lundi 22 décembre 2014

RO2 AVT-40 Is Best Gun!

All right so i know a lot of people hate the AVT-40 in full auto, as this gif demonstrates:

But I think it's the best gun ever. Here's why:

- there is a difference between holding down the trigger and firing bursts in full auto. No one expects any type of gun to stay straight while holding down the trigger for the whole magazine, much less a gun that puts out 10 rifle shells in under a second. However, if you fire 2-3 bullet bursts, you can achieve accuracy well over 100m. Just yesterday, on the Stalingrad Kessel map, I put away 3 germans at 40-50 meters with 2 bullets each - so don't think full auto is worthless, it's just very VERY touchy.

- Reload, Reload, Reload. 10 bullets go in less than a second with this gun, and even in bursts you're lucky to get 3 or 4 at a time. After every kill, I reload fully, because sometimes it takes all 10 bullets to kill someone in close quarters, and it can save your life. At least 12 times I've ran into a German at longer range than I can bayonet them, but one well placed burst of rounds saves me before he can aim.

- Don't aim, feel. Often times, at close quarters, milliseconds count for lives. The AVT has massive recoil, but can be easily exploited. When aiming at a person close range, aim at their feet or crotch, and watch the AVT fly upwards, putting a nice seam of bullets up their tunic. At longer ranges, know the first bullet is the most likely to hit, but if you aim low, you have a good chance of getting the enemy on the second bullet.

- FOR GOD's SAKE DONT GO SEMI-AUTO. I NEVER go semi-auto, because you're just holding the gun back. It needs to fly and put bullets out at a fast clip, and use it. I've killed Germans that were sticking only their helmets out at 100m because I aimed low and put 3 bullets in their general area. Learn to use the AVT's "flaws" as advantages and you'll absolutely love it. It's my #1 favorite gun, and nothing else compares. And I don't even have the bayonet or scope for it.

Thanks for reading.


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