lundi 31 mars 2014

Update DLed, has King tiger, IS2! sweet, thanks TWI

Just downloaded the update, has King tiger with new berlin map! It is phenomenal!


April fools! :D (it might yet still have this stuff)

Personal settings reset

Suddenly all my controls are reset to default, tool tips starting to block my view again and I don't know what else!!

Extremely annoying and made me turn off the game in a fit this time. Hope to have the patience to try to remember all my controls but it's gonna take a while to set it up the way I like it.

Please don't delete personal settings like that again!

[Game Type] IJC Zed Defend Closed Beta

Hello Community!

As Jack said there will be something new soon and it’s now time to reveal our new project!

A new gammode!

It is inspired by COD’s Nazi Zombies but still is different.

You have to stand against infinite Waves of Zeds, which get harder from wave to wave. There is no trader time and no trader, however you can find weapons for sale scattered around the map. You can unlock areas with cash. Unlocking an area might give you better fighting sport or better weapons.

To avoid camping, good fighting spots might not have good weapons and you squad will have to go on a resupply run during the waves (only 10 seconds between waves) or stay at another spot which might have good weapons but is much harder to defend.

Zeds only can spawn at fix places like in the KF mod. Barricading the “spawn zone exits” will give you time and money.

In the final version there will be a way to “win”. So you can either get result 1: Squad wiped out in wave 25 or 2: Squad survived 25 waves for example.

It will be easy for mappers to convert existing maps to this gamemode.

Current Status: Closed Beta testing

You can apply here for Beta testing signup.

Beta testers are allowed to post their experience here but bugs and balancing issues have to be posted on the IJC forums.


[Killing Floor Games] Need a team? Post here!

Hello everybody!

This topic is dedicated and serves to let people come together who have no team, simply said if you want to enter the Killing Floor Games and have no team, this is the place to get together.

If you dont know what the Killing Floor Games is, i will direct to you to here:

How does it work?

Post the link of your steam profile and what tournament you like to enter (Beginners or Veterans),

once you posted this information we will put you into a team and when the team has 6 members we will post in the topic and inform the team is complete, it is up to the team to organise further, get a name, agree on perks, sign up, etc.

We merely regroup the people together and let them find people to play with, it will be up to you work out the rest and decide further.

Beginners Tournament:

Team 1

Veterans Tournament:

Team 1

[Killing Floor Games] Sign up here!

Official Killing Floor Games Trailer - YouTube

Ladies and Gentlemen!

My name is Mart, staff member and organiser of the event "Killing Floor Games", with this post i would like to welcome everybody to the Killing Floor Games and open the sign-ups for the games.

Time for some action and events in the Killing Floor Community!

What is the Killing Floor Games exactly?
The Killing Floor Games is a monthly event for the game Killing Floor, it consist of two different tournaments, beginners and veterans, we did this so everybody can enter the tournament and also keep the veterans and advanced players challenged, the event is also sponsored by Tripwire Interactive and Pingperfect.

You can read everything about the event on (please do so before you sign up):

How to sign up?
Easy, just post the following format in this topic, here the format:

Team name:

Team leader:

Team members:

Reserved time slot:

Extra info:

Example sign up post

Team name: Terminator's

Team leader: Arnold

Team members:
Arnold, Sarah, John, T-1000, Dr.Silberman, Miles

Reserved time slot: Saturday 3 May, 4 PM

Extra info:

Saturday 3 May (Beginners)






Sunday 4 May (Beginners)






Saturday 10 May






Sunday 11 May (Veterans)






Something important we have to keep in mind for the tournament?
-Make sure you and your team member read all rules carefully

-When you sign up make sure you have 6 team members

-When you sign up, dont book a timeslot that is already booked

-Once you sign up the team leader of your team will receive a private message with further instructions (To all leaders, keep 2 eyes open on your private message inbox!)

-All times are in CET (Central European Time)

-As of now we will keep the whole event at a limit of 20 teams (10 for beginners, 10 for the veterans)

-At the Beginners Tournament at Sunday 4 May at 8 PM CET Timezone, we will have 5 minutes break, this is because some countries there is a Remembrance of the Dead.

Searching for a team?

Look no longer further, we have a topic where people can come together and set up their team.


You can send me a message here on the Tripwire boards, if you would like to be added to our Steam group just send me your steam profile link and i will invite you! Even if you are just a fan, like to be informed etc.

Extra commentator sign up

Killing Floor Games staff is searching for a commentator for the live streams of the event, if you want to be involved more with the Killing Floor community, this event, this might be something for you! You can send me a private message here on the Tripwire forums if you wish to apply, i wrote a couple a guidelines below so you know a bit what we seek and expect of you:

*Passion for Killing Floor, constructive attitude and got much ingame experience

*Own the game Killing Floor and like to commentate on our live streams

*Can communicate with english, read, speak, write and listen

*Spare free time and like to help out with some small extra tasks during the live streams

*Own a headset and Teamspeak 3 program installed

Maps, an opinion

Right now I feel a lot of the RO2 maps are way too small to replicate combat on the vast Russian steppes. The distances between spawns and where they are located brings on a lot of unintentional as well as intentional 'spawn camping'. The maps in may cases are too narrow forcing a WW1 style of combat, nose on nose charging into fixed defenses. The are so many 'funnels' restricting maneuver for the less creative.

A squad in this era was usually responsible for a 1000m front, 33-36 men, especially in the vast areas of the east. With reinforcements of up to 600 +/- (a 'short' maneuver Battalion) the maps are more a WW1 than WW2 battlefield as you are forced to funnel 'squad' after 'squad' into a defined 'killing field'. The effective range (effective defined as a 50/50 chance first round hit on stationary man sized target) is 250m, many of the maps are scaled far less than that wide, and sometimes not that much longer (Apartments). Now throw in a tank with a 500m main gun, and soon APC's these maps need to be 'opened' up or many of these maps will soon be far more unbalanced than they are now.

I would love to learn how and create effective maps, I have tried, just not good at it, we have a private server and we have folks that are trying. My dream map would be at least 1500m wide 2500m long and a true 120min map. Allowing far more maneuver, and creating a true east front 'steppe' battlefield, caps and spawns a minimum of 250m apart, a company or short battalion friendly, a WW2 battlefield, not the Somme in WW1.

Command presence

I enjoy playing the TL or commander position, to me it is a form of chess. Like a quarterback on the football team someone calls the plays and expects everyone to do what is required within that 'play'. After much experience at this, on the maps in game, and real life, I can 'suggest' the 5 'w's' the Who, what, when, where, and why to 'win' the map, yet there are those that somehow become offended that someone other than themselves are talking or even suggesting how to win other than their own personal (and often secret, as the 'hero' seldom communicates his intent, until he is mad that no one is supporting 'him') plan that everyone else is expected to 'support'.

Communication and co-ordination is required to win the game maps, individuals can not win the game alone. And it is not up to the TL to support 'the hero's' personal game. Sometimes even some form of motivation is required, and yes I threaten to TK here and there when you find a troop really out of the 'net' on how to accomplish the mission. Do I actually shoot them NO, but I put a few rounds near them to motivate them to 'move', and it works.

The real fun part of this game, is all the experts who demand the commander support them (personally) and will not take the TL position, yet are more than willing to 'tell' you as the TL what to do for them and when, but the TL give them a command they go nuts typing or voicing insults and other 'I hate you and your way' messages. My response is pretty simple, just mute me as TL and go play your individual game, best of luck to you, pretty simple I think.

The troops that have played with me as a TL soon understand the concept and we have 'fun' playing together and actually winning some 'unwinnable' maps. A lot of real world tactical applications translate well into the game, once they are understood and demonstrated.

