mardi 23 décembre 2014

Switch Param in Materials

While messing with the Street Lamp Mesh from the SDK:


I tried to turn on the emissive lighting as its material has emmisive characteristics:


The Meshes Material has a "Switch Param" 'Light off/on' variable:


I selected this variable in the meshes MaterialInstance here:


But no matter what I try, I cannot get this material's emissive material to show in the SDK or PIE. I tried editing the material to remove the Switch Param and have it just show Emissive all the time, but this did not work either. The UDK forums mention these params and supposedly by selecting the switch in the MaterialInstance settings, it should activate. Has anyone had any luck or tried anything like this before. I am complete Material Noob when it comes to UDK so Im sure I am missing something obvious.

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