mercredi 25 mars 2015

Perk skills speculation/ideas

What do you think will be in the game? What do you think would be fun to have in the game?

Since we haven't seen the zerk yet I thought I'd come up with some stuff for him :D

Here's what I think would be fun to use for the zerk (especially the world slows down but you don't thing)


Level 5:

Can't be grabbed by clots


Teammates can switch between weapons 15% faster

Level 10:

15% movement speed bonus


50% more HP

Level 15:

25% more chance to stumble zeds with heavy attacks


25% movement speed bonus while at 40% HP or less

Level 20:

15% more damage with light attacks


20% more damage with heavy attacks

Level 25:

Zed time doesn't slow you down. Move around and swing just as fast as you would normally.


You get a temporary boost of damage for every zed killed capping at 50% bonus damage. The bonus damage decays greatly every 3 seconds if you don't do any melee damage to a zed.

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