lundi 29 décembre 2014

Character's facial expressions

After looking at some screenshots, I could see how much nicer the characters' faces look (obviously due to the new engine). But it made me think, do the characters' faces change due to different situations?

For instance, if they are shooting a big gun or they kill a lot of zeds at once would they get a kind of evil grin? >:]

Or maybe, if they needed help (because a fleshpound was on their arse) they would have a look of terror or dread?

Also, one of the first things I noticed about the new zeds was that their facial expression have improved two fold. In kf1 you had enemies that felt very static in many ways, and now when looking at kf2 I see the enemies' eyes move and they seem to really look at you. I think this is really cool because a lot of "life" or maybe a sense of "humanity" comes from the eyes.

But back to my original idea, I was wondering what the community thinks about having the playable characters having different facial expressions.

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