lundi 23 juin 2014

Ping spikes, maybe, since last patch...

Is not anyone noticing ping spikes during the game, especially when the arty start or just high ping in "x" map?

No, it's not my fault, it's not my ISP. I have been investigating this thing and I noticed it's also the other players. First I thought it was PunkBuster but nope. My situation is that I only play on 2.FJg servers and one TW server camping since those are the only one that I have a good ping and most of the time are full. MAYBE it could be the servers, I'm not sure because most of my time I speed is only on the HoS 2.FJg server (If and admin could check them).

But yeah, usually my ping is of 134 when there is low traffic hours and 140 with arty, when there is high traffic hours it's usually 144 and a max of 150 with arty. Pretty much the same thing since the hit detection is awesome. But it's way to annoying when it spikes to 180 and even 200ms. It also stays to the 180. I also noticed that "Commissar'sHouse" have a ping of 200 when the match start and then it lowers to the normal ping after what, 5 min later. Not only this map, they are other ones with the same problem but I don't remember which ones...


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