jeudi 6 novembre 2014

Some Settings for KF witch i dont understand.

Hy guys, im tried to config my server in the last 3 - 5 days and some stuff i dont understand at all.

Waves[0]=(WaveMask=196611,WaveMaxMonsters=25,WaveDuration= 255,WaveDifficulty=0.100000)

Waves[1]=(WaveMask=19662621,WaveMaxMonsters=45,WaveDuratio n=255,WaveDifficulty=0.200000)

Waves[2]=(WaveMask=39337661,WaveMaxMonsters=55,WaveDuratio n=255,WaveDifficulty=1.000000)

Waves[3]=(WaveMask=41839087,WaveMaxMonsters=65,WaveDuratio n=255,WaveDifficulty=2.000000)

Waves[4]=(WaveMask=39840217,WaveMaxMonsters=75,WaveDuratio n=255,WaveDifficulty=2.500000)

Waves[5]=(WaveMask=65026687,WaveMaxMonsters=85,WaveDuratio n=180,WaveDifficulty=3.000000)

Waves[6]=(WaveMask=63750079,WaveMaxMonsters=95,WaveDuratio n=180,WaveDifficulty=3.500000)

Waves[7]=(WaveMask=62578607,WaveMaxMonsters=120,WaveDurati on=180,WaveDifficulty=4.000000)

This is my wave settings but i dont know any more i whant to make the skrape to kill them hard, or not just them the zombies.

My server is custom, if someone can explain to me what ar this



WaveDifficulty= The minimum and the maximum, and what it dose actualy ? Kill the zombie harder ?


MonsterClasses=(MClassName="KFChar.ZombieClot_STAN DARD",Mid="A")

What is with the MID A



4AT ?

Tnx Guys.

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