I just enjoy sitting by my radio, playing 'chess' on the map as I maneuver my troops, support them with artillery and recon, quick spawns when needed, and counter the enemy TL as he tries moving to stop whatever we are doing. That is how I enjoy my game, the map and grids are my 'chess board', and my troops are the pieces. And yes there are 'gaps' in the time here where no command (arty or recon) is available, and then you can then find me near or in the 'cap' in question. I can not win the game without being a good commander for all the troops, and I hope sometimes the troops understand their Team role in the game as well. This is a TEAM game and communication and co-ordination are the keys, if you want to play as an individual, think about the rest of the team, go 'do your thing' in your game, and let the rest of us play our game.

Final note: When I motivate sometimes I revert back to my days as an actual Non Commisioned Officer in the US Army, and there is nothing personal intended, just a way to get your attention as well as motivate.


AKA: Serzhant Patapov

3rd round =RAGE= vs DG 6.4 @ 19:00GMT

Match to be played in EU cup #3 on sunday 6th of april @ 19:00 GMT, 22:00 EEST (Finland), 20:00 BST(London), 15:00 EDT (New york). Feel free to correct me if one of these timezones is wrong.

Challenge/booking will be done once the result bracket is fixed.

dimanche 30 mars 2014

Add action to MG for hip-fire

Please TWI can you make it so MG's have to right click whilst standing/crouching to mount the MG to their hip.

The amount of times I've faced off with an enemy MG with an SMG and lost is BS.... the fact I have my SMG in a combat ready psoition and the MG doesn't yeah he can fire off rounds as quick.

Especially with stick on monitor crosshairs this makes the MG a heavy SMG.

Maybe before you release vehicles you could fix this

Thank you

*rage on MG glitchors*

Help in getting achievements

Hi everyone!

I need 5 people who could "help" me get following achievement:

"Warm welcome"

I know it is immoral and probably most of you will be upset, but since almost no player make banzai charge it is almost impossible to get this achievement.

Ideas for RO3

First of all, I have no idea if this is the place to post, I looked around and couldn't find a dedicated place to put the thread. I'm sure there have been threads like this elsewhere but anyway.

I also don't know if RO3 is even being talked/thought about or whatever but here's just some things I've been thinking about.

Something to note, I know that a lot of these things could seem unnecessary or an unrealistic goal but I'm just writing things down.

1. Titanfall like side-AI, I'm not familiar with the limitations server/engine of whatever will be used (ue4 maybe). Just a want.

-for ex. medics carrying wounded away on stretchers

-nothing game changing though, it would take away to have npc soldiers also taking part in the battle, only npcs as is right now to fill the 32v32. 32v32 is a good fit for RO2 and I wouldn't want it lowered.

- I understand this would probably be a pretty big undertaking, once again just a want

- I also feel that the campaign multiplayer already in RO2 could only get better with a titanfall like side scene to tell a story but idk its getting into a whole new point with that

-check out squads section 4, mention something about this there

2. Spawning

- I know this can be tricky to keep the gameplay moving and stuff, but spawning by being brought in on the LCVPs (ex Higgins boats)

-would serve as the spawn delay, but again, I can see where this would slow down gameplay with even a 32v32 game.

-possible parachuting (not really a Russian thing but maybe for dday thing)

3. Mantle

-mantling is one of the things that just felt off for me in RO2

- too slow/clunky

-my ideal mantle is a cross between bf4 (too weirdly smooth) and codghosts (pretty smooth, still a little too clunky)

4. Squads

-squads as is in RO2 feel meaningless to an extent, the orders given by squads are usually not gonna be followed unless you are playing with friends or cooperative teammates (rare)

- I find that squad 1 always ends up with all the riflemen and is too large for squad teamwork (more of a RO2 fixable problem)

-things like squad selection should be more important than it is now, pretty much overlooked by the majority

-I feel that it should be more rewarding for players that work with their squad, and following orders

-dedicated mortar squads or mortars within a squad with multiple players taking care of each piece of the mortar team puzzle, same with machine gunner or bazooka things idk

- the multiple player thing with the mortar or machine gun team could be filled with a npc (npc only maybe) that follows the player around, with the tripod, rounds and ammo, things of that nature to keep players from having the boring job of handling the ammo and such

5. Cover - just a few things

-to make cover better imo, it needs to be seemless

-sprinting straight into a wall could snap to cover

-instead of a 'magnetized' cover system make it a buffer area thing, so that you can move away slightly and still use the cover for blind fire/peaking and not a two point on/off system

-this would allow for smooth movement around the map.

6. Prone things

-while prone completely folding arms and crawling should only be done when in a crawling "sprint" mode, and then while regularly moving have the gun out in front with one hand (if possible) ready to fire

-rolling (self explanatory)

7. Immersion

-camera reaction:

+reaction to explosions or things, involuntary camera reaction

-this would have to be very rare, so huge explosions close to the player

-ringing sound with close explosions

- a hardcore/realism mode makeover/new mode

+disabling any kind of spectating with a screen for waiting on respawn. This would be a good place for the Higgins boats respawn style.

8. Dying (some of the ideas are far fetched/too in-depth)

-Its already kind of in RO2 and this kind of goes along with immersion and would depend on gamemode

-dying by anything hitting eyes/head should blackout screen until time to respawn/spectate. camera should not remain at death location

-losing limbs possibly not insta-death (but still quick) so hold gun for a little longer idk, would need experimentation of some sort

-losing guns when shot in hand like ro1 could be handled in a cool way

-losing a few fingers on one hand wouldn't stop one from shooting something with one hand

Anyway, just a few things. I'll probably add things to this list, I enjoy thinking up things and such...

samedi 29 mars 2014

[Error] Failing to launch, no RO2 folder in Documents/My Games/

I am having fail to start problems.

I have purchased RO2 on steam. Installed it correctly, by itself, verified the files are fine.

When loading, it quickly goes from "performing first time setup" to "Failed to start game (Unknown Error)", all in steam app windows.

I have manually tried running RO2Redist.exe & PnkBuster.

I have tried recording a log file, but there is no RO2 folder in my documents/my games/ section, and thus no config.ini also.

Tried re-installing.

I am running Windows Vista 64bit

GeForce GTX 280


Intel Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz

It's 5 years old (was top of the range), but not failed to play a game yet, only recently stuggling to use max settings on some new games the last year. And well its crashing during initial setup from my guess anyway.

At a bit of a dead loss here, any ideas?


Unknown property in defaults

Ok this is really starting to annoy me.



Log: Importing Defaults for AS50Pickup

Error: OSTKModPack.AS50Pickup: Unknown property in defaults: showMesh=SkeletalMesh'OSTKModPack_A.AS50_3rd'

But my code is what it shows there BUT here is the funny thing! The file does exist in that file with that exact name. Wtf? Any ideas on fixing these because I have this with multiple files and it's really frustrating me? :confused:


Sunday, 30. 8 pm cest. TWIL Stalingrad Cup EU #4 -

I can't to scheduled this match at TWIL site :(

GFA vs LS 28/3/14 stream feedback

As the title says, feel free to give any feedback in regards to the stream that was done yesterday.

Here is the video:

Please bear in mind that i was starting to come down with the cold i now have and so won't be as good as quality ( casting) as i would like. Brain was hardly working. For this reason tomorrow's stream MAY be canceled at least from my pov.



RO2 New Map? WoW!

KF Question:About some kf edit.And One Perk

Hello, How i can change ex:Sharp Kill for level up, in ScrnBalance i can make less, but still very much, because i not for 6lv .

And i try add SRVetDualWielder i adding good but he still not be, maybe someone has same problem and know how fix it?

And one more question. with MultipliedExpMut possible make 2x exp not for all players in server?

RS [WIP]RSTE-Burning town

hey everyone,this is my first territory map

this map is not based on any real event, it's completely fictional

the map is an attack/defend territories map, the allies are attacking through the streets and buildings and the axis are defending key buildings and areas.

it features a very small area and only 5 capture points, many ruined buildings and some sandbag/barbed wire barricades, the map is at night and some areas are very dark.

steam workshop link:

vendredi 28 mars 2014

deleting member from the cup team

I wanted to remove a player from our Stalingrad cup team, but it was not working the link on he little red trash bin on this page brings us to the teams page

{28DIF} vs ={GMU}=

I had agreed with Sixiel that our game would be on March 30 because my clan could not attend the game cause they are working or in college.

