- EMP Grenade
- “ EMP had its days before the Flashbang and the Freeze Grenade came along, and in contrast to said grenades, the effectiveness of EMP is too reluctant to work with hence unstable to worthwhile. Needs a rework IMO. ”
- “ EMP had its days before the Flashbang and the Freeze Grenade came along, and in contrast to said grenades, the effectiveness of EMP is too reluctant to work with hence unstable to worthwhile. Needs a rework IMO. ”
- Crovel Survival Tool
- “ Could use more bludgeon power, say, higher heavy attack damage and-or an AoE bash to secure its place in the Berserker arsenal. ”
- “ Could use more bludgeon power, say, higher heavy attack damage and-or an AoE bash to secure its place in the Berserker arsenal. ”
- Katana
- “ You're either really enthusiastic for its class or you're that insane to pay 600 dosh just to have a ~15% higher DPS, a stab that has greater reach (to disrupt Scrake's action), and a block of carry capacity to spare with. IMO, it needs something more to reflect its class. ”
- “ You're either really enthusiastic for its class or you're that insane to pay 600 dosh just to have a ~15% higher DPS, a stab that has greater reach (to disrupt Scrake's action), and a block of carry capacity to spare with. IMO, it needs something more to reflect its class. ”
- VLAD-1000 Nailgun
- “ Nailgun should be more useful for being a ranged weaponry for a melee-oriented class, needs buff to make it more 'useful' - say a faster RoF in single-shot mode. Also, I can't be the only one who can't get over with its glass-breaking firing sound, am I? ”
- “ Nailgun should be more useful for being a ranged weaponry for a melee-oriented class, needs buff to make it more 'useful' - say a faster RoF in single-shot mode. Also, I can't be the only one who can't get over with its glass-breaking firing sound, am I? ”
- Pulverizer
- “ The overwhelming knockdown power it has seems to bother a lot of players. Perhaps it needs to a rework so that it's more so an explosive addition to the perk's arsenal, say, making its explosive attack weaker (less damage and smaller kill radius) in exchange for greater usage (larger ammo pool and lower ammo cost). ”
- “ The overwhelming knockdown power it has seems to bother a lot of players. Perhaps it needs to a rework so that it's more so an explosive addition to the perk's arsenal, say, making its explosive attack weaker (less damage and smaller kill radius) in exchange for greater usage (larger ammo pool and lower ammo cost). ”
- Zweihänder
- “ Big sword that nobody fond of. Initially, it WAS indeed too powerful and direly needs a nerf, which it got nerfed right into oblivion in v1015. By my calculations, it should be a bulky big sword that deals big damage and slow to use with. ”
- “ Big sword that nobody fond of. Initially, it WAS indeed too powerful and direly needs a nerf, which it got nerfed right into oblivion in v1015. By my calculations, it should be a bulky big sword that deals big damage and slow to use with. ”
- Eviscerator
- “ As far as I see it, Eviscerator has issues in two fronts; one being it is a bit awkward to work with; especially when it ran out of ammo, another being it is overly reliant on its primary attack that is too inconsistent for it to be the meanest tool of the trade. ”
- “ As far as I see it, Eviscerator has issues in two fronts; one being it is a bit awkward to work with; especially when it ran out of ammo, another being it is overly reliant on its primary attack that is too inconsistent for it to be the meanest tool of the trade. ”
- Bone Crusher
- “ This one is being oddly offensive for such defensive additional to the franchise, which diminishes the attraction to go for other offensive options in terms of melee combat. ”
- “ This one is being oddly offensive for such defensive additional to the franchise, which diminishes the attraction to go for other offensive options in terms of melee combat. ”
- AR-15 Varmint Rifle
- “ To my knowledge, the damage buff was appreciated for a while until we realize it only further worsen how Commando players have been skipping SA80 and AK-12. In short, giving it higher usability and lower per shot damage should make players more likely to gravitate towards either itself or to other bigger rifles. ”
- “ To my knowledge, the damage buff was appreciated for a while until we realize it only further worsen how Commando players have been skipping SA80 and AK-12. In short, giving it higher usability and lower per shot damage should make players more likely to gravitate towards either itself or to other bigger rifles. ”
