mardi 11 mars 2014

Tank Combat...How to

In the game tank vs. tank combat is an art form. The standard I see more than not is the two tanks at about 200m exchanging shots till one explodes.

My 'real' experience is with the M-2 IFV, but still a turreted vehicle and the same principles apply.

Always go to a good hull down position and scan the field, keep turret rotating fro 10 to 2. Look first at the 'where would I be?', then the usual travel and firing positions.

Always present your front armor towards enemy, so many times a tank will just rotate turret to face enemy rather than rotate vehicle so best armor is facing enemy. It is advantageous to have a driver/hull gunner, as well as gunner/TC, trick is the communication between the two.

Aim points, I go for the turret ring when I can see it, lower hull, then the hull mg/driver visor. Going nose to nose at hull pretty useless. If you are the victor...MOVE the bad guy will immediately 'look' for you where he last saw you, you know where he will show, and what he will present, so it should be easier.

It is so easy to 'pin' a tank in it's spawn area, where the only exits are covered, from again a hull down position, yes to keep the claims of spawn camping down, give him 25m or so.

Assault/Support mode. First off never move without an infantry screen to keep enemy infantry AT away from you. You infantry screens job is to keep Rambo and his AT grenade or satchel charge out of range. Tankers if and when smoke is anywhere near you vehicle, back out at least 50m or so, it is one of your teammates being stupid, or a enemy blinding you, both allow Rambo and his ATG or satchel to run up on you.

NEVER get in front of you Infantry advance, you are NOT an assault vehicle, you are a support vehicle, providing MG and mini arty (HE) fires on enemy positions. And if enemy has a tank as well, your job is to hunt him out to prevent him from doing what you should be doing.

I never went to actual combat in the M-2, did Ft. Irwin NTC, and quite well, using simple concepts from the manuals, understanding I am NOT a tank, and knowing what the 25mm could and could not do, at what angles and target aspect. In game there are so many times when I play tank I go for my TOW activation/raise button, memories

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