dimanche 28 décembre 2014

How to be the best Field Medic there is.

Well, best in MY opinion, anyway.

This includes being able to take down ZEDs in a 6-man Hell on Earth game by yourself, incase the rest of your team was bad enough to die on their own, no matter HOW MUCH you healed them.

What you need to do is have the characteristics of a divergent. Don't stick with only the Medic guns. Have at least 1, so that you can maintain distant healing, but also use off-perk weaponry.

I messed around in a solo game of testmap and so far discovered three different loadouts that the Field Medic can use for self-defense. One of which, however, doesn't have a medic gun, so I wouldn't recommend using that in an online game.

****THESE SETUPS DON'T ACCOUNT FOR THE PATRIARCH WAVE. I will make a seperate video on that later.

Yes, video. I make videos on these things. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr1...1Adf_Dg/videos

(I'm almost finished editing my video on setup #2)

Setup 1 (My best one yet, and highly recommended in wide-open maps):



Schneidzekk (strongest Medic SMG)

Compound Crossbow

Pipebombs (2)

Medic grenades


+It is POSSIBLE to beat a 6-man HoE game with this setup!

+The 9mm has a substantial amount of ammunition; great backup weapon for dealing with trash mobs, as long as you can headshot easily with it!

+Can maintain distant healing while defending self with powerful weaponry

+Satisfactory crowd control on trash mobs (weaker ZEDs) using the first 3 weapons

+Noticeable quick take-downs on bigger ZEDs

+Can use crossbow to instantly take out those annoying Husks (I HATE THEM!)

+Can use Medic grenades to successfully escape being trapped and/or dealing with large groups of weaker ZEDs


-Crowd control can be overwhelming when you’re in the middle of reloading the SMG and pistol

-Melee weapon has short range and requires you to be super up-close to the ZEDs, risking having your Medic armor’s percentage decrease slightly

-Med grenades can be destroyed by Sirens (so BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THEM!)

Setup 2 (Not recommended in a public game, but still works great for self-defense):



Hunting Shotgun

Pipebombs (2)

Medic grenades


+It is POSSIBLE to beat a 6-man HoE game with this setup!

+The 9mm has a substantial amount of ammunition; great backup weapon for dealing with trash mobs!

+Melee combat vastly improved; damage and range are increased, compared to the Machete/Knife

+Can use Medic grenades to successfully escape being trapped and/or dealing with large groups of weaker ZEDs


-Loses ability of distant healing; will rely on med-syringe and healing grenades for team support

-Although the Hunting Shotgun’s alt-fire can wipe out groups of ZEDs at a time, a shot like that is dependent on a variety of factors; the ZEDs must be lined up in a way, and the crosshair should be pointed in the dead center so that the pellets will actually go through their hitboxes.

-Although it’s definitely possible killing the bigger ZEDs, it can be a hassle. More distance is required, and more precise timing is needed.

-This setup will make you weaker to ambushes, like Crawlers jumping down from the bridge on WestLondon where the broken down bus is.

-Med grenades can be destroyed by Sirens (so BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THEM!)

Setup 3 (Works really well, although it's a slight downgrade of setup #1):





HSG-1 Shotgun


+It is POSSIBLE to beat a 6-man HoE game with this setup!

+The 9mm has a substantial amount of ammunition; great backup weapon for dealing with trash mobs!

+Can maintain distant healing while defending self with powerful weaponry

+Melee combat vastly improved; damage and range are increased, compared to the Machete/Knife

+Can use Medic grenades to successfully escape being trapped and/or dealing with large groups of weaker ZEDs

+Superb crowd control; SMG can be used to take out the front lines, HSG-1 can be used to penetrate through a couple of ZEDs in either a tight or wide space, Katana can assist with dealing with the front lines, and the 9mm serves as a backup pistol


-Increased difficulty on killing the bigger ZEDs

-HSG-1 Shotgun has low ammunition

-Entire usage of med grenades might be needed for dealing with Fleshpounds (if you can salvage at least 1 after killing a FP, great! But preserve as much of your armor as possible!)

-Med grenades can be destroyed by Sirens (so BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THEM!)

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