samedi 24 janvier 2015

RS 2nd Rangers Battalion [2RB]


The 2nd Ranger Battalion is a realism community/unit for Tripwire Entertainment’s World War 2 first person shooter games Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm. Members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion are formed primarily from North America however the unit accepts players from all parts of the world as long as they are able to maintain attendance in any mandatory drills and events. The 2nd Ranger Battalion plays various games together as a community however their primary focus is Red Orchestra 2 and Rising Storm. The unit is open to expansion in any upcoming World War 2 shooters and adapts as the gaming industry does.

The objective of the 2nd Ranger Battalion is to provide its members a realistic and authentic and fun military simulation: complete with drills, ranking system and matches against fellow realism units. Members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion are provided with a Basic Training Course, Ranger Training Course among various other courses that members obtain through service and recommendation. The courses are challenging but provide members an opportunity to role play a significant part of history with a decorated unit.

Although the 2nd Ranger Battalion attempts to recreate a realistic experience, the unit makes having fun a priority and outside of any mandatory drills, members are free to play any other games and relax with fellow members of their unit. 2nd Ranger Battalion members play a number of games on the side that fit into anyone’s Steam library.


The unit runs a Public game and TeamSpeak 3 server where everyone is welcome to join. The information can be found below.

The password on our TeamSpeak3 is 2RB , we have 5 channels for public users to join and reside and game in (please be respectful of other users, members and administrators).

We welcome any, and all feed back.


As a unit which is actively growing, we are always seeking for new players to join our ranks. We welcome you to enlist with us, no matter how skilled you are or where you come from. Having fun and enjoying yourself is all you need to do!

The 2nd Ranger Battalion offers a different – but interesting – experience that our recruits can look forward to. Upon enlisting, you are put into the Basic Training Course where you are trained with your fellow platoon mates who come from different backgrounds. Graduates of the Basic Training Course have a wide array of paths to take, including but not limited to:

Ranger Training Course: Members of the unit go through character-testing training to earn the coveted Ranger patch.

Holding leadership positions: Be the one that your men can look up to. Serve as a Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant or even a staff officer.

Assisting unit operations: Ensure the smooth and efficient running of the unit. With a decent amount of roles; such as Drill Instructor, Specialist or Clerk, you can assist in the way that you like best.

Rank advancement: A lengthy list of ranks is there for you to climb up, each rank having a distinct responsibility.

Awards and medals: Ranging from Marksman Proficiency Badges to Individual Soldier Medals, you can be sure that your exemplary service will not go unrewarded.

If you are interested in what you have just read, why not head over to our Recruitment Office to enlist with us?


More information is available on our website. Visit us at Alternatively, you may contact us; on our TeamSpeak 3.

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