dimanche 25 mai 2014

KF To mourn Killing Floor: A Reflection

In the wake of the announced Killing Floor 2, I was recently inspired to make a video to sum up all the things the community loves about the survival horror classic that has stapled itself to video game community in recent years, to both admire the aspects of the great ZED killer why helping people transition on a happy note to the new age of Survival Horror, curtsey of Tripwire and it's loyal cult following.

How are you dealing with the thought that soon we will be killing Z.E.D.s in unimaginable ways, for incalculable hours, while the old trusty unreal engine powered classic gather dust, satisfied at a job well done?

For me it was the understanding that the update would be an indeed welcomed change, as the graphics even with their astethics 90's horror feel, has still not aged as we'll as one would hope. Alongside the realization that much of what was loved about the game would indeed, still remain unchanged.

When we really reflect on it, the reason Killing Floor has stood the test of time is that it appeals the much more primal side of us; reaching back into that dark and destitute origin from which man himself was birthed. Having the core foundations of masculinity that appeal universally to all men:

A small team of dependable, capable warriors : Men you can count on to get the job done, all with their individual strengths and weakness's.

A Universal Foe : The creatures that lay outside the pack waiting in the dark, now so bold that they would strike at the day. Differences disappear, and new bonds are forged.

Brutal Survivalism : The need to be strong within the group means in group competition. Your team needs to know you're strong, but more importantly, the enemy needs to know your stronger than they are.

It is these things which I believe bind us together, that the competition and need for traditional masculine virtues push each other and ourselves to keep striving for the next level in the fight against a infernal enemy.

And when you realize that much of that will remain consistent in Killing Floor 2, I was able to relax.

As the old saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

What say you, loyal tossers?

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