Since the option menus of the previous Tripwiregame where a MASTERRACE (PCers) wet dream what are you preffered options or suggested options?
I will ony point out stuff that isn't present in the current Killing Floor or not represented in basic Unreal Tournament 3. If you like to add stuff to the list or alternate the list to your likings I also provide the formatting code for better readability. Since we are talking about a different engine the option could be named differently.
Low Violence
Gore multiplier
Mouse sensitivity (add a digit messurement to it)
Mouse sensitivity ADS
Renderer DX9/DX10/DX11
Enable Halfres (for lowend users/with dropdown for bilinear/double)
FOV (Field Of View) (60-90 at least)
Presets Low/Normal/High/Ultra/HellforPC
Bloom (please seperate Bloom from HDR)
Speaker Setting (if Fmod its useless :>)
Max Voices 128
Here is the code if you like to add stuff to the existing list of wishes and suggestions
I will ony point out stuff that isn't present in the current Killing Floor or not represented in basic Unreal Tournament 3. If you like to add stuff to the list or alternate the list to your likings I also provide the formatting code for better readability. Since we are talking about a different engine the option could be named differently.
Low Violence
Gore multiplier
Mouse sensitivity (add a digit messurement to it)
Mouse sensitivity ADS
Renderer DX9/DX10/DX11
Enable Halfres (for lowend users/with dropdown for bilinear/double)
FOV (Field Of View) (60-90 at least)
Presets Low/Normal/High/Ultra/HellforPC
Bloom (please seperate Bloom from HDR)
Physics(use HW/PhysX/OpenCL [if thats possible vor AMD])
Speaker Setting (if Fmod its useless :>)
Max Voices 128
Here is the code if you like to add stuff to the existing list of wishes and suggestions
[SIZE=4][I][B][GAME] [I][B][SIZE]
Low Violence
Gore multiplier
Mouse sensitivity (add a digit messurement to it)
Mouse sensitivity ADS
[COLOR=Orange]putt your addition here[COLOR=Orange]
Renderer DX9/DX10/DX11
Enable Halfres (for lowend users/with dropdown for bilinear/double)
FOV (Field Of View) (60-90 at least)
Presets Low/Normal/High/Ultra/HellforPC
Bloom (please seperate Bloom from HDR)
Physics(use HW/PhysX/OpenCL [if thats possible vor AMD])
[COLOR=Orange]putt your addition here[COLOR=Orange]
[SIZE=4][I][B][AUDIO] [I][B][SIZE]
Speaker Setting (if Fmod its useless :>)
Max Voices 128
[COLOR=Orange]putt your addition here[COLOR=Orange]
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