And now I get the information that we lose by not attend the game.

That was not correct.

={GMU}= Ney(Lützow)

{28DIF} vs ={GMU}=

Sunday 28th march at 18 server US#2

={GMU}= Team did not come at the match, we wait 15min. Forfeit win

[Mutator Req] Money and Trader Time

Hello everyone,

I have been on the forums and i love the work i see. I noticed that i get ALOT of crashes when trying to use scrn balance with other muts sometimes and its happening too frequently now. Thus i removed it

But now i noticed i dont have features for setting starting money ( greater than what the norm is, at 500), id like to set it to 2500 or something . Im trying to NOT have to go to sandbox mode if possible and use a mutator to do this for me

Also if in the same mut if i could have a tool to change how many seconds the trader time is set for.

If someone is willing to help make this that would be great. I tried searching the forum board, but i wasnt able to find what i was describing above. Im hoping someone in this awesome community can be of some help here and help us out. Thanks everyone for what you do :)

Looking forward to hear soon :D

Tournament W/D/L

In this page for example you can see that our win for the stalingrad cup is not in the results (W/D/L = 0/0/0)


Tournament W/D/L Members Actions

The Stalingrad Cup 0 / 0 / 0 Members

How Does The Mod Whitelisting Process Work?

Was not sure where to post this and hope this is the most appropriate place.


Originally Posted by Major_Day (Post 973414)

Mods should be submitted to TWI, they will check it out, and if approved will be added to a "whitelist" of approved mods, which hopefully will not unrank the server.

Thats the way it worked in Ostfront, and hopefully that what TWI will do for HoS.


Did search before posting and appreciate TWI test and check mods for exploits as part of the mod whitelisting process and the quote above suggests it is a simple process. I think that thread mentions some very good reasons why modders should get their mod whitelisted as early as possible.

What sort of time period would a modder expect the whitelisting process to take?

If the mod did not meet TWI's criteria and mod did not get whitelisted would the information involved in the decision be shared with anybody or made available to anybody intending to use that mod afterwards?

If the mod did not meet TWI's criteria and mod did not get whitelisted would the mod still be available to use?

If a modder has loads of ideas they want to add to a mod would it be recommended to submit mod for whitelisting at earliest stage possible with option to go through same process after adding updates?

What would be some examples of exploits in a mod?

In general why are so few of the many mods available not whitelisted for this game?

KF Grenades + Switch to last weapon = Void

I know, the grenade counts as a weapon to switch by pressing the command "Throwgrenade" button.

The Switch to last weapon feature has brought me even trough the maddest situations in KF even on HoE. I will provide a simple example:

You have the AA12 + Hunting Shotgun in your inventory.

Your current weapon equipped is the AA12 and your last was Hunting Shotgun.

You start to throw some grenades (= last weapon= Grenades/AA12) and you automatically - in nature - switch back to your AA12.

Pressing the "Switch to last weapon" button won't do anything.

You remain with the AA12 equipped.

Don't like this. I know it's nearly impossible to add an "exception" or "the fact, that Grenades are not weapons" so the game can identify it. I'm a mapper by myself and never realy went into coding.

So what troubles me sometimes is, that I relied on my "Switch to last weapon" button when I (not) few seconds ago tossed my grenade(s).

jeudi 27 mars 2014

The Immersion Overhaul Mod comes to 40-1!

Great news for all of you lovers of realism and lovers of RO2! The famous Immersion Overhaul Mod is going to be hosted on one of the 40-1 servers as of this Saturday!

For those of you asking the question..."What is the Immersion Overhaul Mod?" take a look here:

I am quite certain that after reading the HUGE list of changes that you will be wanting to download the mod in preparation for the Saturday night event. Therefore I present:

Plus word on the vine is that...there is a big update due over the next few weeks for the IOM. So stay tuned...

KF Question : Adding weapons in existing perks

How would one be able to add custom weapons for perks? For example, in Guardian's Sentry Tech perk, I would want to add the G18c and make sure it has all the bonuses and that it works in the trader without much problems.

Machineguns and FPL's

Fixed machineguns (MMG's) can be your greatest asset on defense. Most of the guns overlook 'firelanes' that the enemy has to cross to advance. A good machinegunner will 'lock' his gun at an aiming point down this firelane, and with short burst keep firing that FPL (final protective line) and keeping a 'wall' of fire the enemy has to cross. Too many just try and aim the gun, which is not as effective.

There are two aspects that also are provided by the MMG's. The physcological effect of it's firing and the enemies 'fixation' on that gun where the enemy forgets to advance in order to get 'the gun'. A good gunner will lock on the FPL, go to crouch and continually short burst along that FPL.

Also when on a MMG there are times you need to get to the far left or right of the apature you are firing out of, find a firelane and lock the gun. Too many MMG's center themselves where snipers and or rifles/lmg's make short work of you as you are 'profiled' in that hole.

Attacking the Attacker

When in a campaign mode game I see this far too often. You are on the defense, you deploy in game with already less tickets than the enemy, and for some reason instead of 'digging in' and playing 'defense' the troops disregarding 'suggestions' from the commander get up and 'run' at the enemy, essentially 'attacking the attacker' and then wonder why they lost.

Every map here can be defended if it actually is, even Apartments. People complain about Bridges but Apartments is far more unbalanced and no one cares for it 'meets' their need. Sit in the right and left doorways and defend the hallways and basement doorways, LMG's crossing the center alley gap from the flanks, and the enemy has to come to you. If you give them no way to enter the left and right buildings, or go through center how can you not win and defend Apartments for example. Sill do not understand why the fixed machinegun on the 2nd floor of left building is never manned, and a troop or two guarding the stairwell up to him, the MMG can hold the front better than any asset available to the defense, but is readily ignored. But every game the defender throws himself at the attackers and again wonder how they lost. Offense is not always the best defense.

Setting up crossfires behind cover, not taking the enemy on 'nose on nose' and effective deployment of weapons systems and every map is defendable.

Now reverse the scenario. If I am attacking there is the 'break' point where you can not win. In the campaign mode it is more advantageous to now go into a defensive posture and 'bleed out' the defenders as they will almost on cue 'attack the attacker'. Bleed them down to zero and preserve my troops, as the attacker even though I did not 'win' the map I won the combat power aspect of the game, and the enemy has to deal with lower numbers the next map played.

In the campaign mode territories as well as combat power is how you 'win' the campaign, the individual battles are secondary. Your bleeding out the combat power of the enemy while preserving yours you will win the campaign.

RO2 add inside orders a more detailed choice of team and sub team :

Add inside orders a more detailed choice of team and sub team :

We have a selection look like it :


sub team 1

sub team 2

sub team 3

And I am asking for a new selection :


sub team 1

sub team 2

sub team 3

sub team 1 + sub team 2

sub team 1 + sub team 3

sub team 3 + sub team 2

So please, add

choice of :

sub team 1 + sub team 2

sub team 1 + sub team 3

sub team 3 + sub team 2

inside orders.

GULAG versus Hell Soldiers

Sunday 30th march at 8 PM CEST (UTC+2), server EU#3

I book this server here because GULAG leader can't schedule our match on the website.

RO2 So it's not finish. It's the start inside RO 2 of ANOTHER THING.

Yoshiro said : "The point being missed is that what Catalavos is saying is untrue.

We have plans for further development, but how much we end up undertaking will be reflected by outside factors.

Many of the games updates have been pulled from ideas and suggestions, and more in the future will likely be as well. Some we may disagree with, others may just be too large an undertaking for this project, but we will keep them in mind for future projects (like we did with many of the ideas and suggestions from the RO 1 forum).

