lundi 24 novembre 2014

Help Needed w Mutators not Working

As of now I only have 3 muts install., the KF-Slot Machine, KF-Bots and Infinite Dosh. I added them to the KF_Server_Launcher.bat The only one that is working is the Slot machine mutator.

How do you seperatemutators on the KF_Server_Launcher.bat ? I have them listed on the KF_Server_Launcher.bat like this:

"ucc server Kf-BioticsLab.rom?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSercred=tu re?MaxPlayers=6?Mutator=KFMutSlotMachine.MutSlotMa chit?Mutator=KFBots.KFBotsMut?Mutator=?InfiniteDos h.InfiniteDosh"

( all of the above is on one line and without the quotation marks.)

I'm wondering if I have the mutators listed correctly on the string. Do you have to put the Mutator= for each mutator? Or can the mutators be seperated without using Mutator= for each mutator?

My Game playing Win7 computer has KF with all the above mutators working just fine when I host KF as a Listen server.

However. when i use another compute. as the dedicated server, i can connect, join and play just fine. I can even login as the server admin. but I only the Slot machine mutator works.

As of now i haven't been able to login from my web browser as the Web Admin so that's why I need to add the mutators to the Kf-server_Launched.bat file. Please Help... DBD

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