mardi 23 décembre 2014

RS Campaign Mode: Maps in Reverse

Hello friends,

the idea of the campaign reversing roles is a nice idea, which works nicely with the Germans and Soviets as both feature a similar class set and field similar weapons. Both have semi auto rifles and good SMGs.

This can't be said for the Pacific theatre. The US forces field way more semi/automatic weapons than the Japanese, which is historically accurate as the Japanese began experimenting with semi auto in late war around 1944, also SMGs were never available in large numbers.

The Japanese are excellent in defense. Their bolt action rifles are accurate on long range whilst the semi autos of the US often miss their target at mid to longer range. The Japanese have their unique ability of using demo traps making it hard for US forces to clear out enemy strongpoints that are guarded by these "land mines". All these bonuses fail when the Japanese are attacking.

The flamethrowers on defense often make it impossible to capture an objective as in last second save the Japanese attackers are roasted. Japanese could never do that, not even with a suicide nade attack.

The knee mortar was promised to balance the flamethrower, which is bogus. You carry about 5-6 shells that often do nothing but fireworks.

The flamethrower with its magical flames that go through walls is way more powerful.

If the Japanese are to attack it often takes a lot of luck to get the Yankees.

My suggestion therefore would be to vastly increase the amount of reinforcements available IF the Japanese are the attackers on a map they defend on default.

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