lundi 23 juin 2014

Victory for Team Realism?

Killing Floor II smells like victory for Team Realism!

Good to see that all of our suggestions and pages upon pages of text did not gone to waste!

Now it is time for Team Realism be summoned and discuss.

Alright, we got Paris instead of America, but I see what they did here. Paris is the city of light, but with the ZEDs crawling around, it is now a city of darkness. It is a metaphor.

Seeing the screenshots and video for the early development stages, I do have some concerns.

Brace yourselves, opinions are coming.


But dear TWI, Killing Floor looks like nothing more than Killing Floor I with better graphics. For now, we have the same characters, same weapons and same ZEDs in new maps.

No, just now!

You should give us new characters! Primarily French, and some foreign volunteers or tourists or whatever, but they must be new! I do not really care to see The Foster family again along with their their steampunk versions.

(Oh, you should add a Greek character. There are many of them in France and UK.)

Forget about the Desert camo SCAR already! This is a weapons that some American units use in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are no deserts in France and the French use the FAMAS.

Also keep in mind that France is very prohibitive about private possession of arms by its sla... ehm, I mean "citizens", so for the sake of reaslism, you should first add weapons that are used by the Police and Army there, older weapons that can be found in Army warehouses, guns that citizens have, like shotguns, and weapons that you can find from the Black Market as well as improvised weapons.

Don't do the same think that you did with Killing Floor I, alright?

( You know, Lasers before SMLE and then more Lasers and still no SMLE... :( )

Promises have been made about adding realistic weapons. GOOD!

Keep it that way!

Realistic ZEDs would also be essential. A shot to the chest of a Clot should kill it or at least drop it down. If a ZED is supposed to be tough, give it some armour, like steel.

I agree that Killing Floor is "Coolism" and that some "Realism" has to be "sacrificed", this is happening all the time in art. I do understand that this is not a real life like Holodeck simulation from Star Trek, and that even Holodeck users wouldsacrifice realism for coolism to make their experience more enjoyable. Kirk was a cheater, remember?

Games that aim for 100% realism really s##k, but I hope that realism will not be slaughtered in the shrine of Coolism and we will end up having only cool stuff but not actual realism.

Killing Floor is supposed to be about Survival - Horror. It should be like 80-70% Realism, 20-30% Coolism.

Killing Floor II is going to be more bloody and gory. Good!

Any chance for that ZED dissection minigame...? :rolleyes:

Maybe we can have anatomically correct ZEDs, (where applicable) since the game is going to be 18+ anyway?

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