Until we have announced we have ended support for RO2, we have not ended support for RO2. "

So it's not finish. It's the start inside RO 2 of ANOTHER THING.

Tripwire Interactive ever do what they said.

Good luck, Tripwire Interactive

RO2 End of the community vehicle project.

What is the point of closing any thread that is related to the last development about the end of the community vehicle project?

First at all it is a issue that should be discussed, a lot of people have some questions about what happened. There are questions for both the vehicle team and tripwire itself. What is exactly the point of closing threads related to it?

As already said, it is a subject that is important to a lot of people. That means people will discuss it anyway. You can of course close every single thread that contains some talk about it, but is that really the way this should be handled?

I think a lot of people dont even really know what in gods name happened.

RO2 Most constructive suggestion to date

I think its about time that the Admins just go ahead and lock/remove this thread concerning ideas and suggestions. Its abundantly clear at this point that there will be no further development for this game beyond the inclusion of the APC's, regardless of what has been said by Yoshiro. With the loss of the community driven vehicle team we kind of don't have much to look forward to anymore. The old mare hasn't been publicly put out to pasture but they've pretty much left the gate open for her to quietly disappear on her own. The game is what it is, boys. Get used to it.

FluXiService - Game Hosting

Hi all. Some of you know me from Killing Floor as a modder but I recently started up my own business - game hosting. I got permission from Yoshiro for this so I apologise to those who dislike this. Also if moderators think this is in the wrong section, be my guest on moving it to the correct place.

Know anyone who might want a server?

Are they worried about massive prices, instablity and terrible reponse time?

Tell them to try the new service offered by FluXiService.

They're cheap, reliable and hard working to keep your servers up and running.

Join today and get a thank you for your service with 20% off your first month with code "welcome". We are able to do limited sponsorships which will gain the first month free and second month 20% off currently (may change in the future).

Join now ~ Where it all begins



Manger/Owner of Fluxiservice

Ashley 'FluX' Goodrum.

Rifleman Harris

Been out of modding for a while, due to work commitments, however, I will now be working on a new unreal 3 mod, that will use RO2 as a base to get it going. It will be based on the real adventures of Rifleman Harris of the 95th Rifles during the Napoleonic wars. Just a concept at the moment but, here we go.

mercredi 26 mars 2014

Russian AI seems partially broken on Arad.

TL;DR: Russian AI doesn't move on Arad.

I saw the beta update and decided to play Arad for a bit.

At first i played with 64 bots, I was on the German side and the bots made a beeline for the Russian objective in the open and I took a quick trip to the Russian town objective. It seems like the German tank AI never met any resistance in the open objective until they were well inside of it and it was only very few tanks.

From the town objective I saw that most Russian tanks were simply idling around in their spawn doing nothing and only one or two would ever drive out of there and only two infantrymen ever crossed my path.

The next round I played a 16 player bot match from the Russian side and again, all our tanks except one weren't moving anywhere. (AI didn't pick infantry with so few players).

RO 29th Infantry Division

Hello to all! I am PFC Lacey in the 29th Infantry Division. We're a realism unit that plays on the Darkest Hour mod for Red Orchestra 1, we recently made a video we want to share with everyone If the video interests you in our unit, feel free to check out our website: and if you find our unit pleasing, feel free to enlist at:

29th Let's go!

Engineers and The Tank

On of the most effective uses of engineers in the game is to be the 'escorts' to the tanks, clearing obstacles, preventing the charging AT gunner or enemy engineers the ability to get close with AT grenades/satchels, and being additional eyes for the tank crew.

Many see problems in keeping infantry with the Tank, but there is a class perfect for the role and not utilized in the game as such. All those experience points for blowing obstacles make promotion pretty rapid in the class as well.

mardi 25 mars 2014

dead bodies stay longer

may be on the highest graphics settings


Match will be played on Wednesday 26 at 20:00 CET. Server Stalingrad Cup EU #2.

RS GOTY and In Country: Vietnam

Am really looking forward to the new update/s coming soon for RS and am more excited for the release of In Country: Vietnam but would like to know how In Country: Vietnam will be made available.

Will In Country: Vietnam be made available as DLC, mod, expansion pack or stand alone expansion?

Will In Country: Vietnam be added to RS or RO2 in whatever guise from previous q?

Why is RO2 (not RO2 GOTY) not available for purchase?

Is there any indication of Pop Smoke devs becoming TWI employees?

Recent matches

On the website, we see the RECENT MATCHES part, but it says "No recent matches found." Maybe it is only for the future ladder matches and not for the cup, I don't know, but for the moment it does not show any played matches.

lundi 24 mars 2014

Ro2, how do I play this thing? Seeming Damage issues..

Ok, so ive had this game for awhile. Ive played through a few of the SP campaign missions, I played a little bit online once or twice but overall find this game kinda annoying to play.

I get its realistic and that 1 shot is supposed to kill. But that is where it gets odd. In the SP Campaign, on normal, the AI seem to take gobs of rounds to kill them. I use the MP40 they give me in the campaign and it seems to have zero accuracy and no power to speak of.

I have unloaded magazines into guys from melee range, I 1-3 shot burst it at mid range, and by mid range I mean about 20-30 feet. Beyond that even single shotting it is a waste of time.

I have grabbed the G43 Rifle and even it seems to have no accuracy. On the Grain Elevator mission, from the first building firing across to the area before the grain elevator, there are alot of Russians poking their heads out...I take time, aim, pop...nothing.....aim, pop, nothing...pop, nothing. Pop, I see blood yet the guy is still alive...

Now lets take this indoors when its close range and ive got an MP40 or in some cases PPSH41. I get right up in a guy's face and burst fire 10 rounds, sometimes all of them, ADS and he just shoots me dead.

Does this game have a weird deviation system for bullets? Does it actually have some odd Hidden hitpoint system? I mean, I know we can be wounded, leg shots, arm shots. But I have taken time to aim for heads with G43s, Ive put 5 rounds into a guys gut with an MP40 and nothing.

Also, are Russian guns just better? I mean, I grabbed an SVT 40 inside a house and pop, dropped em, pop, dropped em. I mean, I dropped like 4 consecutive guys in 1 shot. Just seems German weapons suck..

Also, whats with the horrid lag, even on SP. Ive got settings to medium/low, shadows off, FXAA off and the game is disturbingly laggy. I play other games on full medium settings pretty much no issue. Planetside 2? I play it full medium with shadows off, it works fine.

Overall, I want to like this game, it seems kinda neat but alot of stuff with damage just has me lost. Its like we take 1 round yet its not reciprocated onto the AI.

RO2 counter a bayo attack

Maybe can we have ability to "counter" with a button the charge of bayo of an enemy. (counter with his weapons who is needed to not be a pistol)

It will create more kind of hand to hand battle - than only bayo.

I am not asking to CANCEL bayo. Bayo is good ! But not enough !

dimanche 23 mars 2014

[Game] FluXiService - Game Hosting

Hi all. Some of you know me from Killing Floor as a modder but I recently started up my own business - game hosting. I got permission from Yoshiro for this so I apologise to those who dislike this.

Know anyone who might want a server?

Are they worried about massive prices, instablity and terrible reponse time?

Tell them to try the new service offered by FluXiService.

They're cheap, reliable and hard working to keep your servers up and running.

Join today and get a thank you for your service with 20% off your first month with code "welcome".

Join now ~ Where it all begins



Manger/Owner of Fluxiservice

Ashley 'FluX' Goodrum.

In need of a coder

I was wondering if someone would be able to take the time out and bundle a bunch of weapons I use in one of the servers I run. There's 70+ guns I'd need done at the start for sure(what I could find that still work). This topic pretty much explains my issue: here

I don't code, and I just don't know what the heck I am doing when it comes to UnrealScript. The tutorials aren't exactly for newbies like me. :P

I'm at the point where I only have a few usable maps now(started a "new" server and will just add what I need, but it'll still end up the same I fear with too many muts trying to load). My players like the amount of guns you(the KF community) have made over the years, but they're not getting the choice of a buttload of maps anymore. :(

I'm willing to paypal someone like $50 to do it for me if they would. Double that if they will do coding/scripting in the future when it's needed. No I am not moneybags either, I just need help that bad.

