mercredi 24 septembre 2014

How do you like the new maps?


Not a rant or complainment thread just asking for you opinion. Do you like the "new" maps, which the most and why?

I have to say fighting on Tula outskirts is just breathtaking. It was really really hard to defend and a single MP40 guy destroyed our defenses several time from 80 meters away and nobody saw him which was weird but that kind of struggle just made it that much more fun. We won one round and lost another. Perfect experience! I especially love the fight in the trenches and train station.

Kobura I never really liked since I first played it. It looks too bright and it is very problematic to get any real overview over what is happening and reinforcements dont last long enough for the defenders in my opinion. Its just not an experience I am into. I hope for Kitajima (With new spawnpoints in the beginning) in the future to become an oficial map.

Arad2 upgraded actually was the first time I ever enjoyed this map. The tanks still rule supreme but with the new diversity in tanks it seems more balanced. I need more testing on this one though. I almost never see a server running it with enough people to support such a huge map.

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