Hello everybody
After more than 220 hours working on this map, I bring you today a total new version of BarmWich Town, now there is no external packages, only my custom models and other models made by my friend Splinks, This new map is a looot bigger, also there is no Dead Ends now, all the areas are conected.
I added:
- A bar
- Interior areas
- Sewers
- Torture chambers
- Catacombs
- A barn
- More places
I apologize about the last version, it was crap, dead ends everywhere and several isusses with custom models. This map has been tested for the Mod4Dead Steam Group, trust me has been tested several times , and even more times fixed to bring you the best map I can make.
Final version doesnt mean the end, I will keep uploading the map if something happens or even to add or change things
I really hope you enjoy this map, thanks for playing
Wesker02, WeskerLuna,Alvaro Becerra
Hello everybody
After more than 220 hours working on this map, I bring you today a total new version of BarmWich Town, now there is no external packages, only my custom models and other models made by my friend Splinks, This new map is a looot bigger, also there is no Dead Ends now, all the areas are conected.
I added:
- A bar
- Interior areas
- Sewers
- Torture chambers
- Catacombs
- A barn
- More places
I apologize about the last version, it was crap, dead ends everywhere and several isusses with custom models. This map has been tested for the Mod4Dead Steam Group, trust me has been tested several times , and even more times fixed to bring you the best map I can make.
Final version doesnt mean the end, I will keep uploading the map if something happens or even to add or change things
I really hope you enjoy this map, thanks for playing
Wesker02, WeskerLuna,Alvaro Becerra
KF-Barmwich Town
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