Problems with mutator

Hello. I have a problem with the entrance to the staircase server. Before installing a new version of this mutator was not. When you try to access the server message: kicked TWILMut.

Please write what you can do to fix it?

Here are my video settings.

Sorry for the google translator

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Image for tatoo permission.

Hi to TWI team and all players. I would like ask for permission to TWI if you let me use you image of Pukey The Clown, for a tatoo, I really love the game and would like got a tatoo whit him, love Pukey specimen, is one of most perturbing, and for this love it. I know that have copyright or I think that, so would like have permission to make a tatoo in my leg whit that, im sure you dont will know if I got or not, but TWI have all my respect and for this reason wanna ask for it.

And to all KF players, would like to anyone who can do to me one good design for my future tatoo. Im an idiot in photoshop and dont know reallly how works, and if is imposible to edit any Pukey image i will choose one random and do it that. For exmaple:

Thanks to all players and to TWI, I wait for an answer, dont wanna break your copyright. And well that is my idea for that but will do in a two or three months, right now I cant, need afford money. Thanks and greetings, (sorry for my english hope was understandable).

forgotten maps

can people think of maps from ro1,dh,nm,cc that would be good in ro2/rs

.INI settings always need to be reset

having an issue where personal .ini settings (video, audio and SDK preferences) need to be reset every time I open the game or SDK. Pretty annoying...

Commander Training

One of the things Commanders need to learn is 'multi-tasking', and a great way to 'learn' is practice on 'empty' servers, with just 'bots' to command.

Learn how to use the command matrix, how to order troops to do what when.

Learn how to 'mark' as well as plan artillery strikes so you are not totally reliant on your team leaders. You can mark targets you can not see to a point if you know where the target is and you 'guestimate' your mark and if needed adjust till you 'find' it.

Learn how to sequence the maps and the 'time' frames you need for each map. For example on Bridges my pattern initially is B,A,C,D etc. From the spawn command building on game start I always mark 'A' for arty and fire it, by the time it arrives the bad guys are trying to get into the holes at A.

Timing of arty is also an 'art', you do not need to fire it immediately as you get it, but plan for 5 minutes in the future. Will you need to fire 'blocking' artillery to prevent free access to reinforce a 'cap', that is you place arty in a position where the enemy needs to move through to get to the 'cap' you are attacking or defending.

Learn how to use arty to counter attack, if we are about to lose a 'cap' I always mark that cap and as soon as it about to change fire it, wait 20sec and give attack cap order.

Count your volleys, always wait till 2 volleys left to order your troops into the area, by the time your troops react to the order, the last volley has landed, the enemy is still 'clearing their heads' and not in a good position to react to your counter attack.

Learn the impact radius of artillery, mortars, rockets, so you can position your troops in safe areas, but close enough to react to the needs once arty is done.

Being a Leader is all about time management, and these few 'practice' tips will develop the skills needed on each map.

Fog of War

One of the things in combat you have to understand is the lack of 'intelligence' of what the enemy is doing, how many and where. You all want a degree of 'realism' but yet what all your intell hand fed to you on the maps. And even sometimes you are not even sure what your people are doing as well. Other than 'recon' aircraft, as seen by the commander, enemy deployment, as well as what your troops are doing, should be unknown replicating the 'Fog of War'. Yes your NCO's can communicate with you and tell you, but for a 'realism' a 'Fog of War' should be part of the realism.

Individual soldiers do not have access to battle area maps, it is up to the Sergeant or Squad Leader to relay that information to his troops.

Voice communication also should be limited to a 'range' of voice, not a troop 200m away talking to you, no one I know can 'yell' that far. Several games I play the talker has a range circle that he can be heard in, be it voice or radio, even tactical radios of the era were very range limited.

For realism the demand is vehicles and other toys, but one of the simplest forms of 'realism' is not even on the radar.

32 players replicates a reinforced 'platoon' of the era, effective voice communication is near the 25m range, possibly out to 50m based on my actual experience. As a leader you give out 'the plan' and then rely on your team leaders to do as the plan dictates with a degree of flexability. We never had 100% communication, and a lot of combat is done by faith that your leader will do what he is supposed to when is is supposed to.

When I play Commander you will see me moving back and forth overwatching activities as caps are assaulted or defended, making suggestions (you can not 'order' pup players I have 'been told', just Herd The Cats). I find it way to easy to bring up maps, see everything going on and can immediately 'suggest' what to do to react to whatever situation. Wish we had that 'realism' in real life......

RS Maggot Hill: Weird RSOD Spawn Protected Zone

Maggot Hill, caves under objective D

As a Japanese player, you can enter the caves. When you get about half way thru, there is the RSOD (spawn protected area) that gives you 4 or 5 seconds for you to back out.

However, if you keep going, you end up on the other side of the RSOD without any ill effects. You will only die if you stop in the middle of the zone.

What is up with that? Why is it there? Seems very illogical to be there at all.

And what is up with that reverb sound when you enter it?

Screenshots attached:

Why does Tripwire focus on RS/RO2 instead of KF?

I understand that they want more people to buy RS/RO2, but we all know that this 2 games Will never reach sales of KF. I'm happy with new content updates for KF, but not that much with the bugs fixes and balance improvements.

Why do they focus on less successful game while they have sold over 1M (probably close to 2M by now) KF copies?

RO2 Add transport maps to Beta server

First, I'm assuming the server up with Maggot Hill is an official one. The one without the password.

If it is, can we get the maps with the transports put on the server so we can test them better?

Trying them in "workshop" mode doesn't give you much idea about how they are with live players (all the AI bots seem to go to the tanks). It would be interesting to see how you interact with others actually in the transports, and how they are under fire etc, and if there are any anomalies, we can report them.

KF Gep




Open long gallery with large camp allowing good crossfire positions. Lower level has shipping crates and meditation areas that provide cover in a kite and stairways allow good access and flow. Multi-level play with lower level, main level and catwalk all running the length of one large room. Map is relatively small for the meg size... this is due to the custom photo textures used. Feel free to use them with or without credit to me.

Photos are mortal mans meek efforts to capture the majesty of creation. Here are some of my humble attempts. Since this is a work of Nature, I claim no ownership, or rather , in a way we all own them.

GEP - Gods Earth Photos

I am interested in any pathing issues, glitch spots, light levels.. the lighting has been difficult on the map due to wanting to preserve the correct colors on the textures imported, while still having some interesting colors lighting up the zeds. Also testing to see if this forum works for me, I posted a couple of maps to the final section but nothing came of it, so hopefully this works.:)

51.65 megs

KF About the Mrs Punkd achievement (another one I know)

So I know that the forum already has a lot of posts about this but in my case it seems different...

It's been already a day that I was supposed to unlock this, but still nothing, from what I saw on the other posts people would have gotten it one day after, so waiting was the key, but not for my case looks like :(

Tried shooting scrake with the hunting while jumping, still no results.

I did all 6 achievements of the Summer Sideshow 2013, I have the Punk'd achievement and also completed both objective maps on normal difficulty D:

If anybody knows if this is not fixed yet for everybody or if it is just bad luck of my part please tell me :) Thanks everybody and happy gaming!

RO2 Problems with changing the map

Hi all.Yesterday we played with GULAG a friendly war on the EU #1 TWI ladder server.Both leaders of clans couldn't change the map by writing in chat $AdminChangeMap TE-Barracks.After we wrote this in chat the message appeared.(see screen)

Please tell us what we did wrong or maybe this option was off on this server?

But I tryed to do it on EU # 2 and I had the same problem as the leader form GULAG.


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KF If i wanted to increase player max health...

