mardi 31 mars 2015

Attachments to Weapons in general

I would like to see lots of sights and all kind of them but not to mix them up so an AK-47 only have russian military sight and so forth and i would like to see the option to have different bullets for example slugs, hollow point, ap ammo, and as a norm for all weapons FMJs but to get this u need to buy them with dosh that u get from killing zeds. So u switch out all ur ammo for that weapon for example u have the pump with normal 12 gauge and with the AA-12 u have slugs for those dammed FP and scrake and of course for the patriarch.

This is what i want to have in the game plz give me your thoughts on this i would like to hear it.

From the KF nerd that only welds on the maps

Will you ever tell us who gave voices to all zeds?

Would love to know.

Can you kill zeds by hiting them with guns?

Or do you only push them back? Also can you preform that with every weapon? Or only some (non melee ofc)?

HUD problems

Hello Killing floor fans and hopefully someone from TWI.

In this thread we will take a look at some of the hud elements which we saw in the pcgamer videoes.

I will put everything within a spoiler tag, so that it takes up less space



I have 2 suggestions, one does not exclude the other.

1. Give us a "lite-HUD" which removes some of the more useless elements and downsizes the others

2. Give us the option (in-game) to change the hud to our liking, this means the ability to change everything!

Change: position, size (in both x and y axel), pitch (in all 3 axles), remove unwanted elements, remove unwanted animations etc...

Commando and Zerker (current) weapon stats [COMPLETE]

Since I have nothing better to do and am going through videos of gameplay all the time, i decided to compile this list of stats. I am an avid commando player (been using bullpup in KF1 from that day 1 of release, as someone who loves automatic weaponry)... I wanted to get a list of AR stats...but then figured to also do berserker, took me a bit to find AR15 stats, but got them

NOTE: The stats are subject to change at any time)

Weapon (Price €): damage, RoF, accuracy, ammo count

AR15 (200): 20, 500, 50, 20/220 (3-round burst + single-shot)

SA80 (500): 25, 660, 58, 30/360 (fullauto + single-shot)

AK12 (800): 35, 600, 58, 30/270 (fullauto + 3-round burst)

SCAR (1100): 50, 625, 71, 20/280 (fullauto + single-shot)

shovel (200): 34, 60, 71

pulverizer (500?): 78, 60, 2, 5/30

nailgun (800): 25, 150, 2, 42/336 (also has 2 penetration value)

eviscerator (1100): 144, 63, 25, 5/20 (also has 4 penetration value)

9mm pistol: 15, 342, 33, 15/225 (semi-auto)

lawn mower blade: 15, 60 (zerker meelee weapon, commando knife likely the same)


Would you rather wait for all Perks?

Would you rather have EA held off for quite some time to get all Perks available at EA launch?

I know I would. Running around on the servers for a month or 2 with only 4 perks seems....boring.

Congratulations TWI, you guys just killed the hype train

Sorry but I'm pretty mad by now.

"In the not too distant future we'll be doing an invite beta for

Killing Floor 2 in advance of the Early Access launch of the game."

I mean, really? Beta for Early Access? Then what's the Early Access?

Can someone in TWI explain what's going on? There's a lot of problem you can solve just give the community the tools we need, we don't need anymore "beta" or "testing", we are not babies.

So what the hell? Everything in-game is ready to go, and now we have to deal with this?

Perk levels

Since there are now skills that players may choose every 5 levels, does it mean that there are no other perk bonuses at all?

I mean all levels are same except every fifth level? (0lvl=4lvl)

Linux server support information

Linux server support: our goal is to add this during the Early Access dev cycle, but it will come online during the Early Access period some time after launch.


Besides the armor that's already there what about a more expensive type that provides more protection and also a cheaper one for those low on cash and is really only good against the lower zeds.?

Final Wave - Abandon All

Hey there.

I was really excited for watching a whole game of Killing Floor 2, and when it came to the final wave, I felt it was missing something... Something that always came with the Patriarch in KF1. zYnthetic's Abandon All.

That soundtrack always leaves me flooded with adrenaline once we hit the final wave in KF1, with a touch of "oh gawd we're doomed". It goes so well with it, it is just amazing...

I remember having chills the first time I played the game to the final wave and it started playing along with the spawn of the Patriarch, and I thought it couldn't exist a more perfect song for it.

Maybe I'm just nostalgic, but I'm a bit sad for not hearing it in the video of the full game...

It is also a way of players "feeling at home" playing the new KF2, listening to the more charismatic soundtrack of the fantastic old game that everyone fell in love with.

So that's my simple suggestion, play zYnthetic - Abandon All in the final wave! Pretty pls?

Thank you for reading and keep up the awesome work :)

Whitelisted maps.

Most of the people who have played Killin Floor know what happened when TWI dropped the whitelisting - the game went downhill by flooding with high level noobs.

For those who don't know - at the begining only the official maps and some community maps were whitelisted and gave XP, then TWI said - ALL maps will give XP and people started making "Leveling" maps with invisible wall that the zeds couldnt go through but the players could shoot them through resulting in people who were lvl 6 but didn't know a squat about the game resulting in a lot of HoE fails, rage and overall the game started going downhill for me, and I can't speak on behalf of the other people.

Thank god there were dedicated communities and servers from people from this forum so that you could go and play with pros on high dificulties without worrying that a lvl 6 noob will join and kill the entire team by raging a FP or doing something other uterly stupid.

Do you think that in KF2 there will be whitelisting? Are TWI working on a way so that all the maps can give XP but there are no exploits like in KF? What do you think on the subject?

Greylist Custom Maps by Default, Whitelist by Review

As per the title, I think the best way to handle custom maps and leveling is to greylist them by default, and have a whitelist for ones after review.

Hopefully this is integrated with the Steam Workshop so the update situation isn't too bad.

Personally I believe the removal of the map whitelist for KF1's maps was a part of End of Life procedure to help the longevity of the game without the need for maintenance. Since KF2 has taken over as the main project, I think the whitelist is viable again. If it ends up being too much of a workload for TWI, they could enlist the help of the community, and I'm sure plenty would step right in!

Community dedicated servers

Hey all,

I have a dedicated server based in the UK that I'd like to use to host a dedicated KF2 server. Just wondering whether there has been any announcements as to whether this will be possible? I've searched, but couldn't find any info.

Looks like the map editor is being released with EA, so it would be good to get some community servers up and running with custom maps as well as the 3 vanilla ones in EA.

lundi 30 mars 2015

what I don't understand

(Small question)

Why is it that everyone saying the EA is coming April the 1st or 2nd?

Which when the soundtrack is coming out April 21st?

This doesn't make any sence, Meaning that we can just hear the soundtrack in the game then post it on youtube for others to hear than wait a couple weeks for TWI to just release it....

So I highly doubt that TWI will be releasing the EA April 1st or 2nd..

Champion Zeds

You probably know where this is going and are going to hate me for it, but a lot of good mob-dense games I've played have had champions, either because the behavior of the enemies were too repetitive (ahem, clones.) Or to increase the challenge of certain levels over others.

In a game like Killing Floor where you have to give your all just to survive and any deviation to the plan might kill you, adding Zed modifiers over their unpredictable spawning patterns may cause panic, so I'd suggest having them few and be "more special" rather than "stronger" than the other Zeds.

Just a couple from the top of my head,
Bloat: An unarmed dysenteric that leaves a trail of slowing crud behind it. Dies on its own quite rapidly. Doesn't vomit, but erupts when destroyed.

