mercredi 30 avril 2014

RO2 Saipan Japanese tickets count

Spending a LOT of time being Team Leader on the Japanese side, I noticed that despite often getting experienced teammates (before the free weekend, hurr), and despite telling people not to take back objectives and falling back when needed, telling them to ditch objective E and stick with F, the Japanese still run out of tickets incredibly often.

There is no other map in the game where the defenders lose due to low ticket count as often as Saipan.

I would love to see the amount of tickets on this map getting a look at.

Reducing access points to the buildings in front of E would also be incredibly appreciated.

TL; Dr (really?): Even with a good, coordinated team, cutting corners by falling back and not taking back objectives, ditching capture sites and the entire team bunkering down at F, the Japanese lose due to tickets to an often inferior team at an alarmingly consistent rate. As defenders.

[Edit:] Wrong tag >_<

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