jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Playing SL

Not sure why the idea of SLs sitting in one spot in front of a cap has become the gold-standard or why some feel that it is all that is required by SLs.

I had this become an issue last night when an SL was spawning his entire crew in front of an MG on Winterwald but claimed he was "doing his job right".

I'd like to say this: Good SLs don't just sit in front of or around a cap and act as a mobile-spawn point. Few times have I ever seen this work to great effect or assist in winning a game.

A good SL is one that either smokes a frontal assault and leads by example, or maneuvers around the flanks of a defense so that his squad can bypass locked-down areas. It helps no one to have one of the (often) few SMG/Semi-auto and Pistol equipped classes to hide in a ditch instead of making use of these tools to win.

Please; if you pick SL do not be afraid to take chances or be at the front of a charge! It is called Squad-Leader for a reason!

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