Siren: A faster, snarling siren that rushes at players in attempt to bite them repeatedly. Screams on death, don't be near it when you finish it.

Stalker: A deceitful shapeshifter that appears as a teammate trying to heal you (omit in solo)

Husk: An ex-scientist donning a Horzine labcoat and a ZED eradicator with malicious intent.

Scrake: Missing its mask, and wielding an Eviscerator, doesn't run faster in rage, but launches its blade at you. It only has one, and if it can't retrieve it, it will resort to just mauling you.

Fleshpound: A silent, tanking disaster waiting to happen. Its mouth is welded shut with steel and has been stripped of its adrenaline, but has increased health.

Not including champs for the common clones because they would be highly recurrent. This could be an optional feature, or just a mod, or just something for you to think about.

EA KF2 Dedicated Servers

I have just gotten wind that TW may be ready to release an early access version of KF2. Would it be possible to get in on hosting some of these servers? We have a pretty powerful box located in the Atlanta GA datacenter. Any news about this would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Perk Specific Attachments (automatic)

This is a long shot, but it would be nice to see each class have special attachments/ammunition for most weapons. It might just be another thing to think about in the sliver of time you have to shop, but it would be indicated before you make any purchases.

Commando: FMJ rounds (better penetration)

Support: on-weapon bandolier: (more max ammo)

Berserker: Bayonet/Battle stock (I'm hoping there will be some sort of stamina cooldown for shoving)

Field Medic: Prototype Medic Dart launcher (has ammo)

Sharpshooter: Kobra sight (if there's no existing scope)

Demolitions: 209 nade launcher (must fit, no starter ammo)

Firebug: Light incendiary rounds (may take a few shots to ignite larger enemies)

Gunslinger: Magnum rounds (high knockback by default)

Juggernaut(?): HP rounds (increases impact by .5)

Shinobi(?): Ballistic Bayonet (purchase, one maximum, life-saving. Does not fit most weapons)

It might take some work if something like this is implemented, and doesn't weigh too heavy of a toll since release will have less available classes, but it would really cut down on perk specific weapon variations (eg M4/M4209)

If you have your own suggestions for what each class might have on some of the weapons, list them below. Keep in mind that it should not alter the base price of the weapon and should be balanced so that a server full of the same class could not exploit its modular power.

Isn't it cool how your dosh isn't subtracted until you complete a transaction? From the not-so-clever our thanks to you, TWI.

Less Ammo and Zeds?

I apologize in advance for any Math fumbles.

After watching the HoE and Biotics lab vids again I started noticing the ammo for the AR-15. Each mag for the AR-15 has 20 rounds with a fully filled ammo pool of 240 (including the first Mag), so 12 mags. This is less than half of the total ammo for a similar weapon, the M4 in KF, where you could carry 14 mags that had 37 ammo for a total of 518.

But these are two different weapons in different tiers so instead I compared the SCARs. In KF for the SCARMK17 you could carry 15 mags thats each had 25 rounds for a total of 375. In KF2 for the SCAR-H you can carry 14 mags that each have 20 rounds for a total of 280. While thats still less its not as huge a difference as with the M4 and AR-15.

I think the reduction in total ammo is because it seems we'll be fighting less zeds overall in KF2. In the HoE vid with 6 people the first wave only had 153 Zeds. Then again it might have been less because it was a medium length match with 7 total waves. Im also curious if 7 waves is the new Long Game, or we just haven't seem them play a long game yet.

Is the reduction in Zeds a performance issue? Or are the Zeds so much more aggressive that fighting the same amount as KF would get us slaughtered? Either way I hope the new amounts are balanced without diluting the game.

TLDR: The reduction in total ammo leads me to believe that we'll be fighting less Zeds overall and I hope that its still well balanced.

Who is this and what is this?

Go to this link right here of some Killing Floor 2 gameplay.

Pause the beginning of the video and look at the picture next to the user KFTester5. What is that thing? A new boss? What do you guys think?

Questionable features

Automatically turning around to whatever grabs you:

I can see why this would be in the PS4 version with the low sensitivities and all but I don't see why it should be in the PC version as well. I imagine it would be pretty annoying if you're lining up a shot and suddenly you lose control of the camera and you're forced to focus on whatever grabs you.

Moreover, if you get surrounded there might be other threats that you need to take out first like say a gorefast or a bloat who will deal much more damage to you if you don't deal with them first. Removing the player's choice in prioritization is not something I'm a big fan of.

Fleshpound/Scrake announcing their spawn with screaming:

This was in KF1 for the FP only and to a lesser extent. You would know FPs spawn by their signature grunts. However, they were only noticeable if the FP spawned close-by, the FP spawning wasn't accompanied by grunts 100% of the time and it was hard to tell if multiple FPs spawned at once.

I think seeing a Fleshpound coming out from behind a corner is a much better mechanic than having him announce his spawn globally. Same goes for the Scrake.

These are just some of my gripes with the game but I wouldn't have it any other way than KF2 being as perfect as it can be :IS2:

Question for tripwire! Do zeds still "bleed out"

It was never quite clear in the videos, at least that I could see. Plus it was excellent for sharpshooter and commando to be able no nail a zed good from a distance and know that they'll go down or at least be weakened by the time they reach your team.

MG realism

Hey guys, first of all, incredible game, way to go. I was a squad leader in the army and am currently in the reserves, and RO2 is the most realistic fps I've ever played, and I know y'all pride yourselves on that. So I wanted to just make a couple of, I hope, helpful comments about the MGs that might help improve the feeling of immersion.

1. Regarding changing barrels - I noticed that in the animation for changing overheated MG barrels, the old barrel is pulled out by hand?? This is obviously impossible, it would burn the skin right off your hand. Was the animation done this way on purpose?

2. I've noticed also that you can change your barrel an infinite number of times. My MG gunner only had one spare barrel, in combat situations two; they're very heavy and in limited supply. It would make more sense for players to only start off w one or two spare barrels.

3. Did y'all consider squiggly tracers? Real tracers appear to squiggle as the bullets tumble, and also have very visible bounces and ricochets. Could help contribute to the realism.

Thanks again, and I hope my feedback is appreciated.


Just want to know beside the new bosses will there be more zeds then the ones we've seen so far, all the old ones are there plus 2 new ones, but will there be more?.

Wouldn't mind seeing a zed that could lob's grenade at you, and you could shoot them in mid air or pick them up and throw them back, and would be about the same level as the scrake.

Core gameplay mechanics

Hello, new member here but with 600+ hours on record for the first game.

I really liked how you kept the formula and the spirit of the first game for this new one, but some gameplay mechanics really worried me and put me off.

First of all the FOV. Its just way too low, reminding me of console games. Put that with the new wobbly clunky movement, i had terrible motion sickness just by watching the biotics labs video. Not only that, but it looks like a "found footage" movie like cloverfield or blair witch project. I really hope you are not going for that "cinematic" feeling.

Whats up with sprint anyway, you barely run any faster, but the animation makes it look like you touched hyperspeed. This isnt Mirrors Edge (or even worse, brink which feels alot like it). Maybe it would be suited only for a berserker ability i guess. Whats wrong with how it was in the first game? Everybody knows you run faster with the knife.

