dimanche 7 décembre 2014

Idealistic balance that can be formed from kf1

I know alot of people felt very strongly about the end game balance in kf, and I was just making this thread to foster different ideas on maybe applying things that were learned in kf1 to make better balance in kf2.

At least at the time I last played consensus was that Commando was one of the most balanced perks. I think this is because it performed as expected for people. They were good at taking out trash mobs, if you aim well and conserve ammo to a degree but bigger zeds take teamwork and planning and knowledge at least on harder levels of play.

I do think however if every perk played that way, you'd have a very boring game. I liked the idea in KF1 certain perks excel at certain zed removal and it made it great fun in 6 man HoE to have to consider your map and perk composition of your team to be more successful. This creates problems however, that are difficult to balance and coding in weaknesses for every perk, if bigger baddies are easily dispatched for certain perks, makes it harder to balance. I think on top of having a zed type your perk excels at dispatching, having a zed type you are very weak against also helps. For example.

Berserker was long considered a balance issue because they excel at surviving and once you know how to play them, they are very slippery and can deal wth any zed. The damage reduction was hit and other things several times. In my opinion, making it so berserkers have an extreme weakness against crawlers while being able to deal with scrakes well would be a good balancing point. Maybe add somedifficulty to crawlers by reducing AoE damage and giving crawlers the ability to jump on and disable melee attackers temporarily. Just an idea don't hang me.

Another perk that was troublesome and seemed to excel at everything was sharp shooter. You could argue large hordes of trash were their weakness, but it simply wasn't the case in a game where that's really everyone's weakness is being over run. They could take out trash better than commando under several situations. And yet they can deal with Fleshpounds and Scrakes extremely effectively. For single target shooters the red zed's should probably be their biggest weakness. Maybe give them some form of headshot resistence from smaller firearms and make them move unpredictably. Since they can close gap so quickly this would give sharpshooters a bigger weakness since they can dispatch bigger zeds so effectively. This would make the game, in my opinion more blanced and exciting for team play creating situations where everyone has to watch everybody elses back and you don't have some perks that just shadow others.

I'm not saying that's the end fixes but I think having a zed you're good at defeating and a zed you're bad at defeating for every perk makes some interesting team game play mechanics.

Some of the perks had odd balance. Like demo. They can take out fleshpounds better than any other perk hands down. If they see it soon enough. They can take out large groups of zeds easily as long as they see them soon enough. But scrakes present them with a problem as they have too much hp and don't take amplified damage from explosions like fleshpounds. And stalkers also present a problem as they can literally make you blow yourself up. They also create smoke and limit visibility. And it feels like alot of these balance points are cicumstantial rather than planned and built in. And while interesting and perhaps could be expanded on I'd like to see most balance points of perks planned and completely intentional rather than circumstantial.

Feedback welcome.

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