mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Making gibs stay?

Hey guys, I found a few guides online on how to make bodies and decals stay. Followed those guides and the result is great, actually feels like a battlefield with all those bodies lying around. Something that many good others fail to deliver (I`m looking at you Battlefield and Insurgency).

However I did not find a variable for the blown off arms\legs and they disappear shortly after being dismembered which makes it pretty likely to find a gory torso with no body parts lying near it. If anyone could tell me how to change it, that would be great.

One more thing, about the perma blood\corpses thing - I manage to have all the corpses and the blood stay, but bullet holes on the characters shortly disappear, no matter what I set MaxPlayerWoundDecals and PlayerWoundDecalLifetime. Anyone has an idea?

EDIT: link to the guide I used, for anyone interested:

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