mercredi 3 septembre 2014

KF M99: "The NoobGun"?

So I've been wondering a lot lately why people refer to the M99 as "The NoobGun", and why it's looked down upon by many in general.

What's so n00by about this gun? Do you all think it's over-powered or something? Because I don't think it is, not at all, and I have my reasons for thinking that.

At level six:

Crossbow vs M99


£800 > £1050

£11 per bolt > £250 per bullet

Bolt capacity 36 > Bullet capacity 25

9kg > 13kg

2880 damage per bolt < 3643 damage per bullet

Considering these statistics, I deem the crossbow a much more powerful weapon, especially since its reload time is much shorter than the M99's, giving the crossbow a much higher rate of DPS.

And to boot, having such a drastic price difference between ammunition types that have a small difference in damage values makes the crossbow all the better. Eleven pounds for a bolt that does 2880 damage versus 250 pounds for a bullet that does 3643? Doesn't seem worth it to me.

For a full-refill price of £417, you can pump out a maximum of 103,680 damage with the crossbow, wheras for a whopping £6,250, the M99 can do just 91,075.

It appears to me that the crossbow is Sharpshooter's version of Berserker's n00bsaber. Seeing level-two Sharps running around, effortlessly befalling Scrakes on six-man Normal and nearly four-man Hard seems a little silly to me.

Understanding these values and stats, I use the M99 anyway, simply because I find the weapon fun to use with its loud bang and extreme recoil.

But as for the "n00by" issue with the weapon, is it thought of as over-powered? Or is it considered for n00bs because of the statistics I've presented that show how silly it is to buy compared to the crossbow?

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