- SA80
- “ A mediocre automatic firearm by any measure, given this weapon ranked low amidst the tiers. So I figure this weapon might as well try to be a staple one. ”
- “ A mediocre automatic firearm by any measure, given this weapon ranked low amidst the tiers. So I figure this weapon might as well try to be a staple one. ”
- AK-12
- “ IMO, I think all tier-3 weapons should be sufficient to fill the main battle role, which will require a larger ammo pool to serve that purpose in this case. Also, a change is made to the burst mode to make it more practical than a gimmick. ”
- “ IMO, I think all tier-3 weapons should be sufficient to fill the main battle role, which will require a larger ammo pool to serve that purpose in this case. Also, a change is made to the burst mode to make it more practical than a gimmick. ”
- “ SCAR-H seems to lack the punch to portray the power of the full-sized cartridge it uses. ”
- “ SCAR-H seems to lack the punch to portray the power of the full-sized cartridge it uses. ”
- Stoner 63A LMG
- “ Doesn't kill anything as efficient as the SCAR-H yet bulkier, heavier, eats more dosh and bested by P90 SMG for damage, weight, and controllability. ”
- “ Doesn't kill anything as efficient as the SCAR-H yet bulkier, heavier, eats more dosh and bested by P90 SMG for damage, weight, and controllability. ”
- “ Due to mag size and design date, I feel MP5 should be a tier 1 instead. In comparison with AR-15 VR, MP5 is option with greater output but less accurate and conservative. ”
- “ Due to mag size and design date, I feel MP5 should be a tier 1 instead. In comparison with AR-15 VR, MP5 is option with greater output but less accurate and conservative. ”
- “ Ditto, due to mag size and design date, MP7 should be a tier 2 or at least a mid-tier between tier 1 and tier 2. ”
- “ Ditto, due to mag size and design date, MP7 should be a tier 2 or at least a mid-tier between tier 1 and tier 2. ”
- P90 SMG
- “ Removing the rifle-grade damage and the rest is natural. ”
- “ Removing the rifle-grade damage and the rest is natural. ”
- Kriss SMG
- “ A simple tweak to make Kriss look stat-wise more appealing. ”
- “ A simple tweak to make Kriss look stat-wise more appealing. ”
- SG 500 Pump-Action
- “ SG 500 is awesomely powerful, so powerful that I'd consider replacing it with a shaky M1887 Lever-Action instead. But I suppose tweaking stats is a more direct way for both internal testings and tackling the issues it got as it had become too forgiving after a series of buffs. ”
- “ SG 500 is awesomely powerful, so powerful that I'd consider replacing it with a shaky M1887 Lever-Action instead. But I suppose tweaking stats is a more direct way for both internal testings and tackling the issues it got as it had become too forgiving after a series of buffs. ”
- Double-barrel Boomstick
- “ Super shotgun is insanely strong even only within a narrow band where it'll prove effective, to the point I'd say straight nerfs are needed to restore the balance. With this being said, I suppose it also needs some help to make it less so of a tool to do recoil jumps and more so a shotgun to combat Zeds outside of its otherwise ridiculously short effective range. ”
- “ Super shotgun is insanely strong even only within a narrow band where it'll prove effective, to the point I'd say straight nerfs are needed to restore the balance. With this being said, I suppose it also needs some help to make it less so of a tool to do recoil jumps and more so a shotgun to combat Zeds outside of its otherwise ridiculously short effective range. ”
- HZ12 Multi-Action
- “ HZ12 simply offers too much and asks too little by comparison. In short, it dwarfs the performance/cost ratio of any other weapon in the game. ”
- “ HZ12 simply offers too much and asks too little by comparison. In short, it dwarfs the performance/cost ratio of any other weapon in the game. ”
- M4CS
- “ Straightforwardly, M4CS may receive further damage buffs until it's outright broken - where it'll still be bested by any other auto-shotguns for practical use given the inherent sluggishness there exists as its fast-paced usage conflicts with its reload mechanic. So I'd recommend to fit it into a new niche where it'll still be appealing by comparison of similar options.... Saiga-12, when? ”
- “ Straightforwardly, M4CS may receive further damage buffs until it's outright broken - where it'll still be bested by any other auto-shotguns for practical use given the inherent sluggishness there exists as its fast-paced usage conflicts with its reload mechanic. So I'd recommend to fit it into a new niche where it'll still be appealing by comparison of similar options.... Saiga-12, when? ”
