mardi 25 novembre 2014

My Advanced Xpadder Config (X360 Controller Only)

Introduction/Why I Prefer Gamepads
Before anyone starts saying "omg u n00b why u use controller kbm so l33t bro", make sure you read everything I have to say and if you still feel like saying something like that, you can piss off. I've grown up playing on both consoles and PC. I've played on both equally, spending time originally with a keyboard and mouse on PC. I never went full PC gamer because I never had a really good rig. I have just as much experience with a keyboard and mouse as I have had with gamepads. Now that I am pretty much PC only, I still like to play on my TV and not be missing keys when playing games. Also due to wrist problems. playing any game on the PC requireing a mouse starts to irritate my wrists. So around this time last year I switched over to the Steam Big Picture interface and loaded up Xpadder, also disabling the Windows Explorer interface in Windows (I only use Windows for gaming, everything else I do in ArchLinux). I got myself a XBOX 360 Wireless controller adapter and pulled out the controllers from my 360. I felt right at home. Its difficult to set up at first, but then it feels great to be able to play games in bed on my TV. I am actually more effective at games with a gamepad than I am with keyboard and mouse. Unreal Tournament on Masterful or Inhuman? Yup. Left 4 Dead 2 Expert Realism? Yup. Killing Floor on HOE solo? Yup.

Killing Floor and Its Future

I noticed on Twitter today that gamepad support is indeed going to be in Killing Floor 2. Now, that could be a very good thing, or it could be a disaster waiting to happen. One problem that arose in my KF1 Xpadder config was a shortage of buttons. You'll see some of my voodoo magic that got it working farther into this post, but I want to bring up some valid points for Tripwire to be aware of for KF2. First: Sensitivity. You want to make sensitivity adjustable for players, along with acceleration control. One wonderful example of complete crap controller support would be Payday 2 and Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition. Try moving around the joystick precisely and you'll see what I mean. Its so bad in that game that I had to enable Auto Aim just to be able to hit a ****ing Alien Pig Cop that was standing 2 feet in front of me. And that brings me to another point: Aim Assist. DO NOT INCLUDE IT. If you get the sensitivity just right, you will see that it is not needed except for people who are completely dumb. Left 4 Dead 2 on the 360 had no aim assist. Was it a problem? No, because the controller sensitivity and acceleration was perfect and freely adjustable by the player. One more thing to mention, button layouts. This is also very important especially in a game like Killing Floor. You need buttons for Fire, Alt Fire, Iron Sights, Melee Weapons, Sidearms, Primary Weapons, Secondary Weapons, Special Weapons, Quick Heal, Throw Cash, Throw Weapons, Use, Scoreboard (yes I use it a lot when playing medic to see the status of everyone), Reload, and Voice Chat (Yes, No, Insult Specimen, Medic, etc). How in the hell did I get it working with KF1 on an XBOX 360 Controller? Lots of time and frustration thats how. One could say I just use the Mouse Scroll simulation from Xpadder.... no. In KF you need to be quick switching to weapons in tight situations, especially on HOE. Use a Dpad to scroll through guns or Y to cycle through them one by one is completely unacceptable and sadly seen in nearly every FPS game nowadays. Solution for KF2? Weapon Wheel and a Voice chat system that is controlled via Dpad, Unreal Tournament 3 which uses the same engine has BOTH of these. Allow the players to rebind the keys and you are golden.

Enough... How Do I Play KF1 With My XBOX 360 Controller?

  1. Get the latest version of Xpadder:

  2. Download my profile: (save page as killingfloor.xpadderprofile)

  3. Configure Xpadder with you XBOX 360 Controller, add in all the buttons and sticks. (If I remember correctly theres already files you can just grab for this)

  4. Set up KillingFloor.exe with an AutoRun with the profile I supplied.

  5. Now for the hard part, set up your game. You will have to rebind some in-game keys, and I'll explain why later. MAKE SURE YOU RESET YOUR CONTROLS TO DEFAULT.

  6. Set your Iron Sights to Hold and NOT toggle.

  7. Change your Throw Weapon key to 6.

  8. Set Left Control to Toggle Crouch.

  9. Console command:


    set input p pause

  10. If server admin, console command:


    set input W MoveForward | adminlogin username password

  11. Adjust your Mouse sensitivity in-game to your liking. Do not change the profile settings.


  • Right Trigger: Fire

  • Left Trigger: Aim

  • Right Shoulder: Alt Fire

  • Left Shoulder: Melee weapons (1)

  • Dpad Down: Sidearms (2)

  • Dpad Left: Primary Weapons (3)

  • Dpad Right: Secondary Weapons (4)

  • Dpad Up: Special Weapons (5)

  • A: Jump

  • B: Quick Heal

  • X: Reload

  • Y: Use

  • Left Analog: Move

  • Right Analog: Aim* (see notes below)

  • Left Stick Button: Crouch

  • Right Stick Button: Throw Grenade

  • Back: Voice Chat **

  • Left Trigger and Back: Throw Cash

  • Left Trigger and Left Shoulder: Throw Weapon (6) *** (see notes below)

  • Left Trigger and Y: Show Scoreboard

  • Start: Show Menu (Pause solo)

  • Left Trigger and Start: Pause Server/Vote Pause ScrnBalance **** (see notes below)


*Look sensitivity is lowered during aiming to allow for precision shots while allowing quick aiming when firing from hip in those "OH SH!T!!!!" moments.

**Use the Dpad and use the numbers corresponding the the menu options. In cases where you need 6, left trigger and left shoulder, thus why I made you rebind your Throw Weapon key. Left shoulder is 1, dpad down is 2, dpad left is 3, dpad right is 4, dpad up is 5.

***Throw weapon sometimes zooms the screen in. Just switch to another gun and aim down sights quickly to fix.

****To pause server you must be logged in as admin. On ScrnBalance servers you don't have to be logged in to initiate a pause vote.

Final Notes

If you have any issues and it doesn't work the way I said it should work, let me know what your problem is and I'll update the post. This was a quickly written post so its bound to have mistakes. Also one more thing, Vsync and Reduce Mouse Lag options do indeed tamper with your aiming. So play around with it. I'll post my settings if need be, I don't remember them off the top of my head since I am posting this from ArchLinux. Enjoy playing KF1 on your TV on your couch or like me, in your bed ;) (no I am NOT being sexual, I only have a bed in my room, along with a desk chair that is falling apart and leaving crap everywhere...).

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