jeudi 17 juillet 2014

Singleplayer not in my library after purchase

Why are there to versions of the same game? The stalingrad version and then the 10 dollar Red orchestra 2? What was the point of 2 seperate games?

Do i need the 10$ "red orchestra 2" version to play singleplayer? Wtf?

Also get rid of the "terminated message" It's not fair how im 50 hours into the game (played for 2 weeks until they made the stupid patch) and then i get kicked from every match. I ended up making a new steam, and family sharing it so I can play again. So whats with this patch if it causes more complaints then the game without the patch?

Personally I thought the game was fine, yes during the free sale period There were tons of cheaters, but the vote kick worked fine. They needed a vote ban option and it would have been perfect. We are innocent until proven guilty, and If i Did not cheat in this game, I did not deserve to be banned from the multiplayer. And since the game has no SP mode (its not in my library for some reason) the game is useless. There goes $20.

Kicking people who have VAC bans on their account is about as usefull as firing people who have criminal histories, and then making it very easy for people to name change to get around it. Why Go through all the hassle for us to continue playing using family sharing, if we arn't the ones cheating in the game. Just let VAC do its job and Ban people who cheated in the game, and then stop with all the stupid sales that draw hackers in.

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