vendredi 5 décembre 2014

My Suggestions

Not sure if these have been addressed yet since I just joined the forum but long time fan and player of KF since release.

I've been following Killing Floor 2 development very closely and I play tons of Killing Floor on a daily basis for hours on end, never gets tired.

One thing I truly TRULY would like to see in the game is more character dialogue amongst character models voice commands.

Something I really enjoy from both Left 4 Dead games and Zombie Panic: Source is the constant voice commands where the characters have something snarky to say about one another. Somethings I just love to do while in-game (no harm intended) is insulting specimens and players through voice commands. Like I wish you can look at a character model and either tell them to shut up or to calm down! Or LOOK BEHIND YOU Maybe like a warning system instead of screaming like a little bitty when you see a scrake, or when you see a dangerous enemy approaching. Let's say a horde is coming, sirens, etc. Or call out a sharp shooter to man the front or someone to cover you and whatnot.

So in a way a warning/help system voice commands and maybe more wittier commands like when you say, "I need some money." And lots of people usually like to say No and it would be cool if your character can say something witty like "Sharing is caring!" or something along the lines with a witty insult "Ah! You greedy plunker!" Something like that...

Last two things that I would also love to see implemented is more story line throughout the game...I'm not sure if Tripwire will be implementing A Single Player Campaign since the storyline is so enthralling but the idea of it is fascinating and it would absolutely fullfill my KF DREAMS :D *dazes into fantas* Moving further along I hope there are different modes, maybe players being able to play as a specimen of some sort...I think that would be frickin cool.

But yeah those are just my suggestions, if someones already mentioned them then I apologize in advance.

Thanks for reading!

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