lundi 29 décembre 2014

RO2 Invite to play against FH

Forgotten Honor (FH) is an "old" CD clan, but we can play TE matches too.

We play matches with TWIL rules. In short:

6-8 players on each side (equal number of players)

No recon

No spawn on SL

SL has bolt rifle

Weapon level capped to 25 by server

Role level capped to 1 by server

When the match is scheduled, we expect opponent team to bring min 6 players on time and play the whole match (2 maps). We will choose 1 map, opponent team will choose the other map. List of possible maps is here:

Match can be played on TWIL server if both teams are registered there, or on our server (EU).

To arrange a match, please send friend invite to [F|H]Rivimies on steam.

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