbacks

  • manually remote-detonated explosives; dumb mines are nice, but sometimes you want to wait until a choice target or group are in the kill zone.

  • Chainsaw / Fire Axe: besides their usefulness against zeds, they also allow you to fell trees across pathways to slow zeds, quickly cut through sealed doors and blocking debris to open new pathways, or even open holes in sealed doors that can be fired through - at the cost of the door's overall durability.

  • Heavy, large projectiles - like Javelins or nails from a nail-gun - might temporarily pin still-alive zeds to terrain or each other depending on trajectory.


  • Spikes: can be welded to doors, floors, walls, or simply tossed out. Useful for softening up zeds at high-traffic areas like choke-points or on the other side of a sealed door; takes some time to properly weld these to something.

  • land mines, claymores, bouncing betties

  • bear traps: useful for crippling a high-priority target or blocking a mass of zeds in a narrow hallway because they can't get past a zed with its leg mangled in the trap. Takes several seconds to deploy or reset these.

  • razor wire, barbed wire - zeds damage themselves by walking into it, but it eventually gets torn down. Takes some time to string these out properly and affix each end to something sturdy.

  • Steel Bar: can be welded to barriers to increase durability or welded across a narrow hall (or other open space) to slow down zeds. Multiple bars could be welded across narrow halls or doorways to create a makeshift barrier that can be fired through until broken down. Takes some time to do the welding.

  • riot shield; physically block zeds from advancing, stagger them with the shield, but you can be overpowered by enough zeds - or a big enough zed - pushing on you; useful for covering pals and blocking choke points against some threats. Can only use one-handed weaponry.

  • (regular) shield; allows blocking a higher percentage of damage than blocking with a weapon and allows you to successfully block strikes from large zeds, like Fleshpounds, that otherwise could not be blocked effectively. However, you are limited to using a one-handed weapon.

  • speed loaders (magazine and/or revolver); reduces reload time

  • glowsticks, flares, deployable lanterns / spotlights

  • headlamp; provides decent illumination if your gun doesn't have a flashlight attachment

  • grappling hook and rope; doesn't let you reach otherwise inaccessible areas, but allows you to create more direct travel paths. Be aware that specimens may cut the line or dislodge the hook if someone's on the line. Climbing is not particularly fast, so it's best used to avoid a long detour. Useful for quickly descending, though. Only one person can be on the line at a time.

  • noisemaker - a sound loop of someone shouting, clapping their hands, etc; may temporarily distract and confuse zeds as they try to find the source of the noise. If you need to beat a hasty retreat, toss this down an alternate path and then run in the opposite direction. Useful for dividing the number of zeds you have to face at one time or encouraging zeds to take one pathway instead of another.

  • from light body armor to heavy riot gear, a few different classes of armor are available to suit your tastes; heavier armor reduces your capacity to carry other equipment and slows your movement

  • ammo bag: trade some carrying capacity for a little more max ammo capacity; When you're running low, you can switch to this item and open it up to replenish a small amount of your available ammo pool. After use, you have to buy more ammo to put in here.

  • fire extinguisher: douse environmental hazards to open new pathways or save team mates that have caught fire; doubles as a blunt melee weapon or zed-blinding-device in a pinch. Can even be thrown/dropped and shot for an explosion.

  • tank of napalm: can be poured out and later ignited with included cheap matchbook or any other flame. Burns for quite a while and damages zeds that pass through.

  • bolas: made of strong wire and heavy weights, hurl at a zed's legs to tangle them up temporarily, slowing their movement speed and possibly causing them to stumble and fall. Must hit the legs to have any effect.

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