mardi 20 mai 2014

Classic Mode?

Lately I've been playing a lot of Killing Floor 2005 mod for Unreal tournament 2004, just to see what its like compared to killing floor retail. While it is challenging and very rough around the edges it is very fun. That got me thinking, what if killing floor 2 had a classic mode?

One trader location. Less Zeds per wave but more powerful. Slower movement. Limited weapon selection. Head shots don't trigger a count down to zeds death. Zeds overall health does not increase with more players on the server, but the damage the deal is bigger. In early waves the amount of zeds increase but in later waves, instead of increasing zeds, normal zeds are replaced with harder ones. You know, all the stuff the old mod did to make things challenging.

It could be really challenging but a fresh change up from the normal killing floor game play. Just thought it would be a interesting idea. Tell me what you guys think. I am new to the 2005 killing floor so I imagine I'm leaving some aspects out.

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