samedi 29 novembre 2014

.44 Magnum and Mk.23 Recoil Bug

"75% less recoil with all Sharpshooter weapons" does not work properly on the .44 Magnum and Mk.23 pistols. Proof here:


I also showcase the 9mm and Handcannon so you can notice the recoil difference that should apply to .44 magnum and Mk.23 as well.

It's quite annoying to have to use .44 Magnum and Mk.23 with this bug, I need to take a lot more time between my shots and exclusively use iron sights unless in close range or I end up missing. Handcannon I can even hip-fire and hit long range shots, that's how accurate it is, but it has a slower ammo pool and it's power is rather overkill most of the time.

Thank you for your time and I hope we'll enjoy a last smooth Christmas event before KF 2 !

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