dimanche 23 novembre 2014

RO2 First Map Project - Looking for some guidance and advice

Hi all,

I've been a long time lurker and only just recently registered, but have been a fan of RO from the very, very, very early years. I've always been interested in creating content for the game but simply did not have the time. I now have a bit of time on my hands and began taking a look at the SDK. A few generic UDK tutorials and articles have helped me out a fair bit. I wanted to hash out a solid concept and then begin blocking out terrain and such.

History has always been one of my more healthy vices. The western front of the ETO has always been a special place of interest for me. Due in large part because of my heritage and my grandfather being a twice veteran who was wounded twice while fighting in Europe. Combine that with announcement of HOW and it feels like now is the right time to start.

My first itch was to create a map based around the US landings at Omaha beach. I have a fair bit of research on the topic done already and already had a very rough layout of how the beach was going to look (see below). That was, however, until i saw the thread on Lallup's project (looks great). I don't want to be in any competition or detract from the hard work of others.


So, what would the fans of the western front like to see? I considered fictional classics like a map based around the Ramelle battle from Saving Private Ryan (i have so many great memories from battling it out on dod_ramelle). I also considered more historically accurate engagements like those of brecourt manor or bastogne.

My goal is to have this thread be a positive place where both the community and i can learn together and hopefully end up with a strong western front themed digital battleground.

I appreciate your time and

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