lundi 5 janvier 2015

Kismet Question

If for some reason you wanted to have some side objectives be timed explosives like a search and destroy map but in a territory match, is there a way to do this solely in kismet, or would it require modding over some code from the search and destroy gametype?

What I'd like to possibly do is make a map where for the first five or so minutes the germans have normal reinforcements and the russians next to none, so that the germans starting from just one point can push forward and take several. Then after five minutes if the germans haven't taken all russian objectives from the scarce defenders the russian reinforcements are activated and they have to take back everything, but now with far greater numbers than the germans.

The point would be however, that if the germans push up past a bridge for instance, then they could quickly plant explosives at several places and then blow it up to cutoff an easier attack route. If I just made the map without the german initial assault then the germans could obviously just destroy everything behind their lines, and there would be no tension or struggle. But is this possible beyond simply having satchel objectives. Those don't really have as much excitement and are far too quick for what I'm envisioning.

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