Theres no reason to "keep up" with modern shooters and how they try to force that down our throats, cause we all see how they fail anyway, especially in front of CS. And really this is another subject i would like to touch. As a CS veteran (playing since 0.4 beta and my first team match was in de_dust, and yes im close to 30 years old now), the first game felt really great cause it had similarities with cs in a lot of ways. Hell, i even warmed up for cs playing KF a lot of times. Just put in same sensitivity and mouse options (which i hope they are in the new game also, maybe add raw input too?) and play commando with ak47 which had similar pulling down mechanic for the recoil as CS (i really hated SCAR and FAL though cause visual recoil didnt really represent where your bullets went, just like in Battlefield games with their rubber-hosed barrels and random deviation).

The players seem like they are handling weapons for the first time in their lives and dont know how to hold em. Put that along with the fact that the point of view feels like gopro camera attached on someones neck and you get bigger weapons than Bad Company 2 and blockage all over.

Im pretty sure im not the only one when i'll say we need more skill-related gunplay like cs and the first KF in which i know people that still try to find new combos, and less of "realistic" shooters like arma in which everytime you fire anyway you feel totally alienated.

Another thing I noticed (besides the terrible pcgamer people that play equally bad as IGN noobs) is the framerate obviously dropping alot from 60fps. If its hard to maintain 60fps it seems worrying for us 120+ hz ppl.

This is the only game im waiting on for a while now, so PLEASE do it right.

You kept the formula so remember your roots on the gameplay too.

Something unreleated, i noticed that Fleshpounds and Scrakes announce themselves when they spawn. I think it would be better they would do that when you are actually in their vision. And make em sound a bit different cause they sound alike ATM.

What do you think new buzzsaw?

Yes I will call it Buzzsaw 4ever.

It has melee which needs fuel, and from what I've seen in this greedy world, trader will charge you for fuel as well.

Do you think melee will be useful or just another chainsaw?

Hard to talk about primary, as Tripwire failed to explain him (playa who used melee for FP face, and primary for crawler's ***) that you should use primary for big boys, and aim for head.

Server Perks Problem On My LAN Server

The perks effects don't work when I level past level 3 on any perk on my LAN server I made. I have Scrn Balance and Server Perks V7 installed. How do I get the perk effects to work past level 3!?

Colimators are wrong

I don't know why every game does that but I never saw colimators in any game done correctly... for some reason player can see the reticle in colimator without even looking through the sights:

Reticle should be placed exactly on the spot where the gun is going to shoot. That said there is no way to see the reticle unless you're looking through the colimator on the target that is going to get hit.

Is it some kind of problem to do that? Because many games have same colimators like KF2. Or is there any specific reason to do make colimators like this?

Assault rifle penetration

Why assault rifles have no penetration :(

It's not very realistic in my opinion. SCAR for example would be able to penetrate several clots without problems.

Arrow pointing the nearest zed

Tired of running around for 5 mins to find the last 2 zeds

will the game run on dx 10?

will the game use dx 10 as minimum ???

KF2 Digital Only?

So there has been quite a bit of speculation regarding this recently, can a Dev possibly clarify the situation if they are able?

Will KF2 be digital only or can we expect retail copies too?


Does ue4 created map gonna work in UE3/Kf2 sdk (3.5)?

Since KF2 is like much closer to UE4 (3.5) will heightmap going to work if i would like to import that to kf2's sdk or ue3?

Melee Combat

I watched the PC Gamer match and saw that one of the guys used Pulverizer Sledgehammer at various points

I dunno why but, melee combat just doesn't seem as satisfying as I hoped it would be , Like, looking at the Sledgehammer , it just doesn't feel powerful and seems to lack a sense of impact , same for the shovel too

I dunno , the Katana looked really good in dem dev diaries

Is it just me or you guys feel the same way too ?

Lets discuss about the "Blades" piller of KF2 here

dimanche 29 mars 2015

Thoughts on the new zeds

Just a recap of the zeds:

Thoughts of Bloats:

Now i know there is the controversial issue of the nipple piercings still getting people sore, but i still like the new bloat better. In the first killing floor he was slow and weak. In this game mode even without the HOE running, he is still quite formidable. He seems to be quiet a bit a center of gameplay now as he seemed to be giving the players more trouble than any of the other zeds (even fleshpounds).

Thoughts on new zeds (Slasher and Cyst):

Well for me they dont seem to be distinguishable in gameplay from normal clots. They have slight variations to them and you could see the physical appearance difference and slightly modified attacks, they seem like slight variations of clots as the other zeds are way more distinguishable. Unless something changes between now and official release, they are basically different looking clots.

Thoughts of Husks:

They seem to be less common but do the same thing damage and take the same damage, but looks overall better. Due to being less common though, and essentially being the same gameplay wise from the first killing floor they seem to be less of a threat.

Thoughts on Stalkers:

Well due to the overwhelming amount commando gameplay its hard to tell about them as they were pretty much visible in every piece of footage we saw them as it was through the eyes of the commando perk.

Thoughts on Sirens:

Now perhaps sirens have gotten the biggest nerf as they seem uncommon and didnt do much when they were around. I see the siren now being more of a support role to other zeds as it now seems have its sole role in taking out lights and things like that rather than actually affecting the player much.

Thoughts on Clots:

Well there about the same old bullet bait as usual, but the amount of them is now more diluted with their brethren of slasher and cysts.

Thoughts on Crawlers:

Seems to be less of them but equally as much bullet bait and annoying (especially for those who are zerker classes.

Thoughts on Fleshpounds and Scrakes:

Well there about the same gameplay wise but look much better (especially the scrake). Another cool feature i love is the seemingly new ability they have of making an entrance (you hear that guttural roar in the distance). This makes them seem more like mini bosses (which they are).


Well really as far as normal non boss zeds go i gotta say they are revamped but there is nothing really new as far as zed type goes. Like i said the new ones that were added felt like clots with small differences.

-The Clot has turned into the clot family of Mr. Clot (Clot), Mrs. Clot (Slasher), and Clot Junior (Cyst). All of which are pretty much the same and equally as much bullet fodder.

-The siren, husk, and crawler actually have been toned down and are less prevalent in the gameplay.

- Fleshpounds and Scrakes are better visually and make awesome entrances in the game like the awesome mini bosses they are.

-Like i said the bloat was the most refreshing thing to see in this game. Like i said to me it seems to have become the new center of gameplay when the other big guys arent around (much like the siren was in KF1). Hes big and now rightfully so hes tough and takes quiet a few hits. Perhaps im exaggerating but with the number of bloats in game hes almost gone to mini boss status. Which if u asked me i think he belongs where he is now as in KF1 he was way under powered. Kudos to TWI on this one!

- The stalker, well she hasnt changed

Like i said before though im a bit dissapointed that there is no really unique new zeds in the game. Hopefully thats something TWI will look to add later on. The only question marks now is the new boss and how that exactly works with bosses now. Is is 7 rds then we get first boss (new boss) and the another 3 till we get the patriach? Or do they randomly go between the Patriarch and this new guy at the end of the game?

The Voice acting...

It's bad...

I'm just gonna say it and say it's bad. The reason why I say that is cause They just sound...Bland, bold, and boring. They have no real feeling into their voice. It just feels lie I'm going to hear the Resident evil 1 voice actors again.

I just don't want it turn into payday where they act like bots and are not aware of the situation nor have feelings.

But More Like left 4 dead (Best voice actors) where they work their asses of on their screams and are aware of everthing PLUS they always communicate with each other.

Lan ?

Everything in the title : lan support ?

