jeudi 18 décembre 2014

Will KF2 "show off" a player's selected avatar?

To quote Cliffy B during the production of Gears of War while it was still a first person shooter, he and his staff said upon implementing UE3 that "it would be a crime not to see" the game's hero.

When Metroid Prime was in development and shifted from third person to first person, Shigeru Miyamoto advised the staff at Retro Studios to "show as much of Samus as possible during cutscenes" and transitions.

Now I'm not suggesting for KF2 to go TPS (I'm sure someone out there will make a mod for that anyways) but as we're beginning to see the characters and level of detail (and customization) in them, I too feel that these avatars should receive some additional spotlight for the individual player. After all, once we're in the shoes of said avatar, we won't be seeing much of them afterwards.

Does anyone have any ideas for opportune times where TWI could feasibly showcase a player's avatar? Here's a few I thought of.

Lobby Before Match:

The game lobby is formed where you'll see our heroes all in a room together idling. One player could be sitting examining his/her weapon, another is leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette, etc (would be cool if each player can select their own preferred idle stance).

This would be the time where each player would select their character/perk/perk bonuses. If a player clicks on the name or body of another player, the camera would move over to them and showcase what their current setup would be (I wouldn't mind using this to review what perk bonuses fellow teammates are using).

And if done right, TWI could manipulate the music and appearance to instill any kind of emotion they want into this lobby. For example, if it's a game set on Normal, the vibes of the lobby would be determination and optimism to go and "kick some @$$". But if the game is set to HoE, the ambience and body language of all players would showcase a sense of fear, dread and desperation.

Trader Wave:

Once in the trader menu, you would see your character up close holding the weapon the player is choosing on the other side of the screen. Cue quirky animations if the player/avatar is holding a gun he can't afford/carry.

Lobby/Devastated Area After Match:

This I'm sure everyone could visualize in their own way. The heroes all stand together atop a canvas of gore and carnage decimated. If TWI decides to showcase some sort of post-game stats screen, this would be the time to do it.

Anyone else think this would be a good idea? Or just a waste of resources for vanity over at TWI?

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