So ive recently got a web domain that I can put my compressed files for my redirect, problem is I am no good at website stuff so im not sure if im doing something wrong but here is my problem. I've compressed all the maps I have running on my server and uploaded them to the redirect site, problem is that when I clear my cache and try to down load the custom maps that I want to test its seems like the link is going fast then stops then picks back up, this is far different than the redirect that I had been using that just fly's through the down load, again im not to good with the web thing so I've put a regular indexing on to give the index page that is necessary, but the download is not smooth, how can I tell if its just the service or how im doing it? one big thing I notice, that I cant change, is on last redirect I was using when I pulled it up in browser and click on one of the files it would want to download it, on my redirect you click it and it just goes to a screen of garbage, almost like its set to just open it and not download it???
Any help please?
I can answer anyt questions.
Any help please?
I can answer anyt questions.
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