jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Make this game like tf2

With Strange Weapons!!!

Strange weapons that track zed kills!

This tracking is tied to the weapon so even if you sell the weapon and buy a new one from the trader, it would keep the counter.

Also include other variants:

Total zeds killed(all zed types)

Clot killed

Gorefasts killed

Bloats killed

Stalkers killed

Crawlers killed

Husks killed

Sirens killed

Scrakes killed

Fleshpounds killed

Patriarchs killed

Also includes other things like

Healing points for med guns and syringe

FPs raged (tracks how many times you cause a fp to rage with that weapon)

Scrakes raged (tracks how many times you cause a sc to rage with that weapon)

Teammates killed (for FF servers)

Makes a good way to wave your huge e-peen around. Earn yourself a bragging right as you show off your shiny golden AA12 that killed over 2 million zeds over your KF career.

or sulk about how you have 200 Patriarchs killed on your 9mm!

Doesn't work in certain maps ofc like testing maps or perk grinding maps!

Even better if you can also separate the difficulties too!


Clots killed-Beginner

Clots killed-Hell on Earth and so on

How this works is by addig an Option in the Settings menu to enable/disable Kills Tracking.

If you opted to enable this option, you can then select what zed type kills that you would like to track and show to others.

In-game, other people and you can use a new command called Inspect just like tf2 where you simply aim at a teammate and press the bind for Inspect and you can see what weapons he is using and the stats of the weapons(only shows stats that the player opted to show in the Settings previously mentioned)

You can opt to show nothing to others if you want to hide the shame or you're too badass for an e-peen contest.

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