mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Steam Chat Spreading Malware


Most people know not to click on suspicious links from strangers, but suspicious links from friends are more of a marginal case. Malefactors are currently using Steam, Valve's popular PC gaming platform, to spread malware by hiding a nasty program in a supposedly innocuous screenshot that looks like it is coming from a trusted friend.

Security expert Graham Cluley shared the story, which one of his readers brought to his attention. The malware comes via Steam's built-in chat client and, in all likelihood, will appear to come from someone you know.

If you receive a message on Steam that reads "WTF?????" and links to a JPEG image called "screenshot," steer clear and inform your friend that he or she needs to run a virus scan posthaste. The link leads not to a strange picture, but rather to an executable SCR file.

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