Chambered rounds should add an extra bullet to your current ammo

I noticed that whenever you reload in KF2 without using the full mag it plays a different animation in which your player puts in a fresh magazine without chambering a new round. This means there should be an extra bullet inside the chamber that wasn't thrown away while reloading.

video for reference

As you can see, the full reload allows a total of 20 bullets to be shot, but when a new mag was put in without complete use, his total count was still 20. If it played out how i'm describing, it should be 21 usable bullets before he needs to reload another magazine.

Personally I think this should be changed, i'd like to hear what you guys have to say about it.

Weapon and zed damage scales


Possible music player?

I have noticed that in the gameplay videos is that the start of each round shows the name of the song and the artist displayed on the top right corner of the screens in the HUD.

Does this mean we can make custom playlists and listen to our own music in game? that would be so much better then replacing the .ogg's in the game files back in KF1. :cool:

9th Marines Realism unit (People needed)

Hello everybody I am T/3.Hammond [09M],

I am posting here so the 9th Marines can get some attention currently we have four active players and we are looking for dedicated & hard working players, so if that sounds like you...enlist ! BCT (Basic Combat Training) is a three day program that every Marine has to go through this is the schedule Monday - Wednesday 7-8pm GMT.

If you enlist around the time the post is submitted you will have a higher chance of ranking up quicker Rct. - Cpl.

Any more questions ask T3.Hammond [09M] on Steam.

What I'd like to see in KF2!

Here's a list of things that I'd like to see (or some variation of) in KF2, in no particular order:

1. Missions. Objective mode was a good start, but variety is the spice of life! Tiered difficulty missions with differing objectives would give more replay value than just horde mode ad nauseam. Plus, sticking rewards on to these missions, like new guns to use in the standard survival mode, or even just weapon skins like the Golden AK or what not, would give good feeling of progression to go right along with the new Expanded Perk system.

2. Perk specific objectives/missions. To ride on the coat tails of my last point, how awesome would it be if there were missions aimed at specific perks? Imagine being a Firebug and you're tasked with burning down a Zed infested building while your teammates have to keep reinforcements from rushing the building and tearing you apart? What if you were a Berzerker who had to hop into an arena with a Supercharged Scrake while your teammates watched (and fought off Zeds) from the bleachers? These missions, by design, would be difficult, but would also give the player considerably more advancement on their perks if they succeeded.

3. Exploration mode/Free Play. Probably not feasible, but I think it's a cool idea. I'd like to see some sort of free roaming where we can explore the maps (while still fighting Zeds) without a timer or objective. Keep the traders open, so that we can still play around with all the guns, randomly spawn Zeds, so that we can fight a mix of tougher and weaker enemies and just let us goof off without having to worry about accomplishing anything.

4. More Bosses! After a while, fighting the Patriarch became more sizzle than steak. At first, you get beaten down into the ground because you have no idea what he can do. Once you've played a few hundred matches though, you're just trying to come up with creative ways to kill him. More bosses means there are more patterns to learn, and a feeling of suspense as you try to anticipate who you'll be fighting this round.

For now, those are the only things I can really think of that I would like to see in KF2. How about you guys?

Are we getting that close to EA release? Also thoughts of gameplay.

I mean over the last 3 days we have gotten around a full hour of in-game gameplay with alot shown. Grant it much of it was the commando class followed by berserker next. From what i saw there though there was medic (not even sure if we saw it in action in videos), support, and another perk (circle with equal sign inside for symbol,firebug?).

Anyway thats alot we have seen there so I can only assume that release of EA is close. Can you confirm this TWI?

Anyway what are other peoples thoughts here, we got alot of things shown in here, and not much seemed flawed. Besides amount of content this looks like it essentially does play as a official release game. Id say the only thing that bothered me was that perhaps even though all the perks have a starter weapon that is unique, they all got a pistol as well, which was not so unique it seems.

I have also noticed, and i think someone else mentioned this, that they seem to be pretty resilient as far as damage taken goes, and these guys had the perks at lvl 25 to play with. Perhaps im just used to my sharpshooter class with 1 shot 1 kill at lvl 6.

Btw why no sharpshooter class shown, its one of the original 6 and the only of those 6 perks thats not shown in this gameplay. I mean i know that part of its specialization (pistols), has gone to gunslinger but i cant imagine sharpshooter has changed that much.

Also what was with that katana in that vid, im hoping they just didnt have the perk in that it has but wanted to show it off so they put it in a different perk.

Fallout 3 Easter Egg?

Now I'm probably clutching at straws here, but this scene from PC Gamer's Biotics Lab video really reminded me of Fallout 3. Remember how in the start of the game, you're in Vault 101, and it's your Birthday? The screenshot above looks similar. There's a birthday cake on the table, birthday hats, and 'Happy Birthday' signs.

If not, looks cool anyway! Makes the place feel that much more human and lived-in. Before the atrocities happened.

need 1911's

i dont know about you guys but i waited tirelessly for them to put the m1911 in kf one and when they put the red orchestra update in they added weapons like the trench gun and thompson but neglected to add my favorite handgun i really like that .45 damage but with faster reloading than a revolver

Can somebody explain me why is there no weapon model in 1st person?

It's like in RO2, and RS. Why is that so? Is it so hard to impliment that in UE3 or something?

Varied acrobatic skills for Zeds (Climbing and Falling)

One thing that has always frustrated me in the first game was seeing a Bloat hop on top over a ledge to get to a survivor. And when I saw this exact thing happen in the PC Gamer playthrough I was about ready to eject my bile.

On top of that, Zed's ability to fall from multistory rooftops to get to you has always been a nuisance to me.

I figure that Zeds have their individual weaknesses, so their agility should definitely be one of those things.

If you are up high, Bloats and Fleshpounds can take the stairs. Bloats are too grotesque to be able to jump high, and Fleshpounds lack the dexterity to be able to climb. I figure Crawlers should have the highest agility and be able to climb all over what they please, but generally speaking other Zeds should avoid leaping over a chair in order to reach you, their pathfinding should be limited to them climbing up solid objects that are necessary and efficient.

And the one about falling. If you can kill a clot with a stroke of your knife, it shouldn't be able to fall 5 stories and live. A maximum of 2 stories is fine, with a landing animation to delay. If a Zed is low on health, it should lose its ability to jump ledges. This doesn't mean they take fall damage (although it would be kind of nice to be able to push one to it's death, as long as its you that does it)

themed holiday zeds (would enjoy hearing other's creative suggestions)

did a search and didn't see a suggestion for this yet. i thought i'd give my two cents before the devs started drafting up concepts for the holiday zeds. i really hated the hillbilly theme. the only thing it had going for it was the banjo gorefast sounding like boomhauer, and the cool sheriff kevin. just kind of halfheartedly throwing out a theme here, but how about a beach theme?

  • clots in different colored waterwings

  • gorefasts with fishing hats and metal dectors

  • sunburnt husks (dunno about this one) or maybe some kind of kiss the cook apron get-up

  • crabby crawlers

  • maybe the stalker could be sunburnt instead, or a dorky snorkeling girl in an innertube

  • a saggy siren in a sexy one piece bathing suit

  • maybe the scrake could be the grill master instead, or a lifeguard

  • hunky fleshpound in a banana hammock

  • patriarch could be in a shark costume, or a pirate with a flintlock styled chaingun

dunno what the other boss is, so no real input there. the husk and scrake are kind of weak too. feel free to repost stuff from the original KF forums, make a new theme, or roll with an existing one

Issues with ADS and bullet fire.

