mardi 3 mars 2015

Simulated lag / latency


I was wondering if KF 2, will have something to simulate (lag/latency) over LAN's while hosting a Listen only server or even a Dedicated server.

So the host is not ping 0.

Even a game as old as Quake 1 had others develop simulated ping, which would add latency and simulate delay.

Are there any plans to incorporate this into KF 2? or even, KF 1?

I'm still doing research seems the Unreal engine which KF 1 was built off of, did support -pktlag=80 parameter, but, it does nothing for KF 1.

Very interested in hosting a KF 1 server, off my own connection and tested it in listen mode today and local user got 32ping, off me same city whereas someone in Australia got 204ping. How well that will hold up if the server gets full, is another story.

Still... is there any way to simulate ping in KF 1? (not just show a different ping number, but actually feel like your experiencing a latency delay... and i'm not talking about ZED time, even if that is a delay FX that obviously does affect, the fps rate, but I don't think it affects the network/connection latency. (though) I could be mistaken.

Thank you.

Range of 25-50-75 would be nice, or higher.

Old proquake developed by some quake fan, went up to a max of 300ping latency.

Which did an didn't always work, depending on system hardware. sometimes 300ping would (totally lock up any movement/controls), and just under it around the 200ping range would, work fine.

It was great for challenging yourself beyond what the game could normally provide you with.



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