vendredi 18 juillet 2014

KF No Big Guns mutator gpf issue

can anyone else duplicate this issue / conflict with no big guns?

i can't get my server to start with this one added to the list of mutators in my launcher.bat... server crashes if i switch it on via webadmin too

I'm using killmessages ver 3, antiblocker, and noobfilter - i'm assuming there's no conflict with as who would write a mutator that wont work with those 3 right?


anyways - here's the output:

C:\dedicatedservers\KFDS1\System>KF_server_launche r.bat

C:\dedicatedservers\KFDS1\System>ucc server KF-westlondon.rom?game=KFmod.KFGameT

ype?VACSecured=true?MaxPlayers=6?AdminName=Admin?A dminPassword=wiped?Mutator=

MutKFAntiBlocker.MutKFAntiBlocker,MutKillMessage.M utKillMessage,NoobFilter.NoobF

ilter,KFNoBigGuns.MutNoBigGuns -log=server.log

STEAMAUTH : SteamAPI_Init failed

Browse: KF-westlondon.rom?Name=KFPlayer?Class=Engine.Pawn?Cha racter=Corporal_Lew

is?team=1?Sex=M?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSecured=t rue?MaxPlayers=6?AdminName=Adm

in?ADMINPASSWORD=XXXXX?Mutator=MutKFAntiBlocker.Mu tKFAntiBlocker,MutKillMessage.

MutKillMessage,NoobFilter.NoobFilter,KFNoBigGuns.M utNoBigGuns

Collecting garbage

Purging garbage

Garbage: objects: 60068->60066; refs: 786403

Game class is 'KFGameType'

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 1250

STEAMAUTH : Steam auth system activation successful

Bringing Level KF-westlondon.myLevel up for play (30) appSeconds: 5.983000...

(Karma): Autodetecting CPU for SSE

(Karma): Using SSE Optimizations

(Karma): StaticMesh (W_Blinds) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

(Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

(Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

(Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

(Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

(Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

(Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

(Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

(Karma): StaticMesh (HW_Plane) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

(Karma): StaticMesh (W_Blinds) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.

SetAdminFromURL called

Mutators MutKFAntiBlocker.MutKFAntiBlocker,MutKillMessage.M utKillMessage,NoobFil


Missing ClassProperty ClassProperty KFMod.KFLevelRules.ItemForSale

GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False

KFLRules = KF-westlondon.KFLevelRules0

Game length = 2


(KFLevelRules KF-westlondon.KFLevelRules0, Function Engine.Actor.PreBeginPlay)







Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError

General protection fault!

History: UObject::ProcessEvent <- (KFLevelRules KF-westlondon.KFLevelRules0, Fun

ction Engine.Actor.PreBeginPlay) <- BeginPlay <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- LocalMa

pURL <- UGameEngine::Browse <- UGameEngine::Init <- UServerCommandlet::Main

Exiting due to error


FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 137 MByte 107 KByte 196 Bytes from HD took 0.962993

seconds (0.826993 reading, 0.136000 seeking).

FileManager: 0.115000 seconds spent with misc. duties

Name subsystem shut down


how does one ickle mut cause a gpf?

The only weapon that needs removing is the flamethrower. if there's a fix for this mut or another way of banning one weapon without losing perks....

ohyeah, PS: that one's on a win8.1 scrap rig i'm building as a guests lanparty client not a linux box. But its a decent enough cpu with 8 gigs of ddr3 etc... oh, and i've tried 2 mayb 3 different downloads - started with the "official whitelisted download"

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