jeudi 22 mai 2014

A friendly advice/petition.

First of all, this post was made by two really diehard followers of the KF1.

Remember when the first Killing floor was just released?, the ambient, the tilesets, the british darker ambient/enviroment the game had in that time really was the seal of the game, In their very own style, capable to equal and surpass in some ways the competition.

Later, in the development of about the last important updates, the new content didn't really fit with the original idea, i mean a chicken robot? Crappy characters? false concept weapons? energy powered plasma guns and sort of stuff? It really screwed up the game, and we steped aside, as we didnt see the game as it was. We think, KF's dark ambient had it's humorous couterpart in other aspects of the game, instead the newer content, for example the "dosh", the music did a lot of fun, the voices and attitude of the characters, even the monsters had it's part on that.

After this little introduction, we'd like to ask to please dont do that to the 2nd KF, keep it original and loyal to the original concept (a band of dudes, brittish lads who survives or endures the evil going on, with just regular weapons and objects: lever action rifle? easy to get. Greatsword? it's London..., etc). U have a great game concept here, it can be very succesful if done right.

That's our humble opinion.

Frenrihr and Prostagmo.

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