mardi 20 juin 2017

4 New Weapons, 3 New Maps, 3 New Enemies, and a few new gameplay options. {Please?}

It's been awhile now that i have had the urge to post about this
Hoping that maybe these things, or types of things could be added

First off, the weapons

1: Spas 12 Shotgun

Used by support, it has 16 rounds, and is a 12 gauge, so it has 12 pellets per shot
semi fast with decent damage, clip reloaded, instead of 1 shell per second

2: Aug rifle

used by commando and swat

it has 42 rounds, and can alt fire a single shot, or automatic primary

3: Flame MP5 or Flame dual Tec9's

Used by Swat and Firebug

I really really kept wishing that there was a SMG that shot fire bullets
And the Flame MP5 would have 45 rounds per clip
It has 2 alternating fires, a 3 round burst, or pure automatic
Each bullet is an incendiary and can set enemies on fire

Or it could be a tec9 that we can dual wield
each tec9 would be fire, but with 40 rounds
and you could purchase 2, to dual wield with 80 rounds
Dual flame tec9's would be kind of awesome to be honest

*Remeber those fire smgs in Left 4 dead 2? those were awesome
*Maybe dual flame tec9's could even be used by the gunslinger

4: Dual Shock Scimitars

Used By berserker

These would be a unique weapon

You may purchase 1, then another, to dual wield both of them
Depending on how many you have equipped, changes their animations and combat style

Single attack is heavier hitting, but dual wielding increases attack speeds
it will not shock on basic and heavy attacks
But on the alternate fire mode, right stick in, it plunges forward for a piercing move
The piercing move shocks any targets hit
and like the pulverizer each blade has a clip
5 rounds and 15 extra per sword, so when you have 2, its 10 and 30

The piercing shock attack has a chance to stun and nearby enemies will also be hit
Similar to the berserkers shock grenades


Generally the concept behind each of the 3 maps draws from current maps already

1: Zed landings Volcano

This map is on fire, on the mountain of the Zed landings map
It has a burning forest with a cottage as its central point
There are small rivers of lava, and you are able to overlook the mountain that is erupting
Staring down into the pool of lava erupting outward
This map takes place some time after its eruption, perhaps

2: Snow Black Forest

I really think it would be nice to have another snow map
And a snowy forest concept would fit almost perfectly
A bit wider and more open than black forest, this map would have a ski resort
Or something like that, much much snow to turn red XD

3: Poison Crawler Vat facility

This map is a horzine lab with tons of poison and toxic chemicals
There would be huge tanks filled with liquid poison, similar to hans' backpack xO
This map would also spawn in more poison white crawlers than regular maps
The green hue fills the air, and sometimes rooms will malfunction and fill with poison
You must move from room to room, similar to descent
But you can return back to a room that has been cleared out
*A room malfunctions and gives a timer as it fills with poison
You must get out of it, then it slams shut and locks itself
It will clear out, and vent the poison out, players and enemies locked inside will die
It is a serious hazard, but easy enough to avoid

4? as a possible 4th map, perhaps it could be a power plant
or even a nuclear power plant, a dam or some sort of electrical map


These 3 have been in my head for a long time, ever since i got this game
A bat, a wolf, a snake, basic concepts, but half zed - half animal

1: The bat is a support class enemy
This one is just a zed with no legs, he has arms that are bats wings
and a bat like head, he flies around and screeches
His scream increases the attack and movement speed of nearby zeds by 10%
He will bite at you, or fly at you to tackle you
IF you dodge his tackle he will hit the ground stunned for awhile
Or you can shoot him out of the arm with a clean head shot

2: Wolves, wolf based crazed zeds that rush at you
They have rabid wolf bodies with human like zed heads
a cage masks their eyes, they have about as much health as a clot
When you hear a howl a horde of them will rush out at you, 7-12 in 1 go
they will primarily target the weakest and strongest players in a match
whoever has the most or least kills
An alpha, white wolf has twice as much health and is 10% bigger than the others
He can grab the target and pin him down, you must mash buttons to escape and smash his head
When you escape his grab it kills him, and he only does 1 damage per second that he has you pinned down

3: Snake Zeds
Legs have been replaced with a snakes tail
They are smaller and slimmer in size, female forms, like gorgons
They can slither on walls and roofs, and drop down on players
They will swipe and claw at you, and can spit a bile like poison
their bile poison is more concentrated than a bloat, and deals damage on hit, and may slow you down for 3 seconds

4: Maybe we could get a new boss, an aerial one that flies, and lands sometimes
I really wish we had a 3rd variety to our boss rotation, maybe 3 or 4
or maybe the patriarch could get a tweak to his health by lowering it by 5-10%

-----------Gameplay Changes-------------

1: This is a small change to the hud count
When you press the Touchpad to check game stats
All you see is kills assits and dosh, but why not also heals
Heals should be added to the stats page along with kills and assists, for medics
So it would probably look like this
Dosh - Kills - Assists - Heals - Ping, just a tiny new addition

2: New Wave options

currently we only have 4 - 7 - 10
But now it would be 4 - 7 - 10 - 15 - 20 - Unlimited
On unlimited, there is no boss wave, and the game continues on until you all die

3: Enemy Spawn options

Before a match starts, if it is private, then we can set spawn restrictions on enemies

This would include, which enemies spawn, and how many can spawn
This option was in Killing Floor 1, but is absent in 2

You would be able to have a new option, Spawn Amount
100% (Normal) - 120% (20% more per wave) - 150% (50% More per wave)
this only increases the amount of enemies that will spawn per wave, not individual amounts at all

Option 2, is a new menu where you can tick on or off which enemies spawn during your matches
Like turning off bloat spawns, so none will spawn during the match at all
or sirens, fleshpounds, skrakes

These customized options will add more life to Killing Floor 2
Personally i think it would be awesome to turn off all spawns except Skrakes and Fleshpounds
Maybe this could create a new thing in the online servers to have events, like bloat swarm or siren swarms
the spawn amounts would also be affected as well, depending on which enemies are ticked on or off

4: New Overall Player Level Perk System

This would be a new additional system of 5 perks for players overall levels

Overall player level is a collection of all perks levels

these would be small optional perks that increase stats for all classes

probably new perks like,

Overall Level 25, The base First Two Perks

+10% health and 5% movement speed to classes

+10% damage and 5% damage resistance to classes

Overall Level 50, The second perks

+10% health and 10% faster reload speed

+10% health and 20% bullet penetration to classes

The essential point is that when a amount of total perk levels is reached, you get an overall perk bonus
It will apply to every class, and there would be 5 perks obtainable this way

1 - 25 Total, 2 - 50 Total, 3 - 100 Total, 4 - 150 Total, 5 - 200 Total

It would be pretty easy to obtain all 5 overall player level perks, just by leveling every class to level 20
But it would take some time, and it would be a kind of cool incentive to work towards
If the perks were worth it

Maybe 1 perk could focus on boosting the players 9mm pistol
and another could increase our grenade pool by 3 or 5

Thank you for reading these ideads, have a nice day xP

it would be nice if any at all were looked over and thought about

4 New Weapons, 3 New Maps, 3 New Enemies, and a few new gameplay options. {Please?}

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