mardi 23 décembre 2014

My KF2 wishlist :)

I have so many ideas but honestly? This is what would be good enough for me:

- With this gore system I only wish blood and decals (bullet holes, nades and flames tint) would not disappear in like 5 second as it was in KF1

- lots of lovely guns. I prefer real counterparts but some of fake could do. Loved saw bow for berserker :)

- More easy to kill (even special zeds). I wish they feel pain. Mean if I hit FP with shooty he would slow down or even stopped for a moment. I hated when I did put tons of lead in to zed and he, as nothing, still walked towards to me.

- maybe some defend mechanics for close combat when, lets just say, you ran out of ammo. Np stick shotgun as a barrier while reloading :)

- If there would be more easy to kill zeds, make real recoil as in real weapons counterparts then. I shot almost all types of weapons and know that different caliber weapons has different recoil (that was somewhat in KF1) and that's what everybody knows. What does not everybody know is the fact that handguns and none butt weapons has more recoil (push up) then even battle rifles, shotguns has same effective range as pistols etc, etc.

- Better fov model first person view. In kf1 some of the weapons (same as it is in KF2 gameplays i noticed) has perfect fov view while wielded weapon (scar, mkb 42, almost every pistol etc.) others worst (shotguns, except AA12, l85, m4). The good way to set view for weapons with stock is to see trigger unit and part (half maybe) of buttstock. This is how I seen AK47 while aiming str8 but not trough sights (ppl call it hip firing although it is not hip in real)

- Finally. Whatever you will do it will be fine. You can make as meany DLC with new content but please, just PLEASE, do NOT make us pay for each one as it was in KF1. I prefer to pay more for final game but to have all content included. Lets just say gold, or all season pass, whatever.

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