Hello. I rather enjoy some of the more 'realistic' aspects that you all have showcased with the game so far, especially with the guns. However, my only issue with them is that when they aim down sights, the bullets magically protrude from the center of the scope, instead of below it, like a real weapon. Hopefully, you might change that in the future, it would definitely work out well on the realism aspect, as well as causing an increased difficulty curve. Sorry if this was posted before, and have a good day.

Add Full Auto for the "AR-15 Varmint"?

I was disappointed to see that the starting Commando weapon is Semi Auto-Burst only. I never use burst in games, I find it wasteful and inaccurate most times, yet insufficient when I need more firepower than a single shot. I prefer to control the rate of fire myself. It's my understanding that in the description on the Vendor page it's a "civilian, semi-auto only version" yet it features burst fire as well, which means to my understanding it would be classified as a "machine gun" same as a full auto version, at least by the ATF in the United States. Since there already seems to be a discrepancy in the description and the fire modes, could you add full-auto for those that want it?

Thanks, really looking forward to this game!

Mod Folder and Gaming Mouse Support.

I don't know how the mod support is being done but the way starbound(and I'm sure alot of other games too but starbound is the only one I'm aware of) does it is fantastic. Essentially there's a folder that says Mods and you place your downloaded mod in that folder and you're done. No merging folders. This makes it easier to find mods later on and remove them if you don't like them. That was something that was a tad of a pain in the *** in Kf1. You had to find the specific files and get rid of them individually in every folder.

The second, and most important thing is please have full gaming mouse support. Kf1 didn't have it and I had 4 buttons on my mouse which were useless because I couldn't bind them to anything. If kf2 had full support like csgo that'd be awesome.

Everything else looks awesome. Great work guys.

About Early Access

Has anyone not seen this?

Because I just now stumbled upon it by accident.

Le hype is real?


What do they do on Hell on Earth or even any other difficulty that would make them more of a threat?

I know that they should be able to stick on walls and ceilings, but on the most recent (HoE) video they didn't even do that (Or I missed it). But at least they're still douches when fighting them from high ground as melee (as seen in the 30min gameplay footage) and cause you to "jump" over them to the other side.

Do they have any new threatening attacks or abilities that I/we did not see?

Can support resupply from another support?

If he has suppiler skill of course? If so, do you get full ammo back when you do that? Do you get grenades as well?

Also does that mean if there are 6 supports, you can resupply ammo 5 times?

Special death animation for the last.

Simple and solid feature I'd wager. Who don't like a more dramatic slash showy animation for the death of the last Zed on the field? Or perhaps right in the other way around, the last man standing will play a special 'execution' animation with the Zed that delivers it.

Alright! Turn that sad violin music off!

KF2 Pipe bomb hat!!

I am making this request to bring an old and funny "glitch" that was converted to a "ingame feature". The pipe hat was really fun to do and use on boss and if tripwire keeps the anti-stack damage formula, could we see this in the new game?

Gameplay Enhancements.

The gameplay has not changed radically, we just stand still firing Zeds, occasionally running around the map. The game definitely needs improvement, more team assignments allow Zedss to run at the highest level of complexity (above Hell on earth), I think the game will fail if there is not any improvement, in addition to cosmetic. Really guys, think about it.

PC Gamer - Hell on Earth Gameplay

We've got some final videos from our Killing Floor 2 LAN with Tripwire. The first is one of our attempts at Hell on Earth difficulty, KF2's hardest setting, on the Paris map. And below, we wanted to share a video from a single perspective on Biotics Lab (on Normal difficulty), which we didn't see yesterday in our full match video.

will killing floor 2 use dx11 only?

will killing floor 2 use dx11 for minimum requirements and use more then 4gb ram ???:confused:

RO2 How to change language for SDK?

I tried to change the language to Chinese(View-->Preferences-->Editor Language) but failed. It talked that I should restart to make it use. After I closed and restarted it, it was still in English.

Difficulty Indicators

Inb4 "Press tab"

What I'd like to see is some aesthetics towards what difficulty the party is playing, in and out of the lobby. Sure, you could see it in the lobby but it may be interesting to add a visual somewhere featuring a clot or something'r'other in various phases depending on the difficulty chosen, and the amount of players in the room

The difficulty level is presented to the right of the icon, and it shows a value for Zed integrity as well as their increased acrobatic ability and speed.

Easy: Shot bandage on its forehead

Normal: Normal looking clot

Hard: angry looking clot

Suicidal: blood drenched

Hell on Earth: Red eyes, blood drenched

Amount of syringes being put in his back is determined by the amount of players in the lobby. An additional HP multiplier times players is featured at the bottom of the text to its right

During the game, the Zed counter would be perfect to display the difficulty of the game at all times, so people recording don't have to tab or start their recording from the lobby to prove it. Just modify the skull to look enticing during other difficulties. redirect closedown 31/03/2015. Where to next? was great free redirect service. Sadly it is now closing down. Is there any other free or cheap alternatives?

I used Skillz redirect earlier, which was great, but the common problem with publics is that some files there were mismatch with mine, which is annoying.

Suggestion for health bars from enemies

A suggestion for the health bars that are visible for enemies for the commando class (and team with appropriate skills). To allow the commando class to assess the danger of a threat, the health bar should not be percentage based, as in a black bar that shows the 100% level of health and a red bar filling that shows the current percentage of health.

Rather than that, the health bar should show to the player how much health a current target still has. So for clots, the health bar would be really small and almost invisible, while a large scale threat would have a really big health bar and stand out from the other zeds. No black bar needed in my opinion to show the full health of the enemy, because as far as I know, they do not regenerate (oh please let me remember the game correctly).

Care still needs to applied at high damage/high threat enemies with rather small health, as they would somewhat mix into the other smaller health bars. On the other hand, skilled players could tell what kind of enemy they face, should they see a distinguished health bar approach that has been reported by the commando class.

Idea: Berserker - Hold melee swing

Just an idea for the Berserker class, and not sure if it's already been implemented, though I didn't see any indication of it in the gameplay demonstration.

I would love to be able to hold a melee attack (above your head/shoulder) before running into close range and releasing. I think this would give the Berserker more of an edge when timing strikes against certain enemies.

I noticed in the gameplay video that the Berserker miss-timed some of his attacks which caused him to take a fair chunk of damage, with the intended target moving out of view or dying just before the attack went off.

No big fan of the AK12

I'd really rather have the iconic AK47 back, the AK12 is really bland and soulless.

Non-lethal dismemberment

I've seen the gameplay videos, and it seems that you only dismember a zed with your final blow, except for headshots (like in KF1), in which case the zed continues to live for a few seconds.

I think it would be nice in the future to be able to rip a zed's leg or arm off and see how he would react to that, you have a very advanced animation blending system, it would add a lot to the already very rich gameplay imo, for instance you could rip some zed's leg off and see him crawl to you, or try to hop towards you, we can imagine a lot of things :D

and it would fully take advantage of the meat system, what's the point of having 22 dismemberment points if you only see them when a zed dies :(

I don't know if it's planned for the future but I think it's an interesting idea, hopefully it's not too hard to implement

Tolaki Map in the Jungle

Good Morning,

Today I am here to show you a map very pretty for this type of game.

His name is "Tolaki", is a jungle, with the archaeological excavations that is more or less in Vietnam, where he was about to create for ourselves Horzine its new headquarters right close.

It could become a really nice map, I would prefer the views both objective soggettiv, thanks for your time :D


[tolaki] clan!

Tolaki, the essence of life, Tolaki is everywhere, and now Tolaki is looking for come to Killing Floor 2, TOLAKI POWER!

