mardi 25 novembre 2014

How Do I Make a Custom Maplist for DS?

I have a new stand alone KF dedicated server (DS) that now can host KF very well..

This DS is in my home and I do not use it to play KF. It is only used to host games (KF, L4D1&2,CSS,CS-GO) using a high speed Comcast Cable DSL. So I just don't wan't anyone to think that i'm using the KF in-gane Listen or DS. I use another computer with a slower AT&T DSL to play KF and the other games on.


As of now I only wish to run 6 maps. 1 of them is a stock map (ie. KF-Farm.rom) that comes with the game and the other 5 are custom maps that I downloaded from sties like Gamebananna, ModDB and Gamemaps. All of these maps run fine.

For now i'll just call these maps:






Stock_Map_Six.rom (KF-Farm)


My ?'sre:

1. What files in my stand alone dedicated server do I have to modify to only host these maps?

2. If I can do this, how do I list thes maps on that file? (please give me an exapmle of the proper listing format.


P.S. When i first installed the KF game (bought and downloaded from Steam) I added these 5 custom maps along with the 1 stock map to the KF in-game Listen Server using the Host game interface. Using this KF interface I was able to remove all the stock maps and add just the 6 maps i wanted to use. After all the maps played the maps were repeted just like i wanted them to do. This is now what i want to do with my stand alone dedicated server.

Also I'm sorry to bhave to write in a very simple mannor.but i just want to make my problem clearly understood by even some 5th graders that have helped me in the past using simple English. I'm not a programmes or software engineer so explaining things to me have to be very basic.

Please help...DBD

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