jeudi 13 novembre 2014

RO2 FindNavMeshPath causing Server Crashes

DevBalanceStats: BALANCE STATS: Match Start on: TE-Arad2_MCP | 50 max players | 2 players playing Teams Swapped= False

[511538.78] Log: USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateTransform for ROVehicle_T70_Content_2: BaseBoneName (Root_driver) not found for attached Actor ROAlliedPawnLevel1TankCommander_2!

[511602.58] Log: USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateTransform for ROVehicle_T70_Content_1: BaseBoneName (Root_driver) not found for attached Actor ROAlliedPawnLevel1TankCommander_1!

[511649.79] Log: USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateTransform for ROVehicle_T70_Content_3: BaseBoneName (Root_driver) not found for attached Actor ROAlliedPawnLevel1TankCommander_3!

[512203.10] Log: FindNavMeshPath failed to find a path to X=-24110.969 Y=-19791.539 Z=431.439

[512203.15] Log: FindNavMeshPath failed to find a path to X=-24110.969 Y=-19791.539 Z=431.439

This is happening lately on a couple maps - originally seen in a custom but now also seen in TE-Arad2_MCP. The line repeats until the log files fill up to several meg to even gig which at some point ends up crashing the server.

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