mardi 11 mars 2014

Only ONE available weapon

Hello guys!

Since some weeks I got a really annoying problem. On some maps, I only can chose ONE weapon (only the main gun, like G41 or SVT40) - it sucks - specially when I play as commander and want to chose my binechular.... I only have my main gun - no grenades, smoke, pistol, .. even when I pick up a rifle or something, I can't use it!!

The problem appears randomly, but VERY often on maps like Fallen Fighters (my fav. map as commander :mad:), Mamayev Kurgan and Komissars + Pavlovs House.

I tryed to restart the game - always same problem. When the map is finished and a new fight begins, the problem ist often solved.

Maybe someone have an idea or the same problem? It's really annoying and the only thing I can do is to quit the game - Commander is my fav. class:mad:

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