Where would i look to do this, it wasnt where i thought it would be(srhumanpawn). So i have no idea where else it would be, thanks

samedi 22 mars 2014

RO2 More time for vehicles Return to Combat Zone

Basically just what it says.

It seems that there are only 4 or 5 seconds for a vehicle to get out of and with vehicle momentum and direction its sometimes very difficult you to turn around and drive out with enough time before dying.

RO2 Why do custom maps must be stored in "Documents"?

Its annoying, makes no sense, and its screwing up my windows partition.

I don't know what to do anymore !

Hey all,

like I mentioned before in an other thread, I'm new to this game and video games in general. The ONLY game I've ever played is BF 1942 about 12 years ago, so to sum it up, I suck but improving fast ( at least I'm trying to ).

I have an internal conflict when I play. Obviously, I play rifleman as to let more experience guys use the other classes. But as a rifleman, I often feel like standing back and support my team by trying to take down attacking enemies on capture point. But on the other hand, I can't help feeling crap because guys always say you have to get in the zone and capture points for your team to win. Mind you that I often do try, but there are times that I just get shot down over and over again and prefer staying back even though the SL / TL continously keep saying through out the game to get in the cap zone.

How bad am I ??:eek: Am I so dishonorable ?

KF Fuel for Chainsaw

It would be cool if the chainsaw on KF can "act" like a real chainsaw, like needing fuel to work and so on. We can buy the fuel from the trader or take it by the ammo boxes scattered around in the map. Even if this will probably make the chainsaw far less popular than it is now, it would be still cool.

RO2 Asphyxia : kill an enemy from behind

Asphyxia : kill an enemy from behind :

It's not really hand to hand combat. But it a new change with bayo combat. You can asphyxiate (or break the neck of) an enemy if you have a weapon who is not a pistol and come on the back of your enemy. (you only need to have a weapon who is not a pistol. No ammo is needed here.) It works only with rifle, submachine gun, machine gun, sniper rifle, semi auto rifle.

Effect for your enemy :

- your enemy throw automatically his weapon

- your enemy can't move

- enemy lost 50% of his moral suddenly

- and on each second your enemy is more and more suppressed until death. Each second, he losts 10 % in more of moral. Until death.

Suppression here simulate asphyxia.

Effect for you :

- come on the back of an enemy soldier

- see the "hand to hand combat" icon appear

- push enter

- you can't move

- 10 seconds are needed. (but in reality you need more i think)

You asphixed him, or you break his neck. ( random kind of death)

When you start to asphyxiate someone : either he dies or either you need to die for this guy stay alive... If nobody come to kill you, you kill your victim.

It will add more kind of battle in close combat.

What scenario do YOU want for Red Orchestra 3 ?

What new scenario do ya like to see for the next RO? (or the next expansion like RS)

I did not include "modern warfare" because there is a thread about it already running and I did not include "classic Ostfront" because its nothing new. I just included conflicts that have a realistic chance of being a successful game.

I would like to see Afghanistan cause this war is not portraited in any FPS shooter so it would be a real novelty.

Imagine: a mighty Hind helicopter - 1 pilot, 1 weapon operator, 2 Mg gunners at the bay doors and

a squad of speznaz soldiers in the back waiting to deploy! Teamplay at its best!

With the high russian player count of RO2 you can figure out that a RO: Afghanistan war game will have a great russian fanbase!

vendredi 21 mars 2014

searching for a particular map

I'm looking for a map which I played like a long time ago. The few things i remember clearly about map are listed below:

1) had a cemetery with passages underground where money could be found and guns

2) very huge with a mansion or palace which players can go in and fight indoors too included with a study and ect.

3) textures were very similar to bell tolls.

hope someone could give me a hand at finding the name or if they recall such a map. Thanks

KF Question about weapons in the trader.

So i have had a few items refuse to appear in trader no matter what i try, any thoughts on what might be causing it?

They are in the Main Mutator

AllowedWeaponPickups(35)="DeathsDoor.EBRSniperPick up"

And in the Level rules


And in Server PErks.ini


Yet it wont show up in the trade, my portal turret also did this...(random question related to that)

If you happen to know why a turret is being knocked over when tapped etc, how do i disable the falling over?

RO2 Win-Loss Bug...Any update?

My win/loss stats recently became corrupted. An extra 500 games were added to my game total; all of them counting as losses.

I've seen other posts about this problem. Is there any news about resolving or fixing this?

As a new player I'd prefer a stat wipe than working with the bugged totals I have now.

4 less

Can some rocketscientist tell me why there was a need to change the ammocount from 40 to 36 for the Xbow?

Can a rocketscientist tell me how these 4 arrows affect the gameplay significantly?

I would understand a more severe and immediate impact on gameplay if the LAW had it´s ammocount of 22 changed to e.g. 20 as demo lv 6. But the xbow? Pfffff! Stupendous! Just stupendously.....stupid!?

Was this for balancereasons? I can not see why exactly 4 were removed? Do not see any impact on gameplay at all. Silly! Rocketscientist...where are you? Explain!

Squad leaders and Squad Members

Sorry if this is a double post.

Would it be possible to change how the squads work ? As in dont stack every player into SL1 and then dot the odd few others in 2,3 & 4 ?

I know there is the option for players to move into different squads, but this doesn't work for one reason or another.

A bad SL1 usually means your team is going to lose

Filing the results

Hello guys, my RO2 nickname is +IC+Hero

We played the 1st game in Stalingrad Cup (+IC+ vs [3D]), we won 4-0 and then we filed the results as "Round won: 4, Round lost: 0", and the leader of 3d confirmed that, but then in the website I found the result as ICvs3D 0-4.

How to fix it? And how to post a results next time?

[REV]Revenant Gaming Recruiting Leaders

Revenant is currently looking for players to help form a RO2 division in Revenant Gaming. Players should have at least some background in leading a group of players.

Revenant is a multi-game / multi-platform gaming community. Old Community, starting from scratch. We are looking for all players who fit our same gaming philosophy.

What is our Gaming Philosophy? Revenant plays on a Casual-Hardcore scale. Meaning, sometimes were just casual, sometimes were hardcore. Confused yet? Revenant believes that everyone should be in control of their own time. We are all gamers, most with families, full-time jobs, kids, or other activities that fill up our time. So when we have time for gaming, we want to game how we want. So some gamers will be more of a casual play-style, some will go full hardcore. But we leave it up to the individual player.

What about squads, raids, clan matches? This will depend on the game, and the players playing each game. If everyone in a division decides they want just a casual experience, the game is played as that. If down the road, some players want to go full throttle on some new content. That is perfectly fine. But the main idea is we are a community of gamers.

Perks include:

* Established Community - Revenant has been around since 2011 and holds leadership dating back to Everquest, Counter Strike Beta, and more.

* Professional Forum Software - We use Xenforo as a backend to our site. Xenforo has many features that can benefit you and your team. We also give appropriate permissions to all Leaders/Officers so they watch and moderate their forums. We also do our best to accommodate you with any forums you want, that we might not already have.

* Voice Chat - Revenant uses the latest version of Teamspeak. Each leader get's admin permissions to help add new users and control existing members.

* Game Servers - Revenant tries to provide servers to all established divisions, this comes to no cost to the members.

* Qualified Domain - Revenant can provide a domain to help recruit users to your division.

* Revenant Email - Want a Revenant Email? All Leaders can choose a email.


Mature Community - 18+ is recommended

Organized Leadership - Must be able to communicate with other leaders.

Able to communicate - Via Forums, Chat software, or VOIP Server.

The love of Gaming! - Don't care when you started gaming, just want users who have a passion for gaming.

We work with you - We want your division to do great, so we will work with leaders to provide the resources they need to do great. Want Revenant Dog Tags? We'll work on getting them to you, Want uniforms? We'll work on getting them to you. We are also looking for administration staff to help run the site.

Revenant Gaming - Staff

All interested parties can message me on:

skype: rivac0m

steam: Steam Community :: [Rev]RivaCom


or PM on Revenant Gaming

RO2 Give us colored points for buddies.