Left Hand Mode?

So,I'm wondering if there will be left hand mode for lefty?

Zed pathfinding


Originally Posted by Slappy Cromwell (Post 1361789)

Bloat Nipple Piercing Watch Update - Month 9 - Day 16

A significant development has occurred on the NipplePiercingGate front as captured in this home video:

:IS2: :IS2:


While we can see that Zed Time's slo-mo accentuate's the fluidity of the Bloat's natural jiggling, it is obvious this pectoral quiver still lacks the cool, invigorating feel of the nipple piercing.

I don't want to nitpick about the game before it's out in Early Access even, but seeing this vid from the Bloat Nipple Ring thread actually reminded me about this.

I really hope we won't see this in the finished game. Even if hitboxes are fine now, to have zeds jump up and down over objects in unnatural ways kind of kills immersion, as well as messing up aiming. I'd rather see them take a long detour around a railing rather than suddenly launch up into the air onto the railing.

Also, bloat breast jiggle physics hype I guess. :D

Less Serious- More Dosh

Lets talk frankly to each other.

The new video from PCG is awesome. I was on the edge of my seat. But there's something missing.

The humour that was present in KF1, is gone.

Nobody said Dosh. The character's lines were all super serious and to the point. I didn't chuckle at anything in the video. I was impressed yes, but there is a void where I expected there to be substance.

So here's a poll:

1. More Serious

2. As Serious as the Video

3. As Silly as KF1

4. More Silly than KF1

Healing abilities should heal Zeds too

Some of you might hate me for bringing it up. I get it. Making the game harder isn't something a lot of people might be okay with.

However, I'd like to put it out there as a potential part of the game.

During the 30ish minute gameplay done by PCG, I noticed that 2 of the 3 times a medic grenade was thrown, it was basically thrown at the zeds. I couldn't see whether or not the grenade ended up healing the zeds, but I think it's something that should be included and maybe put across all the medic abilities (like the darts.)

Mainly, I want it to be a method to try and get players to not throw their medic grenades poorly, or to take better care when firing healing darts to other players. Healing zeds is not a huge nono- considering they have such a short lifespan. However on higher difficulties when enemies have a lot of health and every bullet is important, and accidentally healing a scrake or FP might spell the death of your team.

Congrats TW, I'm 100% confident that KF2 is going to be an absolute hit. After seeing the gameplay video, there's no way I'm not buying it right out of the gate.

Auto Reload Feature


I would like to have an option to turn auto-reload on/off as I wish. There wasn't one in KF and it would cause serious mishaps most of the time.

There has also been a reddit topic created regarding this issue and you can check it if you want.


After watching the video... My suggestions...

Hello Tripwire and all forums members/mods,

I will try to make this as short and to the point as I can. Not to saybad things, I just want to get them across and addressed.

1. It seems like some of the hit detection for head-shot, primarily bloats, need some work. I also don't remember them being so resilient to gun fire before?

2. Melee seem awfully weak compared to the level 6 berserker.

3. I really dig the ZED Time feature, but some people may find it distracting. Will this be an option to turn on and off? Or will there need to be a mod to complete this? Either way would be nice.

4. Some of the animations didn't seem as fluid as I thought they would be. For example, I have seen clots get shot neat a corner and they seem to just levitate around the corner/towards you afterwards.

5. For some of the higher end PC's, will there be an option to have the ZED bodies/parts stay around longer? (like the blood)

6. The compass needs a little work.

7. Sprint animations need some work, not a lot, just a little. Some character look like they're an ape running on two legs.

It's 2 AM here. I'll come back with revisions later.

Good night all.

samedi 28 mars 2015

Looks great tripwire, My thoughts on the SCAR

the full match video was really awesome the animations, blodd effectsweapons, everything looks great. my only request wouldbe to increase the recoil and damage of the scar-h. it looked like it had less recoil than the sa80(i could be horribly wrong) I always loved how in kf1 it was more at home on semi-auto and the full could be used in emergencies. it had a true battle-rifle feel to it, and the kf2 one looks like it'll feel a little more like a scar-l. just my own person veiw, i'd like to hear more of yours.

Tactics Dialog

Tripwire have two excellent game series' in Red Orchestra and Killing Floor and we know very well Tripwire are avid gun enthusiasts who try to make some of the most realistic weapon experiences in a game without losing the fun.

Watching the play-test from PC Gamer magazine I noticed the reload voice dialog said "clip". I'm sure that Tripwire knows the difference, yet here we are. I would like it if the difference could be shown vocally (sniper rifles with clip use the "clip" dialog and box magazine weapons use other dialog) or else just get rid of the word clip and magazine altogether.

Make it Rain

I was watching the full gameplay video and though it is kind of funny to watch the stacks go ker-plop on their side, it was the only thing making up for the lack of humor concurrent to the cash dropping.

Since dropping cash is only relevant during trader time and after you kill the boss, why not have a first person mode while you hold a key that lets you throw different bills of Dosh, sort of like "making it rain" only they land precisely and stack.

You would have to have your weapon put away, but you could choose between $10, $20 and $100 dosh bills using flicks similar to voice callouts while holding down the "give money" button.

Since Trip seems adamant about having things glow, I don't think I'm going to swing at that anymore, but you could change how heavily dosh stacks (and weapons) glow depending on their value.

And instead of having money disappear, I'd have it eventually blow away as a karma prop if it isn't grabbed within 2 minutes.

Suspicious KF2 in Steam. :I

Don't know if anyone has noticed, but KF2 has a suspicious spot in Steam's "Upcoming" tab.

The shady thing is sitting between April 1st release dates and April 2nd.

Yet another hint at next week?

change slow-mo and siren sound

just get new sounds for those things, thank you!

Same guns, same scopes, same sounds?

Why so much rehash? It's been almost ten years.

There should barely be any trace of the old guns.

Been there, done that. I'm over it.

Same stock pistol, same flash light. Pick another 9mm gun, any gun.

Same bullpup, same scar. I'm 100% sick of those guns,

never ever want to see them again.

Why not SCAR-L Mk 16 PDW? Or any of the modern variants. Bullpup has the once again an eotech scope.

4K Gaming anyone??

so im abit of a computer build enthusiast, yknow always gotta have the newest stuff, and i have been playing on 1440p for the past year and am attempting a way to play at 4k with reasonable fps, 60 to be precise, anyone got any ideas? For some more info ill put a link to my current build for all the see. my biggest concern is the SLI compatibility with the current engine and code. i seem to be able to run multiple UE games like KF, and UT on 4k at 60fps not to mention that many other games and engine's are well suited for 4k play at 60 fps with the proper hardware. i take the biggest hit with SLI enabled and only see a max of 40-60% gpu usage on EVGA Precision and msi afterburner...any ideas for better performance or maybe an SLI compatibility bits code i missed or nvidia inspector settings?

LINK for computer:

Some suggestions and citicisims.

The game so far from what I have seen.


Vary the gun sounds, the pistol should have some minor variation in each shot. The same exact

9mm round sound every times is really grating. Perhaps have a few sound samples.

Guns used in tight spaces should have some sound change.

Please change the stock pistol to anything else, I've been looking at the same pistol for almost

ten years. Change the way the light looks, use a different gun!!!

All guns need a semi-auto toggle if full auto fire is going to be realistic (inaccurate after first shot).

Scrake needs to rage easier, and needs more health. There's no sense of the damage sponge scrake should be.

