dimanche 21 décembre 2014

I have a KF Server for FREE!

We run a website where we used to play Urban Terror (http://urbanterror.info) only. That game is on its deathbed and we moved to some other games but nothing has really captured everyone in our little group so we are playing a bunch of different games. I play Arma3 and Dayz, others are playing Urban Terror still and others are playing various other games.

Well here is our situation: I have 5 Virtual Servers (3 linux, 2 windows) that I have been paying on for years and I usually pay a year at a time and receive a significant discount. I dont want to get rid of the servers and I dont have any games that fill them up. So what I did was create a few game servers with the idea that someone else could run them. We have a few now doing that, but I want some more. I have been running a Killing Floor server for a few months now but I have only played on it 2 or 3 times .. its basically ignored. Thats not what I want. I want to have servers running and getting regular use, and create traffic on OUR website. The idea is that maybe other people who play other games will be introduced to games we play and we can get a larger, more active group.

So here is the deal: I provide the server and the website for support. You provide the admin time and effort. I can help with any linux issues or help add new features etc, but I dont want to deal with any of the server issues itself. You can do whatever you want with the server, whatever mods, maps, settings, ... its YOUR server. I would like some acknowledgement in the server of who is hosting the server, something as simple as "Visit IareGamePlayer.com for support"

The server will be up and running as long as you want to do it .. at no charge. If they get used, you can have more than one server.

If you are interested contact me on our website http://ift.tt/1zk96Lu

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