Give us colored points for buddies on map.

I mean on map we need to see point in :

blue : for buddies of team.

green : for buddies of another squad sub group 1.

yellow : for buddies of another squad sub group 2.

grey : for buddies of another squad sub group 3.

jeudi 20 mars 2014

Stalingrad Cup match schedule

So, simple questions in my mind regarding match arranging for the Stalingrad Cup. Apparently for ladders we will have a different challenge system with accept, reschedule, or deny options.

But for the Stalingrad Cup apparently the home team (the one above the other in the matchs table) can just choose a date and time, and the other team has no option than to be there at that date and time, we actually find a way to contact our opponent and set a date for first round, but if the opponent team don't reply on steam, or on PM on the website, what can we do??.

And what if one home team do not contact the other team on steam or on the TWIL website (or did not find a date both teams can play) and decide of the match date and time? I think there is something I did not understand regarding match arranging, or the website is not really clear about it.

Can I have more informations you can give me about match arranging for the Stalingrad Cup and explain the most clearly how things have to be done?

Thanks everyone who can clear all this for me..

message from system

I received a message from SYSTEM after a match has been planned, but the avatar of SYSTEM does not show because it links to

it should be

KF Can't change port?

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I am pretty sure this is the correct way.

Trying to run a second instance of KF on a different port. I opened the KillingFloor.ini file on the dedicated server and change these three lines.







However when I start the server using a simple command:

screen -S kfserver ./ucc-bin server KF-BioticsLab.rom?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSecured=tr ue?MaxPlayers=6

I see in the console output the port is still the default port. Nothing has changed. What gives?

What is the deal with the editor?


So I've been having issue with the SDK ever since I downloaded it. At first I had 4gb of ram and it was extremely slow, so now I upgraded and it still is.

My specs are:

Kingston 8gb, ddr3 1333mhz

Amd Quad Core 2.6ghz

Raden HD 6670 2GB

It isn't the best configuration out there but it is pretty decent. And I've been running UDK for years now without any problem, I've also been using the Unreal Engine 4 for months now without any problem as well, but Red Orchestra SDK seems to be an issue. The thing is from what I had noticed is that Red Orchestra SDK is pretty much the same as UDK as it is just a modified version of it, but then again UDK runs like a charm even on big levels I was working on but I just can't seem to conquer the SDK.

So, could someone tell me what the deal is with the SDK and why is the performance 10 times worse than in unreal engine 3 when it is just a modified version of it. I mean I can run Unreal Engine 4 that was released like a year ago and officially released yesterday with quite a decent performance and load time and everything but I can't run a modified version of an engine from 2004 (although it had quite a bit of updates since then but still)?

mercredi 19 mars 2014

[Crash] RO2 freezes computer

Since the merging of RO2 with RS back in June I've been having the same issue: the game suddenly freezes with only noise coming out of the speakers. I have to do a hard reset. Sometimes the game recovers after a brief period of black screen. I used to get a message saying "nvidia driver has crashed and recovered" but I don't anymore. It can happen on all maps.

I have tried out most suggestions found online but to no avail (updating Geforce graphic and Realtek sound drivers, tuning settings).

I play RO2 on Dell XPS laptop w/ 64-bit Win7, Geforce 540m and 8gb ram.

What really bothers me is that the problems only started when RO2 was merged with RS. Before that the game ran without problems. Overheating is not an issue, because freezes occur as little as 5 minutes into the map.

I will be most grateful if anyone can help me out.

[Game] Unreal Engine 4

Nevermind. Delete this post. I see someone posted about this in another area.

RO Ostfront Artilery limits

I have come across a problem that I can’t solve and it’s to do with some sort of height restriction for the Arty.

I have been working on a converted MN map "Road to Tunis " to DH which has high hills and deep valleys, the arty works ok but if you try to call it on the hills it calls and you get the sound but no animation or effect on players.

I did a test gradually raising it up the side of the hills and it gets to a point where it stops working. I know there is a cull distance of 50,000 for it but it’s the same close too.

I have also tried this on an RO test map I made and found it dose the same.

Just to be clear the test map is just terrain there are no, no arty volumes, spawn area protection, mine fields, Meshes, brushes or sky box, just lighting one player role and a radio trigger.

I also checked the original map out in MN and it does not work there either so it must have been like it from the start.

Has anyone got any idea what’s causing this?

Unreal Engine 4 launched

Today, Epic has opened up Unreal Engine 4 to the world! UE4 is now available for download in its entirety, including the full features, tools and the entire C++ source code for PC, Mac, iOS, and Android through a subscription plan. You can subscribe to UE4 for $19 per month, and ship games with UE4 commercially by paying 5% of gross revenue from product sales to users.


Fire and Forget achievement

Did anyone get this achivement this week? I tried a few times and i can't unlock it.

Skeleton Manifestation

This mod is the manifestation of my dicussions with people, case by case, over what needs to be changed in Killing Floor's meta. The decisions were based on the idea that, on Hell on Earth, mistakes should have high repercussions. The following is the summary of the code written:



  • Hell on Earth/Suicidal: Decreased movement speed bonus from 20% to 15%

  • Hard/Normal/Beginner: Decreased movement speed bonus from 25% to 20%

Support Specialist:

  • Vlad the Impaler:

    • Increased L6 magazine capacity to 10

    • Increased L6 ammo capacity to 70

    • Increased L6 damage bonus from 60% to 82%


  • Single Pistol Long Musket:

    • Decreased L6 fire rate bonus from 60% to 10%

    • Decreased L6 reload bonus from 60% to 15%

  • Crossbow:

    • Decreased L6 fire rate bonus from 60% to 0%


  • Bullpup:

    • Increased L6 damage bonus from 50% to 90%

    • Increased L6 recoil dampening bonus from 40% to 55%

  • M4

    • Increased L6 recoil dampening bonus from 40% to 55%


  • Buzzsaw Bow:

    • Removed damage multiplier

  • Decreased L6 movement speed from 30% to 25%

  • Balanced L6 damage resistance bonuses:

    • Bloat bile left at 80%

    • Siren scream and husk fireball damage resistance left at 40%

    • Decreased general damage resistance from 40% to 30%


//No changes as of right now.


  • Seeker Six:

    • Increased L6 damage bonus from 60% to 75%


Please note that there was no one perk that was singled out for the nerf; We went case by case for each weapon and each perk to see what needed to be changed. This code is not finalized. I'm open to suggestions.

The mod in its current form can be found here:

I will not be making version numbers for this. Please delete the version you install after you're done with it.

The source code can be found here:

Training not complaining

With all the 'veteran' players on the servers it still surprises me how many people 'forget' they were once the 'noob' themselves. The complaining on how this 'noob' or that 'noob' does not know what he/she is doing, yet to actually help them learn seems to be below these new 'veterans'.

Commanders learn by doing, they will make mistakes, that is how you learned and they will as well, so the problem is? There is no position from rifleman to commander that does not have a learning curve, and look in the mirror you were there as well and wished you had someone to 'point out' and train you on how to do it.

Egos and arrogance is really starting to creep into the game, as the 'veterans' do their thing, leaving the 'noobs' to be blamed for almost all failures, yet these same veterans do not have the time to train the 'noobs', yet have more than enough 'mic' time to blame them for not knowing anything.

I enjoy training new players on the quirks of the game as well as on some real life things that actually work in the game. I have no problem with a new guy as Commander as I then take the 1SG role and try to impart some knowledge on what to do when, and where, with the usual here and there why. Takes very little time or effort, yet for some...........

RO2 Stand up inside vehicle


Originally Posted by nymets1104 (Post 1279130)

Stand up inside vehicle was a common practice. So : my question : "Can we STAND UP inside vehicle" ! In Sdkfz 251 and in universal carrier ? (I was asking for shooting from Sdkfz 251. Now I am asking only for Standing up inside Sdkfz 251.)