Fleshpound needs to be more protected from damage until it rages, people should not be able to kill it easily. I see no respect or fear for the FP like in KF1

Needs option to remove colorcast from zed time. I'm sure it will get old really fast. On most HOE servers

zed time is disabled. White zed time on white map? At 3am it's going to be an eye killer.

Healing should be green, not blue

Menus are not colorblind friendly. Green and red?

Add tracer rounds on machine guns (if there are any in the game). Every 15 rounds should be

a tracer (green or red, green on the communist guns)

Siren seems very nerfed, it should clear a room. The AOE seems tiny. They should be last in a spawn wave so they have the meat shield in front of them. AOE needs to be greater.



Why no sound effect variation in confined areas with the gun sounds?

Fire in a tiny space, same volume and sound. Fire outside, same sound.

Guns used in tight spaces should have some sound change.

The new voices feel so vanilla, so lacking character.

Killing floor had some really fun sound work. Now the game has lost a lot of character and feels more generic and disposable.

Too many weapons from KF1! are the demo guns just placeholders? Same sounds, same everything?

Too many weapons from KF1 that people dislike, like the vlad. Vlad is worthless.

No environment damage yet that can see, is there any? Not even cracked glass?

Welder should have visible smoke/ fire. The weld should look hot, not ice blue.


Unchangeable complaint:

Graphics look dated. UE3 is 11 years old.

World model animations.

Just been wondering, will there be any improvement to the world model animations this time in Killing Floor 2, or the animations are just not finished yet.

For instance: the pistol slide, the slide of the pump-action shotgun will move with the hand that slides it, character actually putting an new arrow to the bow, magazine actually got detached from the weapon, etc.

Music sync.

Thread title said enough.

For games that support VOIP while put their soundtracks accompany players very closely along the gameplay duration, it would be nice to have an option to ensure everyone is hearing the same track.

Because whenever someone is using VOIP to speak while having stereo turned on in the background, you will hear their the soundtrack sink through their mic. And for Killing Floor that has been featuring aggressive soundtracks of metals and others alike, which awesomely fits the game's theme, the moment would be ruined for your ears as you hear two different aggressive tracks clashed together.

Which according to experiences of my own, is bad... like you're-dealing-1-damage-with-each-stack-of-dosh-tossed-at-a-Zed bad.

Achievement unlocked: Kill a Zed by tossing Dosh at them.

Support's Ammo Sharing Perk questions

I love the idea of the Support being able to share ammo, god knows it would have helped in many games on HoE in KF but how exactly does it work? Is there a specific amount of ammo allowed to be shared each round? Could one person take all the ammo if they wanted to or is there a set amount that each player can take per wave?

Furthermore, and probably people who were paying more attention to the gameplay than I could answer this, but does the ammo that team mates take come right from the usable ammo pool of the support class or is that something separate?

Question About Crawlers

I was hoping I would see Crawlers use the environment more to traverse. What I mean since they are pretty much spiders is the ability to crawl on walls and ceilings rather than just using the ground to attack.

another zed that causes distress

Hello everyone, greetings from chile, I apologize if not understood something right'm using google translator. Good love KF play it five years ago, even game with beer, friends and weed nights are great, but good writing to give my idea.

I just saw the gameplay dek kf2 and this great but should have another big zed, they look and make you think "came up here heading" causing that feeling of anguish of FP. Maybe a zed it harder than fp that is intermediate between FP and SC or something like this in some female sv the killing floor 1 ambien could add to brute of kf same.

And last not related to this post, only one question gameplay difficulty was that?

That would greetings to all e.e

KF2 PC Game Video - Initial Impressions

Initial impressions:

*I love the persistent blood and corpses. It looks great, changes the feel of the game from wave to wave, all around great change. This is the change I'm most looking forward to, and the one that I feel they did the best. The look, the feel, it's perfect and I imagine it will be a huge selling point for the game.

*The reload animations look great. Really great.

*Melee damage seems very low. The Shovel and Hammer did not one shot even basic clots. Odd, considering the difficultly seemed quite low.

*Headshots either seems harder to do or less effective; no more 1-3 pistol shots on a bloat on 6man HoE? A few times players unloaded an entire clip into a bloat. I know the hitbox for head-shots on some zeds in KF1 was really awkward. I hope this is not the case in KF2.

*The new trader menu looks very nice. Clean, simple, well organized, well thought out. Good job here. I'm glad the weapon info includes actual damage numbers, unlike in KF1.

*The sprint animation looks extremely awkward and awful, both in first person and third person. I'm actually really disappointed by how this looks. All the other animations, especially reload, look solid and crisp, like they spent a lot of time on them. The sprint looks rushed.

*I saw a Katana on a Commando. I'm guessing it's a side-grade, since it's not a Berzerker weapon in the Berzerker perk tab.

*Can we remap hot-keys for weapon switching like in KF1? I noticed that players were using the mouse-wheel to change weapons, which is slow and inefficient. I'm hoping that this isn't the only option.

Overall; looks great, and I can't wait to play it.

How do I play the tankgunnery map?

So I downloaded the map file today and placed the file here at D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Red Orchestra 2\ROGame\BrewedPC\Maps. Whenever I go into the game to play the map I cant find it in game. Where is it hiding?

XP Bar after Lv. 25

I realize there's other threads about the HUD at the moment but I only have one thing to reference (since for the most part I like it though I'm always down for customizations).

Was just wondering if there could at least be the option to remove the XP bar once you've reached Lv. 25 on a perk. It stands out since every other part of the HUD serves their functions while the bar @ Lv. 25 is just lounging. :D

UI Suggestion regarding the trader location

I just got to watch the entire video from the PCGamer play session and it was AWESOME! I can't wait to play this!!

Initially I was worried that some of the charm from the original which I loved would get lost but I am very glad to say I appreciate the voice overs and overall cheekiness, so glad you guys kept to the original formula!


UI upper left hand corner was a box for trader location, it didn't seem very intuitive or particularly useful and it was too large imo. I think that needs some work. Possibly making it smaller or maybe just a like compass with little tic/degree marks and a symbol for where it is. It just seemed too big and maybe not so useful.

Thoughts on humor

Personally, the humor seemed to be lacking when I watched the PC gamer match. Given that I have seen people on both sides of the argument for this I wanted to make a thread to see where most people stand.

Personally I thought KF 1 had a good mix and the humor gave it some soul and made it different when compared to every other serious shooter.


I suggested this for KF1, but since KF2 seems to be more about movement around the map, I think it's much more important for this game.

We already have a trader indicator for directions, but why not add a compass to that same indicator? It would be very helpful for seamless communication between teammates if we could refer to cardinal directions.

Consider the gameplay video posted of the PC Gamer crew playing - they had some difficulty articulating where threats were coming from. Eventually they found a good spot where "top" and "bottom" were meaningful enough, but a compass would've helped a lot with this.

"Fleshpound north!" ... "Weld the southern door" ... "Let's move east of here"

Imagine being able to say that? I think it would be very helpful.

Dedicated Servers or at least private groups

Would someone from TWI, be kind enough (If it's okay to say at this point) will there will be dedicated server and if not, will we have the ability to keep groups private? I run a couple of KF servers now and love the webAdmin tool and all the ways you can trick out a match for a group of friends. Specifically if there will be support for running a dedicated server on Linux, like CentOS and such.



