dimanche 23 novembre 2014

KF (Release) Explosive AA-12 Shotgun (v1.1)


A semi-automatic explosive AA-12 shotgun.

As of now the weapon is basically a normal AA-12 with modified projectiles and rate of fire.

In the future I plan to add a custom model and animations along with sound.

This weapon is Demolitions and will level Demo. The Support Specialist symbol is false.

Server perks required for perk progress to save.

2 mutators to allow for weapon spawning at beginning of game and trader list:


TraderMutForServer=AA12Explosive.MutAddAA12Explosi veToShop

SpawnAtBeginningOfGame=AA12Explosive.ExplosiveAA12 Mut


TraderMut=Add to Shop: AA12 Explosive

SpawnWith=ExplosiveAA12 Mutator

THIS IS NOT WHITELISTED (nor will it ever be)

For serverperks/scrnbalance:



((Version History:))

v1.0 (Weapon release)

v1.1 (Weapon balance update)

-Changed fired projectile amount from 5 to 3

-Reduced from 350 damaged per projectile to 150 per projectile (150 x 3 = 450 base damage)

-Changed impact damage from 150 to 50

-Price reduced from 8000 to 5000

-Clip cost reduced from 250 to 150

-Weight reduced from 10 to 6

((Current Bugs:))


-Perk symbol is Support Specialist but is made for Demolitions

-Weapon is under Support Specialist equipment list in trader

Workshop Link: http://ift.tt/1FfYZ8S

Direct Link: http://ift.tt/1FfZ1gX

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