My idea is we can have three positions inside a Sdkfz 251 :

- hidden, sit down in Sdkfz 251

- only the head is outside

- soldier is stand up (half part of the body is out of Sdkfz 251)

RO2 new RO 2 mappack contest phase

new RO 2 mappack contest phase :

New RO 2 mappack contest phase is needed (or more exactly : will ). Vehicles need a good introduction. This introduction will come soon or later.

It's good to see vehicles. But it's good to see maps for vehicles. Vehicles will be effective only on vehicle maps. Same thing for panzer (even if panzer need also to be fixed)

I wait a new mappack contest phase. Univermag need to be added. (here people will say to me yes but so much another maps should be added first). Does it possible to see soon a new mappack contest phase ? Mappack contest phase 3 reinforced with Sdkfz 251 and universal carrier.

Same thing for T 70 and Panzer III J : mappack contest phase 4 ?

I wait new Demyansk Pocket maps, Kholm Pocket maps, second battle of Kharkov maps, (an actual Karkov1942 I mean, and not a karkov 42 who is only a karkov 43), Rzhev battle maps.

For vehicles, panzers and infantry.

Loving the noob

The other day I was playing on a particularly poor axis team on RS (things weren't helped by my spectacular 4 man mortar TK when I dropped my mouse I'll admit). We were attacking on Betio and the team, with what appeared to be a very high number of noobs, just wouldn't get out of cover and into the caps.

Aside from the fact this was probably one of the most realistic things to happen in RS, the general response from the vets was disappointing - lots of on mic swearing at them, screaming for them to "get in the f***ing cap" and general moaning. None of it did any good.

We all get frustrated when we're losing a map thanks to new players not realising how the game is played but it's up to us veterans to do our bit. Shouting sometimes works but if it doesn't can we all try and be a bit more helpful?

If you're TL, find areas on the map near the camping noobs and ask them to move to it. Give them specific goals, not just get in the cap. If you're SL then talk to your squad, by name if possible, and get them to follow you. If you're just a grunt, try talking, by name, to those near you. In short, make them feel a part of a team. This way, with any luck, you'll have more fun on the map and the noobs will get a glimpse of how amazing the game can be.

I know I'm not saying anything people don't know, I just thought it needed re-iterating after that last game.

And a final tip - don't stand anywhere near me when I've got a mortar and I'm trying to eat my dinner. I'm that clumsy.

[Game] Wargame: Red Dragon

mardi 18 mars 2014

RS Rising Storm GOTY Edition

<a href="; target="_blank">

I smell a huge update coming soon...

ps.: it would be nice to get some more info on this.

KF Killing floor server Vip Help

Hello how make server have vips system?

vip weapon and Vip/Admin skin?

Please help :)

Favorite firearm in Red Orchestra 2?

There's no question about it--the gunplay in the Red Orchestra series has always been phenomenal and visceral. Unlike almost anything else on the market, the weapons feel real. Even other titles in the tactical shooter genre often suffer from rifles or submachine guns that feel somewhat electronic, but RO2's weapons have punch, power, kick, and weight to them, not to mention beautiful in-game models that are chipped, scratched, dull, and stamped with manufacturers' marks.

So what's your favorite weapon to fire in-game? I don't mean your favorite role or weapon choice, now. I'm asking which weapon you enjoy most from, er, a kind of aesthetic perspective... Which weapon just feels great to you?

For me, I'd have to say that I'm a huge fan of the TT-33 in-game. Having taken a Chinese clone of the pistol to the range several times before, I can say that Red Orchestra 2's TT-33 is near-perfect in terms of how accurately they were able to replicate its bark, its kick. That thing hits like a sledgehammer, and you feel it in-game, no question about it.

On the Rising Storm side of things, I'd have to go with the standard infantry M1903 Springfield. Again, that's what a .30-06 cartridge feels like. Hot damn.

Happy St. Patty's Day - Steam Weeklong Sale!

Happy St. Patty's Day! Head on over to the Steam where you'll find a "Pot O' Gold" as we're part of the Weeklong Deal. Killing Floor and selected Tripwire bundles are 75% off - and Killing Floor DLC is 50% off! A number of Killing Floor unlocks (and supporting achievements) have been turned on for the sale as well:

Bad Santa

Mr Foster Steampunk

Mrs Foster Steampunk

Commando Chicken

Golden Potato

Here's the link:

Attached Images

File Type: jpg KF_capsule_StPatrick.jpg (36.0 KB)

Mrs. Foster and steam achievement

Hi. In the Killing Floor i have unlocked all the 252 achievements, but the Steampunk Mrs. Foster (the woman) is not available for me. Also at my steam profile, it show i have 251 achievements, but i have 252 in the Killing Floor.


clan/user website bug

If you dont add "http://" before you clan website adress (for example you put instead of the link in the clan page will result in

The same goes for the user profile, where the bug make another link like

example on this clan page their website link to a TWILadder 404 error page because they did not add the HTTP:// before their clan adress.

lundi 17 mars 2014

Finding the terrain materials in content browser

I'm sorry if this is a total no-brainer but it's stumping me.

I am following the video tutorials to make my first map in the RO2 SDK, I want to paint a texture (just a basic floorspace) with a material (like dirt grass, anything) and I have been trolling the files that come in the ROGame folder and I can find seemingly everything but the materials for terrain. What am I doing wrong?

I'm finding the files in C:\Gaming\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2\ROGame\CookedPC if that helps and I'm looking in the totally wrong location.

If I 'm not asking the right kind of question please be kind, as I'm new to this and am earnestly stuck.

Spot Enemy Arty

We can spot an enemy soldier or tank by pressing a button, so I thought it might be useful to also be able to spot arty in the same way - you point the middle of the screen where it is falling, and press that button, to place an arty marker on the map, to warm your teammates.

Yeah, you can call out the arty position on mic or in chat, but you can also do this for spotting enemy soldiers and tanks. The game gives us a button function for it, so why not for arty?. It might just save some lives if they can see it on the map.

KF Killing Floor on sale!

It's on sale right now! Grab the dlcs while you can, lads!

Also as a Saint Patrick's Day special there are achievements activated you couldn't get at this time.

(I thought it's worth a new thread because it might get more attention that way)

KF Dedicated server setting

Hi, i got my dedicated server on kf lately. It's on Hell on Earth, all is fine but one thing. When someone heal, the healed hp amount is 50, when on hell on earth it should be like 20. Where should i go to set that right?

RO2 Sturer Emil

Sturer Emil

I think it's a good solution against russian KV 1. (if KV 1 is added...)

Map could be balanced with KV 1 against Sturer Emil.

Sturer Emil were inside Stalingrad. (only two panzers).

Add transport to Bridges?

I think that wen the troop transports arrive, I think they should also be added to Bridges of Durzhina as well as the other maps that have them in beta. This would make the map more balanced and easier for the Russians. Anyone else think this is a good Idea?

Bridges of Druzhina Soviet theme

This is possibly my favorite track in the game. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the name of the song or the lyrics, I speak basic Russian but can't really understand anything.

Clan logos on "upcoming matches"

While the soldiers picture is not bad, it makes the main ladder page too repetitive as more matches are added.

And our clan logo is too cool to not be shown. :D

Commander / Squad Leader communication

I have some simple ideas to streamline this-

-Squad leaders should be able to see all of the artillery marks, like the commander can

-Commander "squad chat" should send messages to just squad leaders. not sure how to get that same effect in reverse, though.

KF namespoofer?

dimanche 16 mars 2014

[Error] No Servers found


I can't see any servers in my server browser.

It tells me there are ~1500 online but no servers are showing up, I tried deleting the RO2 files in /mygames and made sure the firewall isn't blocking RO2 (as recommended in other threads about this issue).

Other Steam Games are working perfectly (DoD:S and other Game Servers showed up). I tried the Steam Server Browser for RO2 but still the same problem.