Weapon types

i think that's quite interesting. there are weapons that fire electric projectiles, and there's smg section.

now medic has only 1 smg, so it's highly likely that tank perk will have smgs (maybe non sci fi). i think that's highly likely correct because there were some shots from their motion capture sessions and somebody had p90 in their hands.

another very interesting thing you can see is that crossbow has its own icon. that means there are more xbows (or weapons that work simiar to xbow).

The end of the combos?

It might be a minority but for some players KF1 is all about being able to carry off-perk weapons and do imaginative „combos“. If in KF2 the loadout is limited to one primary/secondary weapon at a time, without the option to carry weapons from other perks, this would be practically the end of a subculture. Is it planned to stay this way or is that a limitation due to the early alpha build?

Voice Actors so far

I'm conflicted, on one hand, it's cool that we've got some voice differentiation from the old game, on the other hand, they need to be....more like the first one. Corny Britbong accents up the arse pls

Port in whitelisted Mods from KF1 as options?

I was watching the Gameplay Video that PC Gamer just posted about an hour ago

( )

It felt kind of odd when there weren't kill announcements, such as "KFTester 1 killed a Scrake" or "+4 Clot Kills". I dont think a Vanilla game with no mods would have kill announcements, but they can be very helpful to know that the Scrake under the cloud of smoke is indeed dead, or that you just killed 12 clots with those 2 grenades you just threw.

So I was wondering if sometime during the EA or for the full release if we'd see this as a toggle-able part of the options or perhaps a server option?

With that being said, I know some people probably want as little HUD/help as possible from the game. Such as how you have no crosshair. I personally love it. While I was writing this post up, it hit me that some people might even want LESS HUD than is initially given to you. Another thing I loved doing was making the game as hard as possible when I play solo, so I can get that heart racing action/tension out of the game.

Sometimes I like having more statistics pop up on the screen to tell me how I'm doing IE: Kill counts/streaks and or Damage popups, while other times I enjoy the immersion that less HUD gives. Might we see some options or official mutators to provide this sometime?

PS: I know I ramble alot, this all probably could have been said within a few lines, sorry :P

A riot shield?

Ok, so one idea that came to my mind recently was to add a riot shield to KF2.

It could act as an temporary shield or could be placed down somewhere.

If this would be balanced well I think it would be an awesome addition into the game.

What do you think?

PC Gamer Full Match - 60 FPS Capture!

Listen to dev and PC Gamer chatter as they play through a full game!

Why do you edit screenshots?

Why don't you just give us pure screenshots? Why?

Pure > edited

(downloaded from store page)

Ranked servers. How it will work?

I just saw this in the PC Gamer video. Screenshot

This means that all servers need to do an application like RO2?

Or maybe non-ranked server is displayed when in that game a non-white listed map is loaded or the server has non-white listed mutators running?

4 Serious Questions.

I wouldn't call these question serious but they're serious to me.

1.) I notice that Brair Isn't wearing his mask...And it's bothering and I was wondering if there is a way to put it back on?

2.) So All I'm seeing from all the Gameplay is that the characters we're getting is

-Emo chick

-Asian man


-Dj Skully


-Sgt powers? (The camo guy in the gas mask)

(Not really much) Will we be getting more in the actual game for the early access?

3.) Will the steampunk world be coming to KF 2?

4.) On early Access I've been hearing that the early access players will lose all stats and levels once the offical launch comes out (You'll make the crowd argry if you do that)

vendredi 27 mars 2015

A thought on calling in Rockets

I know that most people are of the mindset that one should never call a rocket strike. Usually, I completely agree. The cooldown time and lack of an ongoing barrage make this a generally ****ty call. I have found one instance where a rocket strike is just what the doctor ordered.

First, there needs to be one key condition: It has to be the last possible strike. IE, if the match has 2 mins or less in it, then rockets are a possible fair game. You should never subject yourself to the cooldown time if another strike is possible

Second, you have to use it in tandem with recon. Rockets are a single strike call, so you cant just put it down where you are pretty sure the other team is going to be. You have to see them.

Third, only call it if you see a lot of red dots on your map concentrated in the same area.

Fourth, only do it if you have a mic and constantly let everyone on your team know what is about to come down. Not everyone will listen, but a bad call will have you back on the server browser long before you know how the strike went down. It is just courteous.

If all these conditions are met, a rocket strike can be absolutely wonderful. I ended one memorable match with a strike that took out 22 guys on the other team. To clarify, in a full server, only ten players were not hit by that strike. I think I only hit a single member of my team. It is a pretty damn fun way to end the match.

[wip] lcvp

I've had interest by a few individuals to work on this project.

1st, let me say "THANKS!" :)

Here's the reference pic I started with, its the main LCVP used by the Coast Guard and Navy. 2 or more were on every LST (Landing Ship, Tank. Affectionately known as Large Slow Targets). The Marine LCVP had 2x 30 cal gun wells aft, rarely, if ever actually used. Again, this is not the Marine version:

Let me explain the file...

It's a 2011 3dsMax file, some stuff may be grouped and will need to be ungrouped to work on.

After ungrouping, there are 41 various LOD and hi-poly models, plus 18 collision models.

All bits will have a hi-poly model for extracting a normal map, plus at least a LOD0. Some bits are designed to drop out at higher LODs so no model is listed or was made. The number at the end of the file names are that model's polycount.

Regarding textures:

LOD0 and LOD1 should share the same UV texture map. In-game the normal map will be suppressed for LOD1. LOD2 and LOD3 should also share a UV texture map. The view distance settings for the various LODs will be done in the SDK.


Start with the Door. It's the easiest IMO, and will be it's own mesh anyways, and have its own textures. The "Kisby", or life preserver ring could also be on its own, and probably should be.


When all the tid bits are mapped, they can be attached to the main model for importing into the SDK. Do not save the file after attaching, you may need the un-attached version down the road and it will be a PITA to separate. There will be a few things to do in Max before exporting as a FBX so the LODs import properly. Of course they can also be imported separately so no worries.

Didn't forget:

There are no "Damaged" models. After all is done, it will be far simpler to morph the models and throw another texture in the Material slot.

Here's a pic of the hi-poly model:

My Father in-law, George Patrick Bressler, piloted this type of LCVP and also LCM3's for the navy during landings in both theaters. He served on the USS Biddle., and continued to serve until being Honorably discharged after being injured in Korea.

A small concern over the new skills

So we've known for a long time that there was gonna be the new skills that you had to choose between in KF2.

We now know what those skills are, and my small concern is as follows

Say you're out of ammo, you run to the support specialist, and find out he's not running that skill, well, you're screwed.

If you're communicating, it's easy, but if you're on a pub, there needs to be a way to see what skills everyone is running or at least, these kinds of skills are obvious to you (say an in game icon signaling someone is running ammodispencer mode)

On a completely different topic: Is that Alan Wilson's voice?

If tha

A fanmade trailer by me! :D

This is a trailer I put together over the last 6 hours. It LOOKS very simple. But believe me: with Windows Movie Maker as my only tool, this took about 4 hours longer than it should have.

The footage you'll see is just randomly cut footage from everything we've already seen.

I have a love for music that could hold a story. I'm a choreographer at heart. So I tried syncing the various footage's to the music as best I could to create a more gritty and dramatic trailer. So without further ado, here is my humble creation!


Rhythmic Flashing White Light

EDIT: The first 20 seconds are pretty much the exact same 20 seconds as the PS4 trailer because the single string of footage matched the music so perfectly as it was.

My favorite part is the double-door bang and the Flehspound 'Clap' :P at 32 seconds <3