- AA-12
- “ Everything about AA-12 feels right except how weird it is able to maneuver around as nimble as other lighter weapons. ”
- “ Everything about AA-12 feels right except how weird it is able to maneuver around as nimble as other lighter weapons. ”
- HMTech-101 Pistol
- “ Medic pistol has been kinda OP in a half good and half evil way, which I feel it should seek to become more usable and less lethal, so other tier-1 weaponry, particularly the dual 1858 Revolvers, won't look that bad in value. ”
- “ Medic pistol has been kinda OP in a half good and half evil way, which I feel it should seek to become more usable and less lethal, so other tier-1 weaponry, particularly the dual 1858 Revolvers, won't look that bad in value. ”
- HMTech-201 SMG
- “ Medic SMG has been the pea-shooter that fell out of favor by many, especially when you realize how inaccurate it is. IMO, it needs some help regarding its handling. ”
- “ Medic SMG has been the pea-shooter that fell out of favor by many, especially when you realize how inaccurate it is. IMO, it needs some help regarding its handling. ”
- HMTech-301 Shotgun
- “ A sad, sad shotgun that's been way under-performing despite it boasts the capability to dump out 10 buckshots through a 10-shell mag. ”
- “ A sad, sad shotgun that's been way under-performing despite it boasts the capability to dump out 10 buckshots through a 10-shell mag. ”
- HMTech-401 AR
- “ Similar to Medic pistol, the Medic AR has been too good in a way that makes other contenders; namely loadout set-ups; unappealing, so I feel it'll do greater good if it transit towards a solid weapon tier-3.5 weaponry. ”
- “ Similar to Medic pistol, the Medic AR has been too good in a way that makes other contenders; namely loadout set-ups; unappealing, so I feel it'll do greater good if it transit towards a solid weapon tier-3.5 weaponry. ”
- 1/2 Dynamite
- “ May it be the perk grenade that causes the biggest boom. ”
- “ May it be the perk grenade that causes the biggest boom. ”
- HX25 Grenade Pistol
- “ May the capability to deal 280 damage in one hit never be underestimated, but the usability as well as the cost-performance is so low that it contains zero cross-perk value in any practical way by comparison of a DEagle or Boomstick or any other option in similar class. ”
- “ May the capability to deal 280 damage in one hit never be underestimated, but the usability as well as the cost-performance is so low that it contains zero cross-perk value in any practical way by comparison of a DEagle or Boomstick or any other option in similar class. ”
- M79 GL
- “ A simple 40mm launcher that thumps Zeds occasionally should weigh less than 6 blocks, even just so its proficient perk could get more creative with the loadout set-ups of today or tomorrow. ”
- “ A simple 40mm launcher that thumps Zeds occasionally should weigh less than 6 blocks, even just so its proficient perk could get more creative with the loadout set-ups of today or tomorrow. ”
- C4 Explosives
- “ IMO, I see the current C4 stuck in a position where it's performance is replaceable by other explosive weaponry while its inherent limitation gravitates players off further to any other explosive option from this one. ”
- “ IMO, I see the current C4 stuck in a position where it's performance is replaceable by other explosive weaponry while its inherent limitation gravitates players off further to any other explosive option from this one. ”
- M16 M203
- “ I'd rate M16 M206 a painfully put-together combo of grenade launcher and automatic rifle that's respectively replaceable by their dedicated counterparts. IMO, it needs to become something more in order to stand up for itself. ”
- “ I'd rate M16 M206 a painfully put-together combo of grenade launcher and automatic rifle that's respectively replaceable by their dedicated counterparts. IMO, it needs to become something more in order to stand up for itself. ”
- RPG-7
- “ I'm looking forward RPG-7 to form a deeper characteristic rather than a bigger M79 GL that's not affected by the gravity, which in any case, made both of said options conflicting the viability of each other. ”
- “ I'm looking forward RPG-7 to form a deeper characteristic rather than a bigger M79 GL that's not affected by the gravity, which in any case, made both of said options conflicting the viability of each other. ”
